My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1190: Knowledge of eating meat

1190 The Knowledge of Eating Meat

Mayor Hu took two townspeople, held a torch, led Li Fan and the Dragon Girl, all the way to the path, climbed up a hill, and soon came to a black cave.

Li Fan felt a gust of wind coming from the grotto.

The torch was blown and shaken, and the fire seemed to go out at any time. Mayor Hu held a pistol and pointed at the grotto.

"Two comrades, the monster, are hiding in this cave!"

It is said that this mighty and bold, mayor Hu, who is usually steady, now looks quite heroic, ready to die generously.

"Is Mayor Hu sure you want to go in with us?"

Li Fan is not afraid, no matter what kind of monsters and monsters, he has a strong internal force, not afraid to beat. If there is a strong opponent, he will be a little excited. Li Fan is a standard martial artist. He takes pleasure in challenging masters.

"Did fight with them today!"

Mayor Hu exhaled, exclaimed indignantly, "If you go on like this, the mayor of my town will not be able to become a governor anymore! Therefore, I might as well fight it!"

Li Fan looked at the bold, 54-type pistol in the hand of Mayor Hu. He had put down the insurance and the muzzle kept falling to the ground.

"Okay, mayor Nahu, don't leave us."

Li Fan said that he had taken the lead in the cave.

Dark in the grotto, Mayor Hu held a pistol in one hand, held a torch in the other, and followed Li Fan in.

The Dragon Girl and Li Fan were almost inseparable. She also held a roasted sweet potato in her hand and followed behind while eating.

Li Fan feels that this girl is not here for the task, she is here for tourism!

"It's pretty beautiful inside."

The fire was shining, and the surrounding stone forest was everywhere. Strange stones, colorful, as if entering another world.

This beautiful grotto, coupled with an ancient city, really attracts tourists. No wonder the Songshan town had so many tourists before, it was really beautiful.

"It's beautiful."

Mayor Hu looked at the beauty here, and his eyes were a little confused. The head of this town is here, and changed his life's fate.

"Here is simply a reward from heaven, given to the townspeople of Songshan Town. Unfortunately, they didn't cherish it, but they ruined the mind of heaven."

"After all these years, haven't they settled down a lot?"

Li Fan asked.


Mayor Hu seems to be drinking wine to start talking outside.

"Most of the young people have left Songshan Town and stayed here, but they are some orphans and widows, and some guys who are delicious and lazy. These lazy men do n’t do business. You know how his husband was paralyzed by those people. Not to mention others, just to say that when I was here, when I was still under the covers, they were pulled from the bed, stripped of clothes, and hung on the square. It's been a day in the sun. "


Li Fan frowned. "Does the local police care?"

"Oh, the local police chief, and they are all a family, open their eyes and close their eyes on what they do."

"Then you haven't reflected it?"

"Reflected, but the above only told me that Songshan Town is nationalized and difficult to manage, which made me patient and deal with it slowly."

"That said, Songshan Town has been abandoned above."

Li Fan heard the reason.

"It's not just this place in Songshan Town, it even gave up on me."

Mayor Hu smiled bitterly, "I also just wanted to understand why my district director did a good job and was transferred to this poor mountain. When I was in the district, I offended some people because I wanted to crack down on the black cars in my district. Benefits. End, you see it. "

"So, what do you want to say?"

Li Fan looked at the mayor Hu in front of him. The fire light and the stone light in the hole reflected on his face, and he looked very distorted and very embarrassed.

"So, someone has to come out and punish these people."

Hu Zhen's torch swept aside, and a black cave in the back was illuminated.

Li Fan glanced inside. In this cave, the bodies of many people were hung. Some also wore police uniforms, apparently the police in this town.

The expression of death of each of them was extremely distorted, and seemed to be terrified at the moment of death. And the blood on them was cut, and some had fewer arms and some less legs.

The dragon girl was beside her, eating the sweet potatoes calmly, as if the stench that floated over, and the sight of the disgusting man, had nothing to do with her.

"These people, although their hearts are stinky, their flesh is fragrant."

The mayor Hu laughed and twisted more and more, and the energy of Li Fan slowly raised.

"In fact, I'm still very worried. Previously, Luo Luo's stupid girl always wanted to drive you away, probably because I was afraid you would be eaten by me. She doesn't understand me, but I'm so good to her because of me."

"You really have a strong taste."

The Dragon Girl finally groaned, "Human flesh is so unpalatable."

"But human flesh can live long."

Mayor Hu's eyes were excited, "You listen to my energy, I was transferred here 30 years ago as mayor. At that time, I was 50 years old. But you first, I am now eighty Years old, but if you look at me, you are in your forties? "

"Human flesh can indeed live long, but ordinary food methods are useless."

The Dragon Girl is very familiar with these things, "You ... is the Warcraft in this city."

"Warcraft? No no no, I'm a fairy."

Hu Zhen laughed, "Then the monkey monkey, the pig Bajie was not a human being before he became a Buddha? Right, you two, how can you say that it is a guest from afar? What is a chicken? It ’s for entertaining you, and I ’m afraid you ’ll say that I ’m being mistreated. I ’m very generous ... Yeah, look, look at this guy. ”

Mayor Hu grabbed the body of the policeman. "He is the police chief here. He's been dead for twenty years ... the uglier, the more fragrant the meat is. So I don't want to leave him until now Eat it. Oh right, do n’t worry, this cave has special ingredients. The corpse placed here, even after a hundred years, is still alive and its flesh is not rotten. So ah, when the emperor came here, it was a photo Hit here, make him the imperial tomb! "

Mayor Hu seemed a little excited, dancing and gesturing on the body of the police chief.

"Here is the thigh meat, which has the most chewing head! This is the buttocks, the buttocks are soft, and the deep-fried is most suitable! Yes, this is the tenderest meat, the neck meat! The meat here is the essence of the whole body It ’s best to eat it raw with salt! Two, you see, which one do you want to eat? ”

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