122 New Teacher

"What breaks the contract ..."

Deng Siwei began to play rogue, "On your score, you have the ability to pass the exam better than me! If you can't pass me, what can you do!"

"Deng Siwei, as a man, what you say, nails on the board!"

Li Fan sneered, "Although you have a good grade, you are not even a man. It is no wonder that Lin Yuexian despise you because of your virtue."

"Nonsense! Look down on me, can I look down on you?"

Deng Siwei was annoyed, "I'm Deng Siwei, the man with the second highest grade in the school! You just passed the passing line. What qualifications are comparable to me! I am the darling in the eyes of teachers, and I will be admitted to a brand College! Wait for me to get ahead. In the day of the white-collar worker, you can only spend your days hungering, eating and waiting to die! Are people who are not good at learning worthy of a bet with me? "

"Deng Siwei, how do you say that?"

"Did we mess with you?"

"You are too crazy!"

Some students around the world who did not learn well were immediately unwilling. This Deng thought was too arrogant. He fired a map cannon and bombarded a group of people!

"What do you shout! What qualifications do you have to shout at me!"

Deng Siwei growled, "Beware I tell the teacher that you are uniting to bully me! See if you have any good fruit at that time! Your scum and scum are not worthy to stay in a classroom with me!"


Li Fan's fist had fallen down heavily and hit the desk in front of Deng Sifang.

The desk shattered into several **** at once, scaring Deng Siwei almost peeing.

"You fart is so stinky that I can't help but want to poke people."

Li Fan frightened Deng Siwei.

"Deng Siwei, your good grades don't mean you are superior."

Li Fan rubbing his fists while looking at Deng Siwei coldly, "Even if the starting point is different, everyone is equal! What is the future path? It does n’t matter if you say it, I do n’t mean it. Really. The next day, Li Fan, I will not eat you a bite! "

He pointed at Deng Siwei, "Let me hear a word of contempt from your mouth in the future, I will crush your bad teeth!"

"You, dare you threaten me!"

Deng Sisi breathed a few breaths, Li Fan laughed, "Yeah, I threatened you, how about it? You tell the teacher, silly!"

"But after telling the teacher, you can't guarantee if your limbs are healthy."

Bai Linluo sat in his place, Feng Qingyun pushed his glasses lightly, and muttered.

"Li Fan, you can hit him now!"

"We can't see it anyway!"

"What's wrong with learning, maybe it was copied!"

"Yes, plagiarizing the dog!"

The students around him were already dissatisfied with Deng Siwei's words, and they all marched.

"You nonsense! I never plagiarize!"

Deng Siwei was about to cry, "I all rely on my true achievements! When I said plagiarism, which one of your eyes saw? You are a stolen plant, a frame! You are jealous!"

"Deng Siwei, are you not qualified to say that?"

Li Fan heard Deng Siwei say this, and immediately hesitated. "How did you make me a rumor in the first place? My history test was better than you and it became a copy? Who gave you the right to make a rumor, which eye do you See? "


Deng Siwei couldn't speak, Li Fan held his arms and looked at him coldly, "Deng Siwei, people are doing it, heaven is watching! No matter how good your score is, it's just a personal scum!"

"Li Fan! See it in ten years!"

Deng Siwei said fiercely, "After ten years, I want you to kneel and lick me while holding my thigh!"

"Without ten years, five years is enough!"

Li Fan stretched out a hand, "I am such a good speaker, if you want to bet, I will play with you to the end."

"The teacher is here."

A student at the door reminded me that Li Fanduo glanced at Deng Sisi before sitting back in his seat.

Chang Chunxi came in and saw the broken desk in front of Deng Siwei, and asked, "Deng Siwei, what's going on with the desk?"

The corner of Deng Siwei's mouth twitched slightly, then gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Chang ... the table is not very strong ..."

"Go back to the logistics and move another one. Make it up and use it at the same table."

Chang Chunxi is undoubtedly very tolerant of Deng Siwei. He picked up the book and started to lecture without even looking at Li Fan.

It seems that the school has begun to adopt the Cold War attitude towards Li Fan, and is currently disregarding him. But Li Fan knows that things are definitely not that simple. The headmaster and him are almost **** and enmity. He will never endure such a thing with his son!

"A new English teacher is here today. Welcome everyone."

After a Chinese lesson, someone knocked on the door of the classroom. Chang Chunxi went out and looked around, and turned to the students.

"Because your previous teacher was pregnant, you can't teach everyone for the time being."

The classmates started to talk about it. Who is the new teacher and will it be too harsh?

"Well, if only a beauty."

Wang Qiang laughed there, his voice was very loud, Chang Chunxi heard it, but didn't snor.

After all, Wang Qiang's background is also very hard. Chang Chunxi does not want to provoke such students.

While everyone was talking, a young beauty with black-framed glasses came into the classroom.

The beauty combed her short ears and wore a white shirt and a black lily skirt on her lower body. Although it looks simple, it has a kind of elegant elegance!

As she walked in, the boys swallowed.

Beauty, this is a big beauty!

Even Li Fan was a bit surprised. What happened recently? Why are so many beautiful women running to school recently?

He murmured, Murong Ying came for himself, wouldn't this beautiful teacher come for herself?

Oh, I really like daydreaming!

"He will be your teacher in the future. Teacher Liao, please introduce yourself."

Even Chang Chunxi's eyes were full of greed. In the end is a beauty, no one remembers. For a beauty like Murong Sakura, a person like Chang Chunxi can only have a little thought in her heart, but she doesn't even dare look at it.

In case one looks unhappy to others and loses his job, isn't that bad luck.

And this teacher Liao is just an ordinary teacher, but she is a director, maybe she can please her!

"Hello, everyone ... I'm your new teacher ..."

This teacher Liao looks very stingy, lowering his head and introducing himself, "I, my name is Liao Wushuang ..."

"Wusou! A domineering name!"

"It's nothing like the temperament of a teacher!"

"Teacher, do you have a boyfriend?"

The students coaxed and gave Liao Wushuang a big red face.

Changchunxi coughed twice, yelled, "It's quiet for a while! What trouble! Teacher Liao, ignore them, they are all a bunch of stinks. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Changchunxi and I am unmarried . "

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