My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1199: Hidden weapon command

1199 Obscurity Command

There are twelve guards on this floor. Among the twelve people, the leader was a gun cadre, the only one wearing a white suit.

They did not expect that anyone could escape from prison! All have eaten San Gong Wan, and at most, they will go to the stove! What's more, Li Fan ate more than one, and it was explained above that Li Fan was special and ate nine in a row!

After eating these nine, let alone Li Fan, even if it is a big Luo Jinxian, it will certainly not be able to carry it! Who would have thought that Li Fan was so energetic, and with just a little skill, he resolved these nine San Gong Pills that were exhausted.

At this point, Li Fan had put on a black suit and looked very handsome.

This heroic strength surprised a few guards approaching him. What a martial arts hero, is he really working out? These eyes are shining and the temples are high. At first glance, they look like martial arts masters!


The leading artillery-level cadres are also violent in their hearts, but if this little overlord can be subdued, he must be flying yellow Tengda!

As the saying goes, man died for wealth, and birds died for food!

He pointed at Li Fan and yelled, "Don't look at this place, and dare to escape! If you are acquainted, surrender quickly, otherwise you will be killed!"

Li Fan smiled. He sorted out his suit and tickled the white suit.

"Come on, let's play."


The eleven black suit guards obeyed the order and went directly to surround Li Tuan to the center. For the first one who wanted to compete, he held a strange knife in his hand. The Mo knife has a total length of 1.5 meters and a handle length of 40 centimeters. In front of the head is a sharp blade, like a lance, belonging to a long-handled weapon invented by the Tang Dynasty! In the Tang Dynasty, there was a famous Modao team with a strong attack power!

Li Fan's own dart division is practicing the Shield Knife team, which is different from the Modao team. The Modao team pursues attack, while the Shield knife team studies both offense and defense!

Let's not talk about the shield knife team, but just the guard with a strange knife in front. The strange knife in his hand was obviously used as a big gun, and according to Li Fan's abdomen, he stabbed it and stabbed it over. This guy is also clever and doesn't like others to stab his throat. Pricking the throat is a skill job. How big a person's throat is, it ’s easy to pierce it first. If the other party is alert, one side of the head can avoid it.

But he stabbed the lower abdomen. How wide is this little abdomen and the hit rate is high!

And Li Fan stretched out **** and blasted on the blade.

when! With a crisp cry, the Modao was bounced straight and stabbed to the side.

At the same time, Li Fan's palm was like a knife, and he cut it directly on the guard's neck. He was merciless, and did not hurt him, but just knocked him out.

Li Fan was in a mood of yin and yang for a while. When he was happy, his men showed mercy, and when he was unhappy, he was very casual.

The guard picked up a life, and Li Fan was in a good mood.

More guards stepped forward, and Mo Dao stabbed according to Li Fan's heart. Li Fan simply put one hand behind his back and stretched out his **** with the other. He kept popping the Modao in front of him, while taking a note on the forehead of the other side and knocking the other side out.

After a few clicks, the six guards lay on the ground, and they couldn't wake up at half past one.

Look at the remaining five guards, frightened by Li Fan, tortoise in front of the artillery cadres, and dare not take any action. The artillery-level cadres also lost their arrogance. As soon as the so-called experts shot, they knew whether they were there. Li Fan defeated several guards with a few tricks. Artillery-level cadres wondered in their hearts that this is not a level contest, they are not opponents at all!

"Come, I ask you."

Li Fan questioned the gun-level cadres, but the buddy slowly retreated, and seemed to be taboo.

"Let you come forward and talk!"

Li Fan's eyes glared, and he stretched out his hand, and this gun-level cadre was directly sucked into his hand over a distance of more than ten meters.

Li Fan held the neck of the gun-level cadre, lifted him into the air, and questioned directly.

"I ask you, do you know someone named Dr. Cai?"

"I don't recognize Dr. Cai, Dr. Fan."

The artillery cadre turned his head and said with a wry mouth.

"I don't have much patience."

Li Fan stretched out two fingers, a little on the point of this gun cadre.

There was a pain in the heart, and the man walked up and down from the seven veins and eight veins of the person. The place where he walked was like a needle drilling inside.

"Fate life! Heroes help life!"

This buddy is not firm, and he begged for mercy.

None of the guards around them led a joke. At this moment, no one is not afraid of this Li Fan!

This guy ... too terrible! What is the skill of sucking a person into his hand across more than ten meters? It seems that Sangong Pill is nothing but jelly beans for him!

"Isn't that quick yet?"

"Yes, in the research room ..."

"Closed the lab?"

"No, it's not ..."

The gun-level cadre shook his head again and again, before he finished speaking, a red light suddenly flew over, and then a red short blade with a long finger inserted into his temple and took his life away.

Li Fan was also a bit surprised. He asked too much, and he didn't notice the hidden weapon.

However, it can be seen that this person who lost the hidden weapon is also a master of hidden weapon, at least much brighter than Yin Tiantian.

Li Fan threw the body aside and watched dozens of other guards before him.

There weren't many guards at this level, just twelve. The newly deceased artillery cadres are responsible for this level. But now something happened, all the guards came up and down, and surrounded Li Fan is strong and leaking. The leader is a relative cadre. He was wearing a white suit and a black tie. In addition to clothes, this typical Jianghu man, a man, combed his long hair, ponytailed, and hung behind him. Looking at his looks again, his cold eyebrows are extraordinary, but he is a pity for others.

This relative-level cadre also has Huaxia magic soldiers, that is, the short red blade. As soon as the buddy reached out, the red short blade slammed, pulled from the corpse, shook off blood, and flew back to his hands.

"This hidden weapon is good."

Li Fan praised him, but the other party didn't reply, and he shook his hand again. The red short blade came to Li Fan in an instant.

Li Fan didn't hesitate. He stretched out two fingers, and gathered his vitality on his fingertips, and shot at the short blade.


With a crisp sound, the short blade was bombarded, and the short blade flew far away, and was copied back into the hands by the cadres at the same level.

"Sorry, can you make a way, I have something to do."

Li Fan said politely, this level of cadres don't want to agree! As soon as he shook his hand, the hidden weapon hit again. This time, go straight to your throat and claim your soul!

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