My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1206: Black cocoon

1206 Black Cocoon

Murong Bo and the candidate have fallen in front of Li Fan. Although they will also fight, Li Fan is the priority target!

The two just landed on the island, and suddenly a golden light flashed in the sky, as if a dragon swept through the night sky, and immediately came to the three of them.


This golden light smashed on the island, taking the two steps of the Chosen and Murongbo back at the same time.

A golden Chanchan sword was inserted in front of Li Fan, and there was light on it.

The Dragon Girl really heard her prayer and sent this Shangfang sword!

With this sword, Li Fan will not worry about winning these two guys. Shang Fang's sword specializes in cutting evil spirits. Li Fan has seen it before. Zhou Guifei saw this sword with a dodgy look. Li Fan stretched out his right hand and held it on the hilt of Shangfang's sword.

"Little bastard, think you can beat me with a sword?"

Murong Bo didn't put the sword in his eyes at all. As soon as he reached out, the surrounding sea water was sucked in, condensing into a water sword in his palm.

Zhou Guifei also used this trick, Li Fan can also play.

At this time, the water sword in the old man's hand brought Yingying green light, and Yin Gong converged to the extreme.

The prospect's eyes fell on Shang Fang's sword, muttering to himself.

"When a dangerous weapon is found, it automatically switches to weapon form."

The voice of the deceased person dropped, and he also extended his right hand. Frost slowly condensed in his hand. Soon, a frost lance was held in his hand. As the so-called, one inch long and one inch strong, he held the big gun in his hand, the tip of the gun pointed at Li Fan's throat. These two are extremely masters, and fighting with them, the ordinary method is really not working.


Li Fan's eyes burst into dazzling golden light, and a strong burst of energy burst out from him, impacting the surroundings, shocking the bodies of the two facing them.

"What power?"

Murongbo frowned, blocking his arms in front of him, blocking the shock wave released from Li Fan.

Li Fan was wearing a golden arrow sleeve robe, and his pupils became completely golden.

As soon as Li Fan opened his eyes, the golden light was released, and Murongbo was surprised. What is the situation and why is there a terrible pressure on the boy? He is already one of the worst, is there anything else he can't do? Thinking of the dark side of Li Fan, Murong Bo was really a little bit bottomless.

He didn't hesitate, come fast, and walk fast. The old man put oil on his feet, turned around and walked away!

"Genima is smart ..."

Li Fan is too late to chase Murong Bo, let's kill the candidate first.

Li Fan suddenly waved his sword and pointed towards the sky.

For a moment, a huge golden sword fell into the sky, directly hitting the body of the Chosen One, chopping him into flesh!

The Chosen had almost no time to resist and was instantly spiked. After Li Fan displayed this move, the golden light on his body slowly spread out, and the arrow sleeve robe also dissipated little by little. He recovered his original appearance, and the Shang Fangbao sword in his hand suddenly rose up into the air, disappearing without a trace.

After using it, Shang Fang's sword returned to the Dragon Girl. Until the Dragon Girl fell asleep, this Shangfang sword could really be owned by Li Fan.

And in terms of Shang Fang Bao Sword, it is estimated that he is not willing to stay beside Li Fan.

Look at the pile of minced meat on the ground, still slightly squirming. Li Fan couldn't help but whispered. This Shang Fangbao sword specializes in cutting evil spirits, and Murong Bo has practiced Yin Gong. Like Zhou Guifei, he is considered evil spirits.

But the Chosen One ... He is a human-made clone, can he be regarded as an evil clone?

Li Fan had just thought of this, the pieces of minced meat suddenly wriggled violently, and black tentacles popped up from them, entangled quickly towards Li Fan!

When dying, the Chosen One will absorb the flesh and blood around him to replenish his nutrients and reshape the flesh. However, the only flesh here is Li Fan. Li Fan was startled, hurriedly reached out his hand, waved his knife, and tried to cut off these tentacles. But there were minced meat everywhere, and tentacles everywhere, entangled madly around Li Fan's body, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Li Fan felt that his body was about to be torn, and these tentacles were devouring his flesh madly. But why would Li Fan confess his defeat like this? He must not die here!

He screamed loudly into the sky! The energy flowed out of him constantly, resisting the tearing of these tentacles.

Li Fan felt like he was tug-of-war with a strong man, just to see who could pull this rope! But in this tug of war, Li Fan's energy is not small!

"Golden body!"

Li Fan simply exhibited the golden body method, allowing the vitality of the whole body to condense, forming a golden shell, wrapping himself in it!

With this blessing, Li Fan's body is indestructible. Those tentacles are struggling no matter how much they can take away from Li Fan!

When creating candidates, they chose Li Fan's genes. Because Li Fan was young and had potential, when he was young, he frightened four people and walked across rivers and lakes. So after struggling for a while, these nanocells are slowly getting confused. The real Li Fan is here, and they soon think that this is their subject. Since you can't take it away, attach it.

Soon, these cells began to enter Li Fan's body, found where they should exist, and slowly integrated into Li Fan.

Li Fan was freed from the pain of tearing, and soon felt a sense of swelling, followed by an unprecedented feeling of relaxation. It seems that there is a gap in the body and it has been filled. Layers of black tentacles surrounded him in the center, as if forming a black cocoon.

The diamond chip also quickly penetrated into Li Fan's body, trying to squeeze into his brain stem to control Li Fan's brain.

But Li Fan's mental strength was also exercised, and he quickly felt the threat. He immediately controlled his mental strength, and at the same time used his strength to control his flesh and blood, against this chip!

This chip was constantly squeezed by Li Fan, unable to fight, and was quickly squeezed by Li Fan's power onto his left hand, and stuck on the back of his left hand.

The nano-cells and Li Fan were still fused, and a layer of ice crystals was frozen on the black cocoon, freezing him.

This integration is three days and three nights.

Within three days, Murongbo had been here once. But he didn't feel any breath here, only saw an ice crystal thrown on the island.

Murong Bo didn't think much about it. He thought that this was the trace left by Li Fan after the battle with the Contestant, and Li Fan should have slipped away. As for what happened to Mu Rongbo, let's press and hold down. Just after three days, Li Fan among the black cocoons suddenly opened his eyes.

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