My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1189: The mayor follows

1189 The mayor follows

He promised to call him to eat at night, but Mayor Hu had no news at all.

Quietly around, the ancient city seemed to be dead, and no one was awake.

Li Fan heard that there was some movement downstairs. He went down to the first floor. The dim chandelier on this floor had no idea when it would go out.

Li Fan's eyes were dark, but he adapted quickly. The surrounding objects slowly appeared in front of Li Fan.

In this dilapidated small house, there is only a sofa in the living room on the first floor, and an old wooden coffee table. The floor of this living room was originally made of wood, but it was so rotten that one stepped on it, and they were afraid that it would sink into it.

Li Fan glanced over the sofa and found a man in a black cape sitting on it.

From the rhythm of the other person's breathing, Li Fan can tell that this is a woman.

Suddenly the other party jumped up from the sofa, she seemed to have adapted to the darkness, spotted Li Fan's position, and rushed over.

She rushed into Li Fan's arms and was held by Li Fan with her right hand. The fragrance of this woman floated into Li Fan's nose, which made Li Fan infinitely useful.

The smell is Lolo.

Li Fan's left hand pressed the falling wrist to prevent the sharp knife she was holding from piercing her belly.

"Beauty, would it be too exciting to find me so late."

Li Fan's voice sounded in her ear.

"Get out, get out of this town!"

The roar of the beauties, she seemed really angry.

She desperately wanted to pull her hand out of Li Fan's control, but how hard Li Fan was, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't escape Li Fan's palm.

She went mad and used a woman's best weapon, teeth.

Lolo snapped on Li Fan's wrist, trying to let him release his hand. Li Fan was worried about shaking Luo Luo's teeth and deliberately withdrew part of his body to hold his breath.

A bloodstain was bitten from his wrist, and a faint smell spread from the air. Lolo was still biting dead, without slackening.

"Comrade Agent!"

At this moment, there was a fire from outside, hitting Li Fan and their bodies.

Mayor Hu stood outside, with a few men in black robes beside him, each with a low face, a little gloomy.

"Lolo, bullshit!"

Mayor Hu commanded the left and right, and the two big men immediately stepped forward and dragged Luo Luo away.

Lolo sent out amazing power, she still bite Li Fan's hand as if she were going to bite off a piece of meat!

Lolo was forcibly taken away, and Mayor Hu stood apologetically in front of Li Fan. There was annoyance in his eyes, and he seemed to blame Lolo for his actions.

"I'm really sorry, Comrade Agent. Lolo has been a bit mentally abnormal because of her husband. She's not malicious, but she doesn't like foreigners. Don't be angry."

"It's okay, just a little hurt."

The wound on Li Fan's wrist had begun to heal, and there was a slight itch.

"Dinner has been prepared in the government cafeteria. Comrade Agent has been waiting a long time, let's go."

"Okay, I'll wake up my colleague."

Li Fanxin said that the dragon girl could finally be happier.

The two followed Mayor Hu and walked through the town. And the Dragon Girl was still mumbling.

"Eating and going to the government cafeteria ... It seems that the economy is not even there in the restaurants."

"Okay, it would be nice to have a bite of warm rice."

Li Fan reminded the Dragon Girl with a voice, "Be careful, I always feel weird."

"Strange? What is weird?"

The voice of the dragon girl rang directly in Li Fan's mind, which is the magical power of spirit.

"Can't tell, it's weird anyway."

Li Fan always had a bad feeling. He believed his instincts.

"Okay, my beggar chicken is more important!"

The Dragon Girl is a thorough food eater. As long as you can eat, everything else can be left behind. "

The government cafeteria is still old and full of food. However, the food in Songshan Town is relatively simple, such as roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, and roasted eggplants. But in the middle of the table, there was a begging chicken wrapped in mud, which attracted the attention of the dragon girl.

Others seemed to be ineligible to serve the table. Mayor Hu invited Li Fan to sit down with a girl in a black cloak next to him to pour wine.

"Come here, try, this is my own snake wine, which makes up a lot!"

The mayor of Hu Zhen kindly invited, and the dragon girl ignored his persuasion, and smashed the dried mud directly with a slap, and the chicken with outer coke tenderness was exposed inside. For a time, the aroma was fragrant.

Li Fan was embarrassed to quit, and he held up the wine glass, and there was a pungent smell in the glass.

This medicinal wine is not something you can drink casually. It is the so-called deficiency. If you are weak, you can drink the medicinal wine casually, but it is easy to drink nosebleeds.

But Li Fan is so proficient that he can turn this tonic into energy.

"I told the two, that Shilong Grotto is strange."

Mayor Hu whispered with Li Fan while drinking, it seemed to be a bit high.

He opened the conversation box and couldn't take it anymore.

"I am an atheist, but now I feel that the Shilong Caves are haunted! Otherwise, why are the people in this town missing somehow?"

"Don't think about it, I'll solve it for you. By tomorrow, things will come to light."

"Then this glass of wine should be for your comrades' strength!"

Mayor Hu raised his glass again, "Come on, let's have a drink together!"


The dragon girl was spitting out the last piece of chicken bone. I am afraid that this chicken is not enough to plug her teeth.

"Since the mayor asked us to drink, let's have a drink."

Li Fan advised.

"it is good."

The Dragon Girl did not refuse Li Fan's request. She picked up the wine glass and drank the wine.

"Okay, well, two comrades are so happy."

Mayor Hu had a drink, then took a pistol from his waist, and patted it on the table. "I'll go with you personally when I get there, but I want to see, what a ghost in Shilong cave!"

"Mayor ... you ... isn't it safe ..."

Someone nearby advised.

"What's insecure."

Hu Zhenchang's face didn't care, "the police chief is missing, now I'm the police chief!"

"In this case, Mayor Hu will follow us."

Li Fan didn't refuse, "But when that happens, everything is up to us."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you with more than a hundred lives in the town!"

Hu Zhen flushed, and seemed a little excited, as if he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

"Comrades two agents, when do you think we should go?"

"Then now, Mayor Hu, please."

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