My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1194: Second stage

1194 2nd stage

What is Murong Bo's qualifications, even if he is a little sad, he can also judge the power of Li Fan's foot!

He turned to the power of Xingluo's magical power, the palm of his hand glowed, and a King Kong was shot directly on Li Fan's calf.


Li Fan's calf was popped open, and Murong Bo's palm was emitting white smoke. The two took a step back at the same time, both shocked by the strength of the other side.

"Li Fan, today I will let you pay for my daughter!"

Mu Rongbo was obviously mad. He stepped forward again, and the **** of war behind him bounced out, one palm fell from the sky, and he smashed into Li Fan's head!

Li Fan also released the flying lion goddess, a surrender bear, grabbed the arm of the war god, and along with Murong Bo, fell over the shoulder beautifully and smashed directly into the yard behind him.


The ground shuddered again, and Murong Bo lay on the ground and fell lightly.

Although he has almost half-sacred strength, Li Fan's vitality is too strong to restrain Qi, even to the extent that Murong Bo fights, and even faintly suppresses him.

Another reason is that Murong Bo is too angry and loses his normality. Otherwise Murong Bo's fighting ability would not be easily defeated by himself.

"Get your life!"

Mu Rongbo was not able to knock down with a single blow. He turned over and jumped up, and then God of War grabbed a five-meter-long lightsaber and threw it directly into the air, hanging above Li Fan's head. This familiar move, Li Fan naturally recognized it at a glance!

"Cut God!"

A thunder cleaved, as thick as a bucket, and headed straight for Li Fan! The sky seemed to be split open, the momentum was amazing, everyone in the room was frightened, even Zhou Guifei frowned.

Li Fan's moves were exhibited in Murong Bosch, a little more vigorous!

"Golden body!"

This is a trick created by Li Fan!

He let the guardian hold his breath to hold the whole body, and the strengthened guardian's vitality was stronger. And Li Fan let the vitality almost condense, forming a steel-like, sealed himself inside!

In this case, the enemy cannot attack himself, nor can he attack the enemy. As the so-called golden body is, let your golden body be transformed, and no evil will invade!

Li Fan had tested it. Once the golden body was opened, even the Yu Linjun's machine gun was helpless. However, this is the first time that Murongbo's beheading is hard, and Li Fan also has some bottoms in his heart.

But whether he wants it or not, the Thunder has fallen from the sky and swallowed him instantly!

A half-meter deep pit was punched in the ground, showing how powerful the power of this cut is! For a while, the dust was flying and the smoke was dangling, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

And Murongbo waved a palm, the wind blows away the dust, revealing the figure inside.

Li Fan still stood firmly in the pit, safe and sound, without any injuries.

Mu Rongbo narrowed his eyes, and Li Fan was a little surprised.

This golden body is so good that even the God of Cut can completely defend it! I don't know if nuclear bombing can prevent it! Li Fan really wanted to try, this was an act of extreme death.

"Li Fan, you can't last long!"

Mu Rongbo raised his palms while yelling, jumping to Li Fan.

He slaps his palms in succession and shoots on Li Fan constantly!

Li Fan's golden body was subjected to the attack of Murongbo's flame palm, and the sound of Zhongming was continuously emitted from the golden body. As if Murong Bo attacked not Li Fan, but a bronze bell. But even the bronze bell should be broken by his palm!

After playing for a full minute, Li Fan's body finally cracked!

It seems that the body's bearing capacity is also limited. Once the limit is broken, Li Fan can't cast the body again within at least five minutes.

"Li Fan, let's die!"

The God of War popped up again, holding a ball of air beads in his hand, a dragon throwing beads, and hit Li Fan!

Generally, air bombs are used for long-range attacks. However, attacking from close range will make it difficult for the enemy to avoid! However, in this way, he will also be recoiled by power.

Murong Bo was crazy, he didn't care if he was injured. In the blink of an eye, the Zhenqi bomb had torn Li Fan's body, and in the crisp sound, the Zhenqi bomb fell on Li Fan's body.


But the flying lion goddess behind Li Fan stretched out her hands and caught the air bomb directly!

This group of air bombs was controlled by the flying lion goddess and suspended in front of Li Fan. And the God of War pushed Zhenqi bombs, trying to destroy Li Fan's defense!

The two great martial arts contend for this group of true air bombs, and at the same time, because of the fact that they are constantly transmitting power, the larger the air bomb becomes, the more difficult it is to control.

No one dared to step in, and even Zhou Guifei folded her hands in her sleeves and stood by to watch the excitement.

No matter what Murongbo's character is, his strength is very strong. These two guys are really amazing!

Li Fan's apprentices also looked intently, and those apprentices were lying on the window, their eyes glowing!

so amazing! Is this the martial artist?

And not far away, a team of Yu Linjun was patrolling. They saw that Li Fan was fighting with Murong Bo, and did not step forward to stop it. They can't stop, both of them have too hard backgrounds! This is a fairy fight, just ask not to slap and pond fish!

And that group of bombs was as big as a millstone. If this continues, I am afraid that both people will be injured.

But Li Fan's purpose was achieved. He looked at Murong Bo and suddenly opened his mouth.


A sword with thunderbolt squirted out of his mouth and shot directly into Murongbo's throat!

Almost instantly, Murongbo's War God dissipated. He stretched out his right hand and broke the Thunder Sword!

The qi bomb was pushed by Li Fan's flying lion goddess, and banged on Murong Bo's body.

With a bang, Murong Bo's body was blown out. He turned around in the air, and finally landed on the ground embarrassed.

"Murongbo, are you just capable of that?"

Li Fan and Murong Bo's efforts are not the same, but relying on changing routines, Murong Bo defeated each other.

A few times, Murongbo was completely impatient.

"Li Fan, you must be proud!"

Murong Bo opened his arms, and a **** of war popped up behind him. The war **** seemed to growl, the anger spread out, and the dirt around the ground was lifted up again. Billowing dust covered here, wrapped them all in it! Then, Murongbo shot with two palms together, setting off a storm and blowing off the smoke. The huge figure of the God of War is slowly shrinking, and soon shrinks into a golden armor, which is worn on his body.

This is the armor of a **** of war. It is golden in color and has a dragon pattern on it. At this time, Murongbo, as if a **** will come down from the sky, glared at Li Fan and wanted to come to heaven!

"War God body, second stage?"

This time, Li Fan was surprised.

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