1203 The Chosen One

Li Fan felt bad, and Dr. Cai had already pressed a switch.

The side door suddenly opened, and white smoke slowly released from the door and rolled into the cabin. The white mist seemed so cold that the water stains on the floor in the cabin were frozen.

This is sea water ... is it frozen?

Li Fan was a little surprised. The white mist was strange.

Li Fan felt the coldness from this white mist, and even he couldn't help raising his energy and protecting his body from being frozen. Look at those researchers again, one by one shivering, their faces pale and their lips blue. In that white mist, a figure of a person slowly showed up.

Li Fan glanced at it, this guy is not someone else, he is so handsome, so handsome and handsome. This is not someone else, it is yourself!

Clone people.

Li Fan has already understood his identity.

This guy is wearing a black and white close-fitting special battle suit, and there is a metal edge on the eyebrow, which seems to be some kind of chip.

He closed his eyes and stood there, letting the white mist flow on his body.

"This is your clone."

Although Dr. Cai was freezing cold, he was very excited to introduce to Li Fan, "He uses your gene as the main body, and some other masters in the martial arts, and even the genes of mutants! You should have seen before One, the manipulator of the flame, he was named No. 1. But I have redefined them a new name, he is called the Chosen No. 2. "

"So, are you willing to be a dog for Yulin Jun now?"


Dr. Cai sneered, his eyes flashed with enthusiasm, "It's all about working for government departments, where is it all the same? Not to mention, here, I can research my cloning technology unbridled!"

Human cloning technology, which is currently an internationally banned technology. Anyone who has seen Schwarzenegger's "Sixth Day" should know how terrifying it will be once clones are actually developed.

While some countries have research, they are also secretive. As soon as this technology was developed, it was sealed up. This submarine belongs to a government support and is an extrajudicial place outside its jurisdiction. Dr. Cai's research on cloning is almost enthusiastic, so after being abducted by the Royal Forest Army, he was so excited that he found a destination!

Li Fan saw this enthusiasm in his eyes. He knew that Dr. Cai would not go back with him. But the mission is the mission. In any case, Li Fan will also take him away and return him to General Ran. When that happens, General Ran will naturally try him. In other words, let him redeem his merits and continue to contribute to the protection of Huaxia.

However, these are all things for General Ran, let that guy have a headache himself!

"The Chosen One, Activate!"

Dr. Cai seemed to be excited to see the No. 2 picker open. This time it is a good opportunity to be able to test the number two data, you have to record it yourself!

After receiving the order, Li Fan's clones finally moved. He slowly opened his eyes. Unlike Li Fan, his pupils glowed red.

On this day, No. 2 jumped suddenly and immediately jumped in front of Li Fan. At the same time, he took a palm and took a picture of Li Fan's forehead!

This man's palms were filled with a strong cold, and before reaching him, Li Fan was so cold that he shivered!

Dude, this thing is fierce! When it comes to power, it seems to be much stronger than Li Fan No. 1 that day!

Li Fan almost subconsciously rolled aside and fell aside.

Frost erupted in the palm of the Chosen One. The place where Li Fan had just stopped burst a cold crystal, frozen there, exuding a strong cold.

"Our day ..."

Li Fan wants to scold his mother, this thing is a bit cruel!

This is not the end, the candidate No. 2 fell to the ground, and opened his palm again, facing Li Fan standing in the distance.

Frost condense in his palm. Soon, a row of large ice needles condensed out, and then continued to shoot at Li Fan!


Li Fan waved his hand, and constantly patted the ice needle in front of him. This ice needle fired extremely fast, nine rounds at a time, rounds of rounds of fire, like a machine gun, so that Li Fan could not cope with it.

Tian Xuan Zhe No. 2 is a combination of mutant genes and martial arts genes, which is very tricky in itself, not to mention Li Fan has just fought with Murong Bo, and is now physically weak.

Consumption is not a solution, you must quickly decide!

Li Fan quickly mobilized his vitality, and he hit a lion king against the candidate!

"Bang, bang!"

The boxer of Lion King fist opened the ice needle, and Li Fan took the opportunity to quickly move to the front of the candidate.

At the same time, he held up a palm, and with a stance of a knife, took an electric light, and split it directly on the forehead of the candidate.


Thunder Palm is one of the dragon fighting techniques learned from the Dragon Girl, which was improved by Li Fan and named Tianyi!

Dragon fighting is divided into four attributes: wind, fire, thunder, and water. Li Fan and the dragon girl learn the fighting skills of the Thunder Dragon family. This thunder palm can be said to be the most basic fighting technique. But Li Fan is just a child in the body, and there is no thunderous power in the body. But he can absorb electricity and use it instead of the power of thunder.

And Li Fan combined this Thunder Palm and Cut God a bit, replaced the sword with a hand knife, turned the Palm into a Thunder, the power is a little stronger! Therefore, he named this trick as Teana!


Lightning exploded above the top of the Chosen One! On the 2nd this day, the candidate No. 2 was split and knelt down instantly, with electric sparks on his body, unable to move for a long time.

"Teana! Second strike!"

Li Fan waved a hand knife again, splitting the candidate's body horizontally, split into two!

The upper part of the Chosen flew out, and the lower part of the body kneeled there.

Li Fan was also relieved. Fortunately, the clone had no IQ, and he ate his own goodness in the face. There must be no good fruit!

"The Chosen is not so easily defeated!"

Dr. Cai's expression was slightly distorted.

Li Fan just wanted to laugh at him, but his words stopped. The corpse of the Chosen Cho who had been cut in half suddenly flew a lot of black tentacles from the fracture, grabbed them directly on the bodies of several researchers and Yu Linjun, and sucked away their flesh.

Those people were too late to scream and turned into a pile of bones!

Li Fan froze, this thing is even more terrible than evil!

Without waiting for Li Fan to understand, the two tentacles had bounced towards him. This tentacle is as thick as two fingers, but extremely dangerous!

"Get away!"

Li Fan shook his hand, and the tentacles were cut off in the light.

There was also a sound of thumping outside the submarine, as if someone was knocking on the door. Then Murongbo, I'm afraid to come in!

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