My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1208: Bear beauty

1208 Bear Bear Beautiful

The boss of the boat did not know the meaning of this statement. He did not go to the net.

If it weren't for Li Fan, the boss of the boat had to stay here for a long time. They have rules, and they can't go back empty-handed.

"You are patriarchal, big brother."

Li Fan looked at the boss and couldn't help but reprimand him. This idea is really terrible. Since ancient times, the idea of ​​patriarchalism has been too serious. Li Fan, in her own words, really wanted to have a daughter. Even a girl can practice and pass on Kung Fu for herself!

"You little brother, you haven't got married and had a baby, how can you know the difficulties of the owner of this family?"

The boss of the boat sighed, "If it weren't for a fishing permit at home, our family would have to starve to death."

"It's a good little girl. It's a pity not to finish school."

Li Fan felt a little sorry, but every family had its own difficulties. He couldn't manage it, but couldn't manage it. However, this family is also related to him, Li Fan still wants to contribute a little strength.

"So, you saved me, and I should thank you too. After I get ashore, I will thank both of you and use this money to let your girl go to school."

Li Fan was also kind, but the boss of the ship waved his hand and rejected Li Fan's kindness.

"It's the duty to save people. How can you exchange money with conscience?"


"Okay, okay, you little brother, you have a lot of management. You can rest on the boat for two days, and I will send you to the port after two days. If you really want to be grateful, you can do more good things in return.

The boss of this ship is also a real person. He doesn't want Li Fan's money.

Against his background, Li Fan felt that he was indeed a bit, with a copper smell. He didn't say much anymore, just stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the vast sea.

Not far away is the fishing area of ​​South Korea. Once there, the boss can complete the mission.

He also deliberately pulled out a South Korean flag and affixed it to a fishing boat to confuse the audience.

"Can this be done?"

Li Fan still feels unsafe. He used to see news about South Korea's arrest of Chinese fishermen.

"It's okay, rest assured."

The boss seems to have been a regular customer for a long time. "It's not us. There is nothing."

Li Fan looked to both sides, and many fishing boats were fishing near here. Looking at the fishing boat alone, we can't tell which one is a Chinese fishing boat or which one is a Korean fishing boat.

But it didn't take long for a ship searching for the Korean fishery administration to be in sight and seemed to be inspecting. But the boss of the ship did not care about him at all, he was following the radar, running after the school of fish.

"What are you looking at?"

There was a scent of fragrance in his nose. Li Fan turned his head and looked. Xiong Meili didn't know when he had slipped to his side.

This bear is beautiful and handsome, and he is also in good shape. She was dressed in a small white shirt with a bare **** and pressed against the railing, which was extremely attractive. The bottom is goose yellow cropped pants, wrapped in two beautiful long legs, revealing a feeling of youth and health.

Li Fan also did not eat meat for a long time, and spent a period of monks in prison. At this moment, Xiong Meili unveiled his charm unabashedly, making Li Fan really a little dazed.

The flowers bloom and fold straight and must be folded.

An idea floated in Li Fan's mind, and he quickly annihilated his idea.

I wipe, why are you thinking about it all? Li Fan patted his face to calm himself down.


Xiong Meili looked at Li Fan a little distracted, and called again.

"Ah, I just worry about our safety."

Li Fan straightened and explained.

"It's okay, we come here often. And now fishing follows the radar. The radar chases the school of fish, wherever the school of fish goes, we go. Sometimes the school of fish comes here, and we have to venture in."

"You can't die if you make money."

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you if something happens."

Xiong Mei could not help laughing.

"Looking at what you said, I'm not a white face."

"Hee hee, how could you have such a silly little white face."

The bear simply turned over and sat directly on the railing, then shook his little feet.

She has been accustomed to this life for so long at sea and is very comfortable.

Xiong Mei gently pressed the hair blown by the sea breeze, and hummed the fisherman's key in his mouth.

"Brother on the other side of the sea, you know, I miss you so much. Sister on the fishing boat, every day and night, looking at the stars. When you return to the sea, you pull me and step on the beach. Hope the moon hide When you are in your ears, panting. "

This minor note is interesting, and Li Fan who listens is a little bit out of his mind.

This is okay at first, but the more I hear the back, the less it tastes. This sang to the last two sentences, almost sang hard for Li Fan.

What the hell, a good song, how did it sing in a yellow minor?

Xiong Meili seems to be succeeding, laughs, and turns away.

This girl ... Li Fan shook her head again and again, poisonous!

Li Fan turned around and continued to look at the vast sea.

The sea breeze is very comfortable, with a bit of fishy breath, blows on Li Fan's face, and makes Li Fanshen refreshed.

He simply sat on the deck, closed his eyes, and began to meditate on his new moves.

Although Qixiaquan is a very strong fighting skill, the more up the opponent is, the more abnormal his opponent becomes. A new generation of martial arts should be born.

The Dragon Girl passed on a set of basic dragon fighting techniques, and he improved it according to his own moves.

When Li Fan closed his eyes, he also entered his own world of consciousness. This is also a quiet heart, but a little more than in the past.

The flying lion goddess stood there, but the armor of the current flying lion goddess has changed. Her original armor was a lion head with a lion print. But now her armor has become a flying dragon armor, a leading dragon body, and an extraordinary power.

It seems that dragon fighting has been thoroughly understood by himself, so did the flying lion goddess evolve into a flying dragon goddess?

In addition to the dragon goddess, Li Fan also felt a bit wrong. He looked down, and in his calm heart, reflected his own reflection.

Xinhai is special, there is no reflection. But this time, there is a reflection, which is a bit magical.

Li Fan looked at himself pouring out of the sea of ​​heart, and seemed to understand something.

This is the Chosen One, who has become one with him, so what should appear in his heart should also be his shadow.

Li Fan was about to study, and suddenly it felt like someone was touching himself secretly.

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and found that it was dark, and the ship was quietly floating on the sea, and the whole sea was starry.

The bear was in his arms, looking at himself, smiling with spring.

p.s driving today, time was lost on the road, so forgive me.

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