My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1201: Human black hole

1201 humanoid black hole

This is not a marble floor, but an alloy floor. It can be absolutely appalling that Murongbo can step out of this pit mark and say it!

Li Fan, holding his arms, stood opposite Murong Bo, without any cowardice. Although Murong Bo is strong, he is an enemy he must face during his growth! If you can't defeat Murong Bo, you will hardly make progress in the future!

"Li Fan, this is your grave!"

"I think Feng Shui is right for you."

Li Fan pointed around, "Look, do you like it?"

"I'll pull your annoying tongue first!"

Murong Bo said, facing Li Fan, he took a breath.

His magic has already been accomplished, and his ability to capture people is also very strong. After absorbing Li Fan's Xingluo magic, it became even more amazing! As soon as he reached out, Li Fan felt that there was a force grabbing his body out of thin air, pulling his body and dragging him in the direction of Murongbo!

But Li Fan stepped on the horse, took root at his feet, and stuck firmly on the ground. But the Yu Linjun next to him could not do it. They were dragged by this attraction one by one and inhaled in front of Murong Bo.

These Yu Linjuns who were close to Murong Bo immediately began to age, and their vitality was forcibly removed from the body and entered Murong Bo's body.

There seemed to be some green light in the air, detached from Yu Linjun, and was sucked into it by Murong Bo. In this breath, Murong Bo seemed to be stronger.

"Li Fan, your Qixia Boxing, although good. But" The Nine Buddhas Classics "is really strong."

Murongbo laughed, "I'm afraid you don't know the true magic of the" Nine Buddhas "! I have raised thousands of magic cubs and sucked their skills day and night before realizing a little of the" Nine Buddhas ". But Unexpectedly, you can comprehend a complete set of minds with only a few broken pages. "

"The Nine Buddhas Classics is really good. If I want to learn, Zhou Guifei can teach me at any time. But this kind of predecessor's kung fu, how can I learn it, what I practiced is the real kung fu!"

"You are very young, and you have high spirits."

Mu Rongbo looked at Li Fan, "You gave up the" Nine Buddha True Scriptures ", but you still did not learn" Nine True Skills ", did you practice vigorously?"

"Jiu Zhen Yao Shu" is a philosophy, not a martial art. "

Li Fan looked at Murong Bo and tossed the bodies of several Yulin Army aside, reminding him, "Since you are so arrogant today, I will use the chivalry fist to lie to you."

Talking, Li Fan stood there and hooked up to Murong Bo.

"Old Murong dog! Come here!"

"Well, I also let you know what the real magical use of the" Nine Buddhas "is."

Murongbo said, suddenly a large green glow began to appear on his body.

These green brilliance is getting stronger and stronger, Mu Rongbo is like a big light bulb, which brightens the entire laboratory! And this green light suddenly closed, and merged into Murongbo's eyes, a pair of eyes seemed to be burning with a green flame.

"This is the essence of the Nine Buddhas."

Murong Bo's body exuded a powerful momentum, which made Li Fan secretly startled.

"Flame Palm!"

Mu Rongbo raised his hand, and his palm suddenly became green as jade. His body shifted, he couldn't see it at all, and in the blink of an eye, he reached Li Fan, and put his palm on his forehead!

Li Fan raised his hand subconsciously, and a big bear king seal greeted him!


The two separated at the touch, Li Fan slipped back three meters away, and Murong Bo also took two steps back.

A burning sensation made Li Fan's palm pain! The previous flame palm was extremely fierce, and one palm can blast the other's body. But Murong Bo's now green flame palm is extremely feminine, letting power penetrate into his body and destroying it, even more terrible!

But the most terrible thing was that he met Mu Rongbo, and his vitality was sucked away a lot.

He could only absorb true energy before, but now he can absorb even vitality?

I'm afraid this is bad for myself!

Mu Rongbo didn't give Li Fan the time to react either. He lay close to his front again and smashed his hands with the flames of his hands.

Li Fan slapped Mu Rongbo's flesh palm with a crane-hand gesture. But as he thought, each time he met, the burning and gravitational force of the other side continued to weaken his strength!


Suddenly, Li Fan remembered Tiger Tiger Xiaolin, taking Mu Rongbo a step back. At the same time, Li Fan also got a chance to gasp, and then withdrew three steps, pressed down the burning pain, and readjusted his breath.

"Li Fan, are you afraid?"

Murong Bo laughed, "I really thought that if I practiced my strength, I would be able to defeat me. Murong Bo has swept the rivers and lakes for decades and swept the martial arts! You can get vitality, and I can also get Yin Gong!"

Sure enough, Li Fan frowned. Mu Rongbo's words confirmed his guess. The qi in his body has also undergone a qualitative change, from qi to so-called yin gong.

Murong old dog, it really is a strong metamorphosis.

His vitality is from yang to gang, and the counterpart's yin gong is soft and sinister, which is exactly the opposite.

"Well, now you can understand it too."

Murongbo said that he directly entered the second stage of the Valkyrie, and let the golden war **** armor be put on his body. This laboratory has a small space and is not suitable for the release of Valkyrie. But the second phase of the Valkyrie real body is obviously more convenient to operate. The armor on Murong Bo's body was slowly dyed dark green, confirming his attribute of skill.

Li Fan did not dare to neglect, and he quickly put on the flying lion armor and entered the strongest state.

"Flame Palm!"

Murongbo came to Li Fan in an instant and came straight to Li Fan's chest.

One side of Li Fan's body avoided Mu Rongbo. At the same time, he was holding a ball of white air beads in his hands, and he hurled the beads to hit Murong Bo's shoulder.

Murong Bo didn't even dodge, he ate Li Fan, a dragon! However, the power of Long Tuzhu was like a mud cow entering the sea, and most of it was absorbed by Murong Bo's body. The remaining small part, which can't have much climate, was shattered by Mu Rongbo's protective body.

As soon as he turned around, his palms rested on Li Fan's neck, locking his body, and at the same time he began to desperately absorb Li Fan's vitality.

Li Fan was shocked, but he responded quickly, pushing his hands forward, his fingers poking at Murongbo's eyes!

Although Murong Bo can absorb strength, his eyes are not iron. If you are stabbed by Li Fan, you have to become blind! He did not dare to neglect, and immediately pushed the palm and pushed Li Fan out.

Li Fan rolled over in the air and landed on the ground again.

Today's Murong Bo is just as tricky as a personal black hole!

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