My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1210: Takeda Takeshi

1210 Takeda Takeshi

Li Fan didn't expect that he could have a night off with another dragon girl. They say that dragon nature is a prostitute, and they can do it with anyone. Li Fan can also be seen. But this little dragon girl in front of herself seems to be an exception. She is only interested in eating, and seems to have no pursuit in that respect.

However, Xiong Meili warned herself before not to go to the East China Sea. What happened?

Li Fan felt a little confused.

"It's worth saying."

The dragon girl pouted, "The dragon clan you met should be paired with someone else. You put someone's wife on, and the other person definitely wants to end with you."

Suddenly Li Fan thought of the terrible heavy rain ... Is it also the ghost of that buddy ...

Li Fan thought about it, couldn't help but feel a little scared. It seems that this girl still don't sleep around.

"Anyway, I finally came back alive."

Li Fan wiped his cold sweat, "After going back, I will retreat."

"It's up to you, as long as you don't go to provoke other dragon girls. And recently, you have been resting more at home, don't go out and make trouble."

"What's wrong, it sounds like you're serious?"

Li Fan looked at the Dragon Girl strangely.

The Dragon Girl hesitated again and again, as if something was hiding from Li Fan.

"You say, what else can't you tell me?"

"Well, I'm worried about your life."

"My life? Am I not living well?"

Li Fan was a little puzzled. What happened to the dragon girl today has always been strange.

"Several things I told you just now are lie to you."

"Which one is this?"

"No, this is true."

"So what is fake?"

"Dragons can mate with other species ... but not humans alone."

"What do you mean? Racial discrimination?"

"Discrimination to your sister ... In the past, when the Dragon was strong, there were dragon girls who couldn't bear being lonely and ended up with human men. Any man who had **** with a dragon girl ... finally died."

"You ... aren't you kidding me? Why are humans so special?"

"Human beings are special ..."

The Dragon Girl explained that, "The women of the Dragon family are different from ordinary human women. When they are mating, they will absorb a lot of true elements as nutrition for fertility. When the Dragon Girl and humans mating, they will give birth to dragons. Like the legendary female praying mantis, men dedicate all of their energy to become the nutrition of the next generation. "

"This, the female praying mantis eats the male praying mantis. This is pure nonsense."

"Whether it's nonsense or not, the reason is the same. I think you are still alive now, so I think you may be lucky to survive. Although I don't know what method you used, but at least I killed."

Li Fan's cold sweat couldn't stop. What is this Nima doing? Can you use your life to make an appointment?

"Otherwise, why do you think I haven't been emotional for so many years? I have focused my attention on eating, so I can make up for the gaps in my emotions."

Li Fan vaguely remembers that the character of the dragon girl does not take human life seriously, but she respects the laws of nature and never takes the initiative to plunder the lives of others.

"This is also probably a curse. Since ancient times, the dragon girl who fell in love with humans has a very miserable destiny. Usually, which man they like, they will pursue it. Then they will end up, and the man will die. After the dragon girl descends the dragon, she will also know Broken to death. Therefore, the elders of the clan expressly forbid the relationship between the dragon girl and human beings. "

"What about the dragon man?"

Li Fan asked.

"Longnan doesn't **** people, they mess around, they don't have farts, they don't matter."

The Dragon Girl said indignantly, seeming to be very unbalanced. She picked up the apple on the table next to her and took a bite.

"Hey, that's my consolation ..."

"Yours are mine."

The Dragon Girl was not polite at all, "In short, pay more attention to these two days. If you have any health problems, tell me in time."

"Ah, something really happened. Can you help me?"

Li Fanxin said that after all, she is a dragon girl who has lived for thousands of years, and it is quite reliable at a critical time.

"No, I'll find the next heir to the Sovereign Sword in time."

The words of the Dragon Girl did not frustrate Li Fan.

"I didn't want to tell you, because I was afraid of panic. But you have to ask, human, curiosity is too strong."

"Hey, hey, do I want to ask? Obviously it is your expression, and everyone will be curious?"

"This apple is quite delicious. Would you like to eat it?"

Li Fan is a little speechless, this woman is terrible!

"Xing Xing Xing, I can't afford you, can I still hide ... I'm okay, go back to g city, prepare to retreat."

"Okay, I haven't been back in such a long time, and everyone has missed you. Especially Xiaoai, who blame herself for being broken, has been saying that she must find a way to make up for you."

"It has nothing to do with her, she was just used by the Imperial Army."

Li Fan sneered, "When I retreat, it will be the death of Yu Linjun."

"No, what the other person said is also from the official family."

"What happened to the officials, don't underestimate me, Li Fan."

Li Fan had already wrung his mind, "Just look at it, how did I let their Yulin Army completely disintegrate."

"Okay, it's up to you, eat apples."

The Dragon Girl stuffed an apple into Li Fan's mouth.

Li Fanping returned safely to the Seven Chivalry Museum. General Ran covered it. No one dared to touch a sweat on the Seven Chivalry Museum. Zhai Wuliang, who has been promoted to the rank of cadre, has repeatedly tried to find trouble in the Seven Chivalrous Palace. The helpless Qi Xia Wu Guan was well protected by General Ran's troops, leaving him no room to start.

He watched Li Fan sway into the gate of Wuguan, gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, Master Sima Yingming did not blame Li Fan on her own escape. But Master Sima has also suffered a lot recently. One Murongbo and one Li Fan are all thorns in his eyes. If you still want to climb up, naturally you have to help him pull out these two poisonous stings!

Li Fan is Zhai Wuliang's first goal!

The organs are exhausted, and Li Fan must be frustrated!

Zhai Wuliang counted Li Fan here, he didn't know that Li Fan was also counting himself.

At this time, Li Fan had begun retreat.

But it didn't take long for the martial arts community in g city to suffer.

The noble son Zhang Guo who picked up a leg again, finally took the island's strongest man, Takeda, to take out the mountain!

Jiang Fengpu's dark move that day also finally began to play a role today.

"Master, it's bad ..."

Zhang Guozheng was fantasizing about how to hurt Li Fan, and when Liu Xiaowan was recaptured, his bodyguard ran in with a look of panic, shocked by a beautiful girl who was sitting on Zhang Guo and moving up and down.

"What's wrong, say!"

Zhang Guo is a bit irritable. When it matters, what to do if you bother yourself and shrink!

"Master ... Takeshi, Mr. Takeda ... he is gone ..."

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