1207 Boss Boss

After Li Fan opened his eyes, these eyes were different.

At first glance, these eyes are like a pair of stars in the cold night, they are bright and bright, and they release the convincing spirit.

Li Fan's body shook, and the ice crystal was immediately shattered. For a time, the spraying ice mist covered the reef island.

The black cocoon also instantly froze into an ice cocoon, which was smashed by Li Fan.

He rose from the inside and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Li Fan stretched his waist and then glanced at his left hand. The diamond chip was also embedded on the back of this hand, so it broke the skin, exposing a part, exuding a sense of technology. This is slightly different from the Dragon chip. The Dragon chip does not have independent control capabilities, but this chip has it, with a computing device on it, and it also stores martial arts of various factions. However, because Li Fan forcibly separated the chip from his brain, no computing power was needed, and the gadget became a display.

It cannot be called a decoration, it should be called a time bomb. Once you are weak, this thing may go up against you, vying for control of your brain.

And you can't drag it down, because its only value now is to fix its own genome. There are many nano-robots in the gene cells of the candidate. At this moment, these robots are in their own bodies and integrated with themselves. If this thing is forcibly dragged off by yourself, the nano-robot will get out of control, its body will be horribly damaged, and its life may be in danger.

However, there are benefits. In addition to his ability to frost, his body is now damaged and he will quickly reorganize with the help of nano robots.

In other words, the integration this time is quite good for yourself.

Li Fan stretched out his left hand, and Frost's ability and vitality merged together, making his left hand like white jade.

The combination of superpowers and vigor should be more powerful. Li Fan is confirming his thoughts. The strength gathered on his left hand is getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature around him has suddenly dropped a few points.

After the power reached an extreme, Li Fan patted his feet.


The island at this foot suddenly turned into ice crystals and then burst open, scattered around and floating in the sea. Li Fan stepped on an ice block and looked at the swaying sea, feeling excited in his heart.

Sure enough! This palm is too powerful!

This palm has a name called the Palm of the Chosen One? Ah, why advertise to the candidate?

Thinking that he is now practicing Dragon Fighting, Li Fan decided to call it Dragon Fighting.

The new exercises should also be completed, and Li Fan has a clue in his heart. When you go back, start retreat.

Thinking of this, Li Fan stepped on the ice and judged the direction.

At this moment, the sun had just risen eastward, and Li Fan didn't even need a compass, so he figured out the direction.

As soon as he swam, his body rushed forward immediately.

Li Fan spent a day's work, tired to find an island to meditate and rest. After this day, he finally encountered a fishing boat, disguised as the victim, and boarded the fishing boat.

"Friend, where are you from?"

The owner of this ship is about forty years old, with dark body and rough skin, wearing a short shirt and full of the moist atmosphere of a fish man. After he rescued Li Fan, he spoke a Shandong accent and asked Li Fan.

This familiar voice reminded Li Fan of the bedroom boss Wang Yang, so he felt kind.

"What's wrong?"

On this vast sea, it is also rare to rescue people from the water. In particular, there were no wrecked boats nearby, which made the boat boss unable to help but ask.

"Dad, why are you talking so much, don't you see how cold it is?"

A fifteen-six-year-old girl, with a pretty appearance, but also a little wheat-colored, was holding a clean suit and came to give it to Li Fan.

In order to look like a little, Li Fan deliberately wet his suit.

"Oh, am I not curious ..."

"I'm still curious when I'm such an adult. I'll go and get the little brother to change clothes. You are optimistic about fishing nets."

With that said, the little girl led Li Fan into the cabin next to her. This fishing boat is not very big, just a search for small fishing boats. However, fishing boats are easy to handle, and fishing licenses are difficult. Especially in this sea area between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, a fishing license can even make a sky-high price.

There were only father and daughter on the fishing boat. The girl was very enthusiastic and put dry clothes on the bed.

"Brother, you change your clothes here, I will help you clean your clothes."

Speaking, standing in the cabin with his hands on his back did not mean to leave.

"This ... you're here, I'm not very convenient ..."

The little girl took a vocal break.

"How can you guys in the city be so embarrassed. Come out to fish, and I have seen many bare guys. Come on off, I'm still waiting to wash your clothes!"


They were generous, but Li Fan seemed a little angry.

He took off his suit, revealing the long and slender figure inside, and the little girl's eyes glinted.

"Thank you."

"I don't call you, my name is Xiong Meili."

As the little girl took Li Fan's clothes, she explained.

"Oh, thank you, beautiful girl."

Li Fan squeezed her eyes at her. The name was really a pun.

"Brother is so greasy, beware I eat you."

The little girl finished speaking, looking at Li Fan's miserable expression, laughing and smiling, like Yin Ling, running away.

Li Fan is a bit dumbfounded. What does this girl ... mean?

He shook his head before thinking about these things. He put on a pair of shorts and vest and walked out of the cabin.

"Brother, when can we get to land?"

When Li Fan was ready to go ashore, he informed General Ran of them and came over to take him back.

"The night after tomorrow, let's go back."

The boss of the ship pointed to the east. "We just came out a few days ago and now we are going to cross the border to catch some fish."

"Fishing fish in transit?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. "If it's not caught, it's over?"

"No idea."

The boss of the boat was sitting on the chair, and he was smoking dry smoke. "The fishery in this territory is almost out of fish. In the past, the grandchildren used too many nets, so now everyone can only venture to fish in the opposite direction Row."

"Aren't you afraid of being found?"

"I'm afraid I won't make any money. I still have a family to support."

The boss of the ship sighed, "This is the oldest girl in my family, and there is a kid under me. For that kid, the old girl is not going to school, and she will fish with me for fishing."

"I have a mother who sells criticism ... I don't know if I should talk about it ..."

Li Fan said the boat boss was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

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