My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1187: This is Songshan Town

1187 This is Songshan Town

"Get out!"

The woman frowned, with a beautiful anger in her eyebrows, "This is not where you should come!"

"Woman, let us in!"

The Dragon Girl ordered directly at the woman above her head.

"Dream! Get out of here, you are not welcome here!"

The woman scolded again, "Go back to your place!"

"It seems that you can only break in."

Li Fan put a hand on the wooden fence door, and as soon as he was alive, the door would break into pieces.

But the woman above picked up the stones and threw them towards Li Fan.

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he patted off the stone.

The woman did not give up, she did not know how many stones were hoarded, and dragged them to Li Fan and kept throwing them down. The Dragon Girl was unmoved. After all, Li Fan was here.

Li Fan's hand did not survive, and He struck out and kept shooting the falling rocks.

Li Fan's strength lies here, these stones can't hurt him at all.

The woman seemed a little anxious, he didn't know what method to use to drive Li Fan.

Just then, a man's scolding sounded behind the fence door.

"Lolo, what are you doing?"

The woman trembled, and glanced down a little fearfully. Her body trembled slightly, seeming to be afraid, and her hand holding the stone was released. I don't know why, Li Fan had compassion on this malicious woman.

"Open the door!"

The wooden fence door slowly opened, with several men in black robes standing behind.

For the first time in her forties, she had a flat head, thick earlobe, looked like a Maitreya, and showed a kind smile at Li Fan.

"Two friends, welcome to Songshan Town. I am the mayor here. My name is Hu Ji."

"Mayor Hu."

Li Fan briefly explained his intentions, but did not say that he was a Shangfang sword, but only that he was an agent.

"Oh, it turned out to be Comrade Agents! But I'm looking forward to you!"

Mayor Hu seemed a little excited, came forward and took Li Fan's hand, and looked at him like his relatives.

"Don't you know, our town, it's a disaster!"

"Mayor Hu, don't worry, say slowly."

Looking at the mayor, it seemed very excited. When talking, his throat was shaking with his body. Li Fan didn't know what it was, which made a strong man in his forties more afraid.

"Comrade Agent ... we have a monster here recently!"

Mayor Hu greeted everyone and greeted Li Fan into the fence door, while constantly telling his experience in his ear.

"I'm not afraid of telling you a joke. I used to be the head of the community of Liwei City next to me. I have been working for the district for more than ten years and have never dealt with personal issues. Later, the organization took me I was sent here to Songshan Town, so I sat here as the mayor. To Songshan Town, I really dozed off a bit. Songshan Town is famous for its fierce folk and far and near. Let me be the Mayor here, I also I'm a bit scared. "

Mayor Hu took Li Fan to the place where they lived, and opened the conversation box along the way.

"But since it is an organizational arrangement, I can't refuse it, so I came here. I found that it wasn't as powerful as the legend. It may have been isolated from the world for too long, but the folk customs gradually became simple."

Mayor Hu pointed to the surrounding townspeople and continued to tell his story.

"Here, although it was a bit difficult to adapt to the backward life here. But after a long time, I loved it here. The organization also introduced an object to me, which is Lolo you just saw. Although she has a temper, Not very good, but not bad in nature. "

Li Fan glanced back. The woman who drove them silently followed the team behind, covering her head with a cloak, not saying a word, but just moving slowly. Finding Li Fan's eyes, she looked up, looked at Li Fan, gritted her teeth, and seemed to hate Li Fan them.

"I think she's pretty, don't you agree?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"This Lolo ..."

Mayor Hu sighed, then lowered his voice, "I didn't figure it out organizationally ... she ... was married ..."

"Ha? So you hate her?"

"It's not ... she didn't divorce, but her husband was paralyzed in bed all year round, and I heard it was no different from a vegetative. Everyone in the town thinks she is a widow. Every night, men want to slip into her house, but She was driven away with scissors. Although Lolo is a weak woman, she has a strong personality. "

"I see it ..."

"Well, this is all a side story, this Luo Luo is not very old, I am more than forty people, when her father is almost, how can I remember those who have not. I have been in this town for a long time, Except for some guys who are occasionally drunk and arguing, nothing really happened ... until one day ... "

When Mayor Hu said this, he suddenly stopped talking.

"Well, it's time to get to the town government. Walk around and go in for a rest."

In front of it is an old ancient building, a crooked two-story small building. I don't know how many years it has been ruined, and it was changed into a town government.

The town government's signs were set aside against the wall, and it was covered with dust.

"Two comrades, sit and sit. The conditions here are a bit rough and can't compare with the big cities, forgive me."

Mayor Hu led two people into the town government, where it was tidey and moldy. I didn't know how this mayor Hu persisted.

He asked Li Fan to sit on the sofa. Li Fan felt a tide, and quickly got up again.

The Dragon Girl also stood up, and she seemed very uncomfortable.

Since entering the door, the dragon girl has been frowning, it is estimated that she really does not like the environment here.

When she was treated as a guest by Huaxia, when did she receive such treatment?

"Lolo, go and prepare tea for the two guests."

Mayor Hu instructed Luo Luo to go out for tea, and then smiled and said to Li Fan, "Our wild tea is good, don't taste it, you try it."

"Say, why are you all wearing black robes?"

Li Fan could not help but interjected and asked.

"This ... it's kind of protection."

Mayor Hu crossed his fingers together and twisted constantly, seeming to resolve the uneasiness in his heart.

"After you hear me, you'll know."

"You continue."

Li Fan nodded, and Mayor Hu looked at the sky outside the window and continued to talk about his own affairs.

"I've been here for three months and have been fine. But in the fourth month, strange things came!"

The face of Mayor Hu seems a bit ugly. "Songshan Town has 162 households and 540 people. But in just one month, more than 100 people were missing, and less than four were left. Hundreds of mouths. "

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