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Phase-level cadres are very confident in their hidden weapon skills. Three sparrows have flown in the sky and given him a stone, he can lay three.

It is such a handsome hidden weapon, and now he has improved his strength with the Dragon chip, and returned it to the powerful Chinese soldiers. This makes phase-level cadres even more confident. In this world, few people can catch their own hidden weapon!

He flicked off his hands and used the best techniques in his life to hit the fastest hidden weapon and take Li Fan's throat straight! This hidden weapon, this buddy has not missed it! This time, she was also full of confidence, ready to claim Li Fan's life!

Li Fan stood there leisurely, and as soon as he reached out, he copied the hidden weapon into his hand.

"This thing is good."

Li Fan played with this dark red short blade in his hands.

"Are you also a Chinese soldier?"

Li Fan played for a while and asked.

"Return my weapon!"

The cadres at the relative level were shocked, and said to themselves how they had been seized! How capable it is!

He picked up the mo knife from a companion next to him and flung forward. Mo knife poked at Li Fan's heart.

Li Fan leaned over and let this strange knife pass. However, the cadres at the same level are also masters. One side of Mo Dao was wiped over horizontally. But Li Fan had already anticipated this kind of attack, he was quicker, his hand went directly to the next shot, and Mo Mo was shot to the ground. At the same time, he flew up and kicked directly on the chest of this cadre.

The other party took two steps backwards, unable to stabilize his body at all. A few kicks, sitting on the ground with one buttock, spit out blood.

Can't beat!

Relative-level cadres pale.

"Ask something."

As soon as Li Fan stretched out his hand, he dragged a Yu Linjun from the air, and asked politely, "Where does the laboratory go?"

The man dared to do it right, trembled, and reached for the passage next to him.

"Thank you."

Li Fan put him on the ground, and arranged his collar by the way.

"You guys, see you later."

Li Fan turned around and walked outside, ran all the way and walked past.

After he got into the elevator, he found it unnecessary to ask others. Every floor on this elevator is marked with information, what laboratory, what command cabin, what medical cabin, all written clearly.

The laboratory is on the third floor below. Li Fan was about to press the elevator. The lights in the elevator immediately turned black, and then the red light turned on. You Er's voice came to his ears, with a little anger.

"Li Fan, this is my place. Do you still want to run?"

"Yeah, it's not fun here, I'm going back."

"Oh, idiots are dreaming! You're stuck in the elevator until you die!"

The elevator was motionless and lost control. Li Fan was not in a hurry. He stomped his feet and slammed the elevator down instantly. Because the elevator has an emergency braking device, after Li Fan pulled the elevator down to the fourth or fifth floor, the emergency device was activated and dragged the elevator, causing the elevator to stop abruptly.

Li Fan stretched out his hand to open the safety door above the elevator, jumped out and landed on it, then calculated the floor, jumped to the door, stretched out his hand, and pulled the elevator door directly.

Outside are indeed laboratories, complex experimental facilities, and many people in white coats hiding.

A lot of Yu Linjun was holding a strange knife, and the blades of the swords were facing the elevator door, facing Li Fan who was about to come out.

"Well, there are a lot of people."

Looking at the wave of Modao team in front, Li Fan smiled.

"You guys, you're not my opponents. Get back."

"Don't listen to him deceitful! Give me!"

Youji didn't know where to hide, and directed with a loudspeaker.

These Yu Linjun did not dare to resist, and braved their heads, and moved forward together. According to the training method of the previous training, they raised the Mo knife and stabbed at Li Fan together!

What kind of internal force Li Fan was, he stood directly there, exhaling a vitality. This laboratory is like blowing a gust of wind, twisting and twisting the Yulin Army with Modao in front of it. Li Fan took the opportunity to dodge a strange knife, drew it in his hand, and pierced the heart of a Royal Forest soldier with a knife, as if wearing a skewer, lifted him on the knife, then threw it and tossed it aside.

Li Fan did not show mercy this time, he held a strange knife, like a sickle of death, and in the blink of an eye harvested the lives of five Royal Forest Army.

The remaining Yu Linjun finally knew that he was afraid. This boy in a black suit was not an opponent they could face!

How to do? run? That wouldn't work, the warden couldn't spare them. hit? This is death!

"Who wants to come forward and die."

Li Fan, holding the **** knife, said coldly that the remaining Yulin Army was like a rabbit, and ran away.

How can you shout, You Er?

"You two, aren't you a good player?"

Li Fan was active and boring.

"It's boring to fight like this."

"Li Fan, you must be crazy!"

You Erqi scolded, "I still have a secret weapon!"

"Oh? Then don't hurry up and save me from boredom."

"Weapons are there, but Li Fan, you can think clearly!"

You Er is warning Li Fan, "You are a guilty body now. If you escape from prison, you are blatantly resisting the law!"

"Who's law?"

Li Fan laughed, "Your army's law has nothing to do with me! I am a Shangfang sword, free from all the laws! I am here, just for fun. Now I am out of interest, I am Want to see who can stop me. "

"Really? Then look at who this is!"

A platform slowly rose up beside, a person locked on it.

This man is handsome and burly, and looks nothing like a mortal. He was wearing a black prison suit, locked, but not stunned, and his eyes were still bright.

"Yu Er, are you finally willing to let me out?"

It is not others who speak, it is the head of the Murong family, Murong Bo!

"Murongbo! You talk less nonsense! I'm giving you a chance to commit crimes and kill me! Kill Li Fan, you can avoid death!"

You Er shouted in the speaker.

"It's really noisy."

Murongbo looked at Li Fan, who was standing in front of him, "I didn't expect that you came out one step earlier than me."

"I didn't expect that the magnificent Murong owner that day would become a prisoner today. Hey, see? This is the end of the running dog."

"What can hold me in this world?"

Murongbo laughed, "I'm here to find a suitable place to kill you."

Mu Rongbo said, with a flick of his wrist, he broke the chain and walked down slowly.

You Er are both stupid and silent.

"At this point, you have nowhere to run. Also, my daughters are not there, but no one can protect you."

When Murong Bo was talking, he kept walking forward. His feet landed on the ground, leaving deep footprints.

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