My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1204: Battle Royale

1204 Battle Royale

Murong Bo is hitting the outer wall of the submarine, and the candidate is devouring the lives of these people in the laboratory.

Li Fan didn't hesitate, he immediately stood up and leapt to Dr. Cai's side, holding him in his hands.

"What do you want to do, let me go!"

Dr. Cai screamed, Li Fan stunned him with one palm, and carried it on his shoulder.

According to the information given by General Ran, there should be an emergency escape place in this prison. Li Fan had seen it in the elevator before, it was on the lower floor. Without hesitation, he carried Dr. Cai and hurried toward the elevator. Li Fan's speed was so fast that his light work was performed to the extreme. He almost left the ground with his feet, striding in the void, and came to the elevator in two or three strokes.

At this time, the candidate had replenished his nutrition, his body was reconnected, and he was slowly climbing up. A huge embossing also appeared on the submarine's wall, apparently being hit by Murong Bo. Murong Bo is really capable of delivering such power in the deep sea.

Li Fan didn't have much time to think, carrying Dr. Cai unconscious, he jumped directly into the elevator shaft, and then opened the door to the next floor.

Rows of hatches were set in front of Li Fan, and there seemed to be a roar of Yuji in his ears, as if ordering something.

This submarine is out of order, presumably Youji should be distressed. Li Fan was too lazy to care about him. He opened a closed hatch and threw Dr. Cai in.

Inside the cabin is a small one-square-meter space, and there is a large round window on the outside, where you can see the ocean floor outside. As Li Fan entered the cabin, the door was immediately closed, the cabin trembled slowly, and a woman's countdown voice echoed inside the cabin.

"Countdown to the launch of the escape capsule, 10, 9, 8 ..."

Li Fan tried to calm himself down as much as possible, and he had escaped here, so there should be no problem.

Just then, the window slammed suddenly, and Murongbo's big face was directly attached, staring at Li Fan with his one eye!

This old immortal has even caught up to this? How did he keep up with himself?

However, the countdown of the cabin has reached the end, and the whole cabin trembled suddenly, with a snoring sound, and the whole ejected from the submarine!

Li Fan was holding the iron railing with both hands to avoid being shaken. And Murong Bo has been dumped, I don't know if I can keep up. But this escape capsule is equipped with an underwater booster. After launching, it ejects like a missile towards the surface of the water. At this speed, humans are basically unable to catch up under the water!

It's almost the work of breathing. Suddenly, bright sunlight is thrown out of the window. Li Fan glanced out. The escape capsule had left the bottom of the water, rose to the surface, and floated alone on the surface of the sea, shaking gently with the waves.

Anyway, escaped temporarily ...

He pushed open the hatch at the top of the escape hatch, jumped out of the dull compartment, and stood at the top of the escape hatch.

In front of the sea, Li Fan did not know where he was. But it doesn't matter, General Ran implanted a chip under the skin of his forearm. This is not a dragon chip, but for emergency positioning. Li Fan didn't want to get it before, but this time it really came in handy. As soon as he appeared, the signal shielding device of the submarine also lost effect. General Ran should quickly locate himself and send someone to pick it up.

However, there is a group of horrible guys underwater, and Li Fan has to stay away for a while. After the escape capsule reached the water, it was useless, basically equivalent to a moving coffin. Li Fan stepped on the top of the escape cabin with his feet, and seemed to take root under his feet, holding the escape cabin tightly with his vitality. At the same time, Li Fan pushed it out with his palms, pushing his vitality on the water, pushing the escape cabin to slide out far.

Li Fan didn't know where to go, anyway, as long as he stayed away from the submarine.

An hour later, Li Fan had left a long way, and it was estimated that the group could not catch up. He was a little at ease, letting the escape cabin float quietly on the water, sitting on the roof of the cabin cross-legged himself, while meditating while feeling the sea breeze. He does not have to return to Yuan Dan to replenish his strength now, but can only reply by meditating on his own.

Fortunately, Li Fan is a pure yang body, and he has trained "Nine True Skills". This vitality recovers much faster than ordinary people.

After meditating for a long time, it was getting late. Dr. Cai slept very hard. When Li Fan hit, ordinary people had to sleep for three days and three nights.

When the internal force was about to adjust the breath, Li Fan opened his eyes. A round of sunset had sunk halfway into the sea, and the seawater on both sides was dyed red, as if the dye tank was overturned.

Li Fan stared into the distance, he was the first time to see such a scene. It would be nice if you could take a look with the girls in Wuguan. When you go to Lijiadao, you should see this kind of scenery often. At that time, prepare a villa looking at the sea on Lijia Island and live with your beloved.

Li Fan stretched his waist, and the haze over the past few days seemed to be dispersed in the beauty.

"Booming ..."

The sound of a helicopter came over his head. Li Fan looked up and saw a military transport flying towards them. However, the sea is vast, and it is difficult to find the location of the escape capsule. Li Fan, however, knows this well. He stepped on the rescue capsule with his feet, and the vitality in his body flowed down the rescue capsule into the seawater below.

The surrounding seawater was disturbed and slowly spun up. This piece of sea water gradually became a small vortex, which immediately attracted the attention of the people on the helicopter.

The helicopter also descended, released the rope, and threw it to Li Fan.

Li Fan didn't need the rope at all, the height of the helicopter was just right now. He took Dr. Cai softly, jumped up and jumped to the helicopter more than ten meters high.

The soldier above was startled, but remembered that this was the guardian of Huaxia, Shang Fang's sword, and soon calmed down. This soldier is a captain, and he salutes Li Fan.

"Major Li, welcome back."

"Well, is there anything to eat, I'm hungry."

On the submarine, Li Fan only eats steamed cabbage, and the bird almost fades out of his mouth.

"Um, can there be canned instant meat?"

"no problem!"

Li Fan licked his tongue, he felt that he now felt like a dragon girl. Even if he roasts a whole cow, he can eat it himself.

Li Fan sat on the chair next to him and took the cans handed over by the captain. There is a pull ring on it, as long as it is pulled down, a chemical reaction will occur inside it, allowing the can to heat up quickly. This thing is a regular food in the army. Although the taste is not particularly good, now Li Fan needs to add protein.

As soon as he opened the can, a roar came from below.

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