My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1205: Golden glance

1205 Golden Light

Li Fan looked down, good guy, Murongbo's old guy, even caught up! The head of Murong Village, walking on the waves, chased the escape cabin in three steps and two steps.

Li Fan was a bit angry, and said to myself that I don't have general knowledge with you, but you are endless!

"Major Li, what should I do?"

The captain asked Li Fan for his opinion.

"Give me a compass, then you go back first."

Now that Dr. Cai has delivered, the remaining things, Li Fan can completely act on his own.


The duty of soldiers is to obey orders. Since Shang Fang Bao Jian gave such orders, then they execute.

The captain took out a waterproof compass and gave it to Li Fan's hands, and then instructed the helicopter to start pulling up.

"Where to escape!"

Murongbo roared and kicked on the escape cabin. The escape capsule suddenly turned into a cannonball, soared into the sky and smashed into a helicopter in the air.

However, Li Fan leapt from the helicopter, he hugged the rescue capsule that hit him in the air, and the whole man made a circle to dissolve the force of the charge and lost it.

Murongbo stepped on the waves, kicked his leg up on the falling rescue capsule, kicked the rescue capsule aside, and floated on the sea.

Li Fan just fell down, stepped on the rescue capsule, and looked at Murongbo on the sea.

This walking on the waves is the same as walking in the void. With its strong internal force, Wudoujia can step on the water and walk on the waves. But the speed of consuming internal force is too exaggerated. It won't take long for the internal force to become empty. But Murongbo is obviously an exception. While riding the waves, he absorbs the vitality of the fish in the sea and continuously supplements his internal force.

This Nine Buddhas Sutra is really nothing!

However, Murong Bo has lost the prestige of the past. At this time, he shed his hair and blinded his eyes.

"Li Fan, I want your life!"

With only red eyes in Murongbo's remaining eyes, it was obvious that his anger was extremely extreme. He jumped up and landed in front of Li Fan. A small rescue cabin stood with two masters. The two tried their best to launch a deadly fight on the rescue cabin!

This Murong Bo and Li Fan have not yet separated the victory and defeat, the sea water suddenly separated, and another figure jumped up.

The two turned around, and they were not born, it was the second pick!

This man, who was exactly like Li Fan, wore a special battle suit, turned around in the air, lifted his foot, and fell down. On his feet, the white frost continued to entangle, and soon formed a four or five meter long frost giant axe, which made people feel cool at a glance!

Mu Rongbo and Li Fan did not dare to neglect, they just happened to slap, and then leaped back.


No. 2 kicked down and split the escape cabin made of this alloy directly into two!

Li Fan and Murong Bo both fell on the sea, and they stood on the waves at the same time. The escape cabin is made entirely of alloy. After being split, it slowly sinks directly into the sea.

Li Fan calculates how long he can sail on the sea, which can last about an hour. And with this consumption, he is definitely not the opponent of those two people.

This place is not suitable for fighting. Li Fan didn't hesitate. He turned and stepped on the waves to escape quickly.

"Where to escape!"

Murong Bo didn't think of him at all and followed him directly.

The candidates also followed, and Li Fan and Murong Bo were both prisoners who escaped from prison. His task was to get them back.

However, in light work, Li Fan confessed that he would not lose to anyone. He learned dragon fighting with the dragon girl, and one of them is called Yunyou!

Walking on the clouds, walking in the air. This is as easy for the dragons as walking. However, after the Dragons are transformed into adults, they need some skills to do the same. This technique is performed in a similar way to stepping in the void. It uses internal force to step out and step in the air, and at the same time cooperates with some swings of the waist and legs to make itself swim in the air like a dragon. The so-called cloud swim is a rapid parade in the air, as if swimming in the water.

Li Fan's speed is extremely fast. Every time he swings his legs, he can walk out in the air for 30 to 40 meters, like a dragon. Although Murong Bo and the Chosen One are very good at playing, none of them can catch up with Li Fan.

Li Fan unfolded his body in the air, occasionally clicking on the sea to maintain his assistance. After all, he is not a true dragon, and it is impossible to fly in the air. This cloud swims in the air and must fall down once every 100 meters. It needs to regenerate new power.

After running out for more than 20 minutes, Li Fan finally saw a small reef island. This reef island is not large, it grows up to 100 meters, and it is constantly washed by the sea. It glides on top, and it slips straight when you step on it.

But this is enough for Li Fan. He tied his feet directly on the island, his feet sinking into the reef, keeping his feet steady.

Li Fan first stood there and started to adjust his interest quickly. Although his rate of adjustment is not as good as Murong Bo, he is also far beyond ordinary people. It won't be long before those two perverts will catch up and be able to adjust the breath for a while.

Before long, there was a howling in Li Fan's ear. He opened his eyes and saw two dark shadows approaching in the distance.

It really came.

Li Fan sneered, waiting for you!

These two are very entangled, and even if they leave a distance, they can find their own breath to catch up. Don't beat these two guys down today, I'm afraid they will always find trouble for themselves!

And just now when fighting, Li Fan found that Murong Bo's eyes had recovered a lot, apparently the effect of the Nine Buddhas.

Like Zhou Guifei, this old guy can slowly reach an immortal state by relying on the vitality of others! The prison walk was so painful that it caused two abnormalities.

Just when Li Fan was meditating, he was thinking about how to deal with them.

The waves continued to wash the island, and the water splashes and the sunset sank together. It was late, and a bright moon was replacing the sun, rising slowly from the other side of the sea. The moon tonight is round and bright, like a huge beacon hanging on the Haiping line, reflecting Li Fan.

As Fan Li approached, Li Fan had been thinking about the Dragon Girl's name in her heart.

He is a Shangfang sword and has an inexplicable tacit understanding with the Dragon Girl. Although it is so far away, it is currently the only way!

Murongbo was getting closer and closer to the candidate, and the two flew over one after the other.

"Li Fan, where are you from!"

"Found target two and annihilate."

Two people quickly stepped on the sea water and rushed to Li Fan. Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth.


A golden light suddenly cut through the sky.

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