My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1188: Ancient city under the night

1188 The Old City at Night

The face of Mr. Hu became increasingly ugly. "Next, the disappearance became a nightmare in Songshan Town. Every day people disappear and people disappear every day. I've been investigating, but I can't find the missing people. The reason. The police in the town are also missing. No one listens to my assignment. Later, I can only organize the remaining townspeople to stay in this place. Although I do n’t know the truth, there is an old rumor in the town. There is a monster living in the back of the stone dragon cave. This monster will come out to eat people every thousand years, and it will return to the cave after eating 999 people. "

"Are you saying that? You believe it?"

Li Fan looked at the mayor Hu in front of him. As the people in the organization, they should all be atheists. And looking at his current appearance, Li Fan is really difficult to link him to a mayor. It is estimated that the mayor who has lived in such fear and humiliation is also the number one.

"Anyway, let's believe it ..."

Mayor Hu revealed a helpless expression, "I heard that the monster was amblyopic, as long as he wore black clothes, it would be invisible. When Songshan Town was still being developed by tourism, Shilong Cave was also a scenic spot. When tourists enter, they will also let them all change into black clothes. The townspeople have repeatedly suggested to me, so we all put on this black robe. The remaining more than 100 townspeople also blocked the town. I hope to make this only place a fortress and block the entry of monsters. "

"Why don't you leave Songshan Town?"

Li Fan asked, "As long as you leave here, will the problem be solved?"

"For many people here, Songshan Town is their home."

Mayor Hu explained, "Especially me, how can I explain to the organization? There are monsters here, so do you want to move with the townspeople? Comrade Agent, I am also suffering! This mayor, it is too bad to be!"

"Isn't a squad of scouts sent over before, how are they doing?"

"These scout fighters have come here once. Then they didn't listen to our advice and went straight to Shilong Cave. After that, they never returned."

"Maybe it was eaten by the monster."

The Dragon Girl muttered, "Wake up and always eat."

"Here, what does this mean ..."

Mayor Hu heard his hair full of hair and hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, ignore her."

Li Fan patted the Dragon Girl gently, motioning not to let her talk nonsense.

"Are you sure, that monster is hiding inside the Shilong cave?"

"It should be ... some townspeople have seen monsters nearby there before ... I heard that it is a monster with two heads, which is very scary ..."

"Monsters on both ends ... do you have an impression?"

Li Fan asked the Dragon Girl.

"Oh? Do you know if you ask me?"

The Dragon Girl turned her head proudly, "I don't want to tell you."

"Six boxes of potato chips."

"At the time, there was a two-headed wolf demon, ferocious by nature."


Li Fan continued to look at Mayor Hu. "Let ’s go and see at Shilong Grottoes. The investigation is over and I will tell you the results."

"Oh my god, don't go to Shilong Cave, it's too dangerous there!"

Mayor Hu hurriedly stopped. "The two are just here to do an investigation. Are there any other troops to come behind? To go to Shilong Grottoes, at least tanks and cannons are needed!"

"The terrain of Songshan Town, tank artillery can't get in at all."

Li Fan reminded Mayor Hu, "Don't be afraid. Both of us are professional. Let us handle the problems here."

"It seems you are determined to go."

Mayor Hu sighed, "That's it, it's not too early today, you can start tomorrow. Take a rest here at night, and there's something to eat in town. Besides, the beggar chicken in Songshan It's a must, try it at night. "

"Then leave tomorrow!"

When the Dragon Girl said this, she was already drooling. Li Fan muttered in his heart, this girl is too upset! Beggar chicken, you can buy her!

Mayor Hu looked at the Dragon Girl twice and found that Li Fan seemed to listen to the little girl's opinion.

Could this insignificant little girl be an important big man?

"Well then, let me arrange a place for the two comrades to rest."

Mayor Hu arranged for a small house to come out and arranged for Li Fan and the Dragon Girl.

The house was a little dark, and I didn't know how long it had been unoccupied, and there was no anger in the house. Someone must live in this house. No matter how old the house is, as long as someone lives in it, it will be popular. And once there is no one living all year round, as soon as you enter, you will feel the coolness.

This house is like this, a kind of spooky feeling, which makes people very uncomfortable.

"I like this old town, but I don't like this house."

The Dragon Girl sighed. "It's too humid."

"Is it just wet?"

"Yeah, we Dragons like to enjoy it!"

The dragon girl emphasized, "It's best to sleep on a bed made of gold, that's the most comfortable."

"Comfortable, but gold is soft! Are those all gilded?"

"Oh, I'm comfortable anyway."

The dragon girl stretched her waist. "Stop talking, I'll go to bed first, and call me when I eat chicken at night."

After speaking, the dragon girl lay down and wiped the clean hanging basket beside her, shrank into a ball, and just fell asleep.

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. He himself sat on the side of the mat and began to meditate and adjust his breath. The vitality gathered in the position of Dan Tian in his body and slowly rotated. Li Fan's strength still needs to be tempered. He is young and not stable. The mat was a little damp, but Li Fan dried it with energy and it was much better.

When adjusting his breath, Li Fan seemed to be able to feel everything around him. The range of his vitality perception has also increased a lot. As long as he concentrates, the movement of grass and trees around him cannot escape Li Fan's perception.

It was getting late, and the surrounding was very quiet, only the cicada warbler. This original feeling of returning to nature has made Li Fan feel relaxed and his vitality has grown a lot faster.

There is no shortcut to martial arts. One step to heaven is a dream. Step-by-step cultivation is the best way to practice martial arts.

The vitality in Li Fan's body grew steadily, and the cicadas around him gradually stopped, and in turn came the frog-songing concerto. It was a pleasant natural sound, but there was a discordant note.

Li Fan opened his eyes and glanced towards the balcony. He slowly stood up, stood in front of the window, and looked at the ancient city under the moon.

The remaining residents seem to sleep early at night, or rather do not like to light up. At just over six o'clock, the ancient city was already dark, exuding a sense of depression in the moonlight.

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