My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1198: Emerge from prison

1198 Out of prison

You Erxin pushed the remote control to third gear!

For a moment, the lights in the entire room went on and off, as if a devil had come.

Li Fan's hair was shuddered by electricity, like the lion king. In fact, it's not just hair. If it's not clothes in front, these hairs have to stand up.

After ten seconds of power, You Er closed the electric chair. He was afraid that Li Fan would be killed, and he would be dead!

The electric light was restored, and the light shone on Li Fan's face, red and fluttering, nothing happened.

Li Fan smiled and looked at the person in front of him.

"A bit hungry. How about our food?"

You Erqi's Naoya!

Is this still over? Does this not work? Who can withstand the kilovolts?

This Li Fan is really a hard-hitting stone monkey? You Er was annoyed, and subconsciously pushed the remote control to third gear again! A strong current immediately traveled through Li Fan's body, and the electric Li Fan trembled lightly.

Even Li Fan, this kilovolt voltage has no effect on him. After all, he is still a human body, not like a dragon girl, but a fierce dragon.

In the past, Li Fan also stored a part of electricity in his body. He exercised and practiced to allow electricity and true energy to be freely transformed.

But Murongbo sucked through it, and this electricity was sucked up by him. Although Li Fan practiced his strength again, he never touched the switch. This time, You Er was rude and delivered a lot of electricity to him. In this way, a fan of Thunder Palm that Li Fan learned from the Dragon Girl is almost the same.

Seeing Li Fan's eyes glow, but he didn't say a word, You Er murmured in his heart.

In the end, why isn't Li Fan silent? It hurts, it still doesn't hurt, give it a hit!

Isn't this bully so hard-hearted that he has been dead?

He guessed really well, Li Fan absorbed a lot of electricity, and really reached a ceiling. If you absorb it further, Li Fan's current physique is not enough.

He is now practicing to the level of eight stars, less than nine stars. The body's ability to withstand is limited, and then it can explode if it draws power. But he really just gritted his teeth and couldn't recognize it. If he did recognize it, what was his prestige?

Mom, a chicken, isn't it a kilovolt? You have to try it yourself, to what extent!

Li Fan began to adjust his Dantian, allowing Dantian to accelerate the flow of energy in his body, forming a small vortex, and absorbing the power flowing in around him.

This vortex seems to come alive, the stronger the power, the stronger the suction. When the power is weak, it will slow down.

At the same time, Li Fan channeled the excess power through the feet into the alloy floor below. The floor was originally insulated, but Li Fan sent in with his own strength, forcing a channel to be sent away.

The call lasted for more than a minute, Li Fan was still sitting there, his face was a little white for a while, and he turned red again.

You Er was weird in her heart, the evil door? Will Li Fan eat electricity?

"Sir ... if you continue like this ... the submarine will be overcharged ..."

The assistant reminded. The lights in the cabin kept flashing, and the warning red light was already on. Although this submarine is nuclear power, its power is also rated. Once over, there must be something wrong with the submarine.


You Er turned off the switch, the light in the room flashed a few times, and slowly returned to bright.

The red light went out, and the weird atmosphere disappeared.

You Er looked at Li Fan and gritted his teeth. This kid is just an iron plate! You ca n’t kick, you ca n’t move!

"Li Fan, do you think I can't cure you?"

You Er secretly hated, he really had to think about how to toss this Li Fan.

He had no choice but to return Li Fanxian to his cell.

This time back to the cell, Li Fanxin was also put down.

This is the first fight with You Er, Li Fan won.

However, You Er obviously won't let Li Fan go like this, he should become fancy tossing himself. It seems impossible to clean up in this place.

"Since it's impossible, let's do the task."

Li Fan said, getting up from the hard bed. This broken bed is not comfortable to fall asleep, it is better to sit on an electric chair.

Li Fan walked to the door of the cell, glanced at the guard at the Royal Forest standing outside the door, and asked him a word.

"Friend, ask something?"

"To shut up!"

Yu Linjun yelled, "Who did he let you talk, do you know where this is?"

Yu Linjun is very happy, but this is Xiao Bawang, now look at myself! Regardless of whether he is a dragon or a tiger, now he must be like a grandson in front of himself!

"I'll ask you something."

"Go to Nima ..."

Yu Linjun just broke and scolded, Li Fan suddenly stretched out his hand, this palm directly broke through the toughened glass, just like wearing a paper window!

The Yu Linjun hadn't responded yet. Li Fan's hand was like an iron hoop, locking the man's neck.

Li Fan only stretched out three fingers and locked the man's neck tightly, letting the other party struggle to breathe.

"Big, heroes ... I was wrong ... for life ..."

"I'll ask something."

"You say! You say! The little words are endless and the answers are all!"

The man had persuaded and panicked his pants. This is a special tempered glass that can be broken by a single palm! This little overlord is too strong, isn't Sangong Wan not working?

"Do you know that there is one named Dr. Cai?"

When Li Fan was talking, an alarm sounded around him. The full control of the prison was opened, and Li Fan had opened his cell and was found.

"I, I don't know ..."

The Royal Forest trembled, shivering.

He was scared, and he was so scared to die here. No one is not afraid of death, and it is a problem of thinking that who is not afraid of death.

"Then you sleep first."

Li Fan was too lazy to ask for his life. With a hard palm, he stunned the man, then broke the glass, and scraped off his clothes first.

This was in the prison, and Li Fan's coats were also cut off. Inside were all white short sleeves and shorts to ensure that they would not hide weapons on their bodies.

Li Fan didn't want to go out on this body too much. The Yu Linjun's body was almost as small as he was, and he just wore it on his body. The material of this black suit is good. When General Ran talked, he seemed to be made of special nano-materials. Even if he wore it on his body, he wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

It's also breathable, and it's warm. Wear it on your body, warm in winter and cool in summer.

"It's pretty good."

In the rapid sirens, Li Fan touched the suit material on his body, "turn back and ask Lao Ran for a few more."

The effort of speaking, several guards, has already rushed to the front.

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