1211 Takeda Orchid

This is Takeda's second visit to China.

The last time I came was about twenty years ago. At that time, he was not the strongest of the island nation. He followed his master to Huaxia and saw Huaxia's martial arts.

Takeda's temper was also very strong before. For him, Huaxia Wulin was not worth mentioning, but it was just a group of sick men from East Asia. But at that time, he met a guy named Murong. This man, about his age, even defeated Master!

Takeda's arrogant mentality was immediately impacted, and he returned to the island country honestly and began to retreat. He only had one purpose in mind, to return to Huaxia and defeat the masters of that year!

Someone came to tell me before that when a young man in Huaxia defeated the invincible player in the world, Takeda just smiled slightly and didn't go to his heart. He also came from that age and knew the age of indulgence. What's more, the rivers and lakes say that the wind is rain. How can a Chinese warrior marry a dragon and a tiger, a teenager, how can he beat the world invincible.

Until later, rumors came over that the boy defeated the owner of Murong Villa. Takeda just couldn't sit still, he was immediately invited to Huaxia.

Takeda just wore a loose white military uniform, and the weather was already a little hot in the late spring and early summer in the city of G. He stepped on a wooden clog on his feet, walked on the streets of G city, and looked at the bustling market well. He who had lived on Mount Fuji all year round was actually not quite used to it.

Takeda stepped on his feet, stepping on a wooden clog, and making a rattling sound when walking. He stepped forward three or two steps, grabbed a pedestrian's arm, and asked.

"Excuse me, how do you get to Qixia Wuguan?"

Takeda's Chinese is very blunt, but it is understandable to some extent.

"How do I know, go to Baidu myself!"

That pedestrian is also a foreigner. There are many foreigners in this city. It is not easy to find a familiar road.

"Baidu? What's that?"

Takeda just put his hands in his sleeves and didn't think about it for a long time.

Fortunately, not far away, there is a small guardhouse of traffic police. Takeda had just watched, and was slightly happy in her heart, and immediately walked over.

A scream came from the woman in the street nearby.

A Toyota domineering like crazy, rushed directly to the sidewalk, and ran into a woman pushing a stroller.

The people around them closed their eyes in fear, fearing to see a **** scene.

At this moment, Takeda suddenly took a gust of wind, and immediately came to the front of the Toyota car, then raised his right foot high, dangling a note, and severely chopped on the front cover.


This slammed Toyota Suv paused for a moment, the car's head sank, the car's **** lifted more than half a meter high, and landed on the ground again, stopping there, the deformed car's head still emitting black smoke.

A drunk driver, probably in his thirties, drank like a dog and pushed the car door, pointing at Takeda and yelling.

"Grass mud horse, you are stupid. Do you know how much Lao Tzu's car costs?"

Takeda just ignored him. He squatted in front of the stroller, looked at the little fat baby in the car, and teased him with a smile.

"Come and smile for Grandpa."

The baby laughed and seemed to like Takeda's look.

When the drunk driver saw Takeda just ignore him, he stepped forward to tear Takeda. At this time, the traffic police had already rushed over and came forward to subdue the driver and pressed him to the ground.

"What are you doing? Do you know who I am?"

The man was noisy and a traffic policeman came over and thanked Takeda.

Although he doesn't know how the old man did it, after all, he prevented a tragedy from happening.

"Let me inquire with you."

Takeda Gang looked at the traffic policeman seriously, "What is Baidu?"


The traffic policeman froze, and said to himself, why did the foreign friend still ask about this?

"That's a search engine."

"What is a search engine ..."

Takeda has been living in Mt. Fuji all year round, and he doesn't know anything about computers.

"Just ... a search tool ... do you have anything?"

"Oh, oh, I want to find Qi Xia Wu Guan, they said to let me Baidu."

Takeda just inquired about the opportunity.

"Seven chivalrous martial arts? It should be on a street in martial arts ..."

The traffic police did not know where to come up with a tourist map, and pointed at it, "There are many martial arts houses on this street. You can find them here."

"Thank you."

Takeda just bowed to the traffic police, who also shoved the map to him.

"I still have to deal with things, you find it slowly."

The drunk driver is still clamoring.

"Do you guys know who I am? Dare to touch me, believe it or not, I scratched your skin!"

The traffic policeman laughed and said while shoving the man into a police car.

"I really want to know who you are now. Take away and wake him up!"

The men left the drunk driver and two traffic policemen remained to handle the scene. Takeda just held the map and continued to find his Seven Chivalrous House.

But the great martial artist of the famous island nation lost his way.

When Takeda was busy looking for the Martial Art Museum, Li Fan was also here.

An island nation woman is sitting in the parlour of Wu Guan, waiting to meet Li Fan.

She is about twenty years old, with long black hair, beautiful features, bright eyes and dazzling love. She wore a sapphire blue sweater with a white tights inside, black wide-leg pants on the lower body, bare white ankles, and clean sneakers on her feet.

There seemed to be some tension between the woman's looks, as if there was something urgent.

After Li Fan came in, she immediately stood up, bowed respectfully to Li Fan first, and startled Li Fan.

This Huaxia, how can there be such a courtesy?

"Mr. Li, meet for the first time. Hello, this is Takeda Lan."


Li Fangang had not been in retreat for a long time, and only heard that a girl was looking for herself, but she did not expect to be from the Takeda family.

"Mr. Li, although a little rude, but I said straight away, please leave G City."


Li Fan almost didn't laugh when he heard it.

This woman is so pretty, she is a lunatic?

"Mr. Li ... don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to drive you away, I just hope you can avoid it."

Takeda Lan speaks Chinese very well. Judging by her voice, she can hardly hear that she is an islander.

However, her style and attitude still have the style of the island country.


Li Fan sat on the chair, picked up Jiang Ye's prepared tea, and asked slowly.

"Why, can't the earthquake in G be the cause?"

"Mr. Li, don't get me wrong, I have no bad thoughts."

Takeda kept explaining.

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