My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 121: I have a question for you

121 I have a question for you

"Examination scores!"

Lin Yuexian proudly shook the little book in his hand, "It is a very effective treatment that I came up with!"

"How do I feel a little shy ..."

"What's wrong, it's very simple. Didn't I just say that, you have to get a certain score to become my official boyfriend!"

"That became a formal boyfriend, can you hehe?"

Li Fan asked this question subconsciously, and then coughed on his own. Nima, why did you suddenly say what was in your heart?


Lin Yuexian's face turned red as soon as she reached out, she seemed to want to twist Li Fan. But his hand reached normal, and then retracted.

"If it's a formal male and female friend ... get along for a while, it's not impossible ..."

"Really, really?"

As soon as Li Fan's eyes lighted up, there was a door!

"After all, I am not so feudal, and now the relationship between men and women in society is not so rigid. As long as you are willing to marry me in the future, some things can be done in advance."

Lin Yuexian nodded. "What I have said is counted. It doesn't matter if I say it. I won't say it. However, I don't think you are willing to accompany me to see a doctor. I don't think it's better to be strong. The melon is not sweet. "

"Doctor Kobayashi, how can you say that!"

Li Fan immediately said solemnly, "However, you want to be a psychiatrist. How can such a small hardship be difficult to hold you back! I am testing you, exercising you, and seeing if you can break through. Heavy obstacles, knock down the evil devil! "

"That said, are you willing to slap?"

"Yes, of course!"

Li Fan repeatedly nodded, "It is my duty and honor to help Dr. Kobayashi grow!"

"I have to thank you?"

"You're welcome, that's too rare."

Li Fan raised his chest. "As an advanced student in the school, it is our task to carry forward!"

"Go to you, you are the underachiever!"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes and said, "A serious talk nonsense, I admire you too."

"That's what Dr. Kobayashi tuned-teaches well."

"What tune-teach! That's cure!"

"Yes, cure!"

Li Fan focused his attention and said, "That's the meaning! How many points can I pass?"

"If you want to go from the internship to the formal period, you must reach one hundred points."

Lin Yuexian pointed to Xiaoben, "If it is deducted to zero points, we two can only say goodbye!"

"Don't, how much do I have now?"

"Ten points are given to you."

Lin Yuexian said item by item, "Today you came very punctually, that's good, plus 2 points. But your hair is still so messy, you haven't fixed it, and the image points are deducted by 2 points. So you are still very much now."

"It's only 10 minutes!"

Li Fan was a little disappointed. "Can't you give more?"

"It depends on your performance."

Lin Yuexian said with a smile, "Good performance, naturally it will be a hundred points sooner or later! Come on, boy, I am optimistic about you!"

"Thank you……"

Li Fan Alexander felt as if he had fallen into the trap of Lin Yuexian.

On the way, the little girl was very happy and kept talking to Li Fan about the things she encountered recently during the holiday.

"My supplementary student in junior high school even asked me to be his girlfriend, hee hee ... this little majesty is quite cute."

"You ... don't even let a junior high school student ..."

Li Fan pedaled his bicycle, his face sinking, "Old cows eat tender grass ... beasts ..."

"Go to you, you are a beast!"

Lin Yuexian gave Li Fan a hand, "I just think that other people's children are cute!"

"You can pull it, what a cute junior high school student now! What age do you think it is!"

Li Fan reminded Lin Yuexian, "Give him a chance, he can sleep you!"

"Go and go, thoughts are really evil!"

Lin Yuexian exclaimed, "If you think so, how terrible the world is!"

"Be careful with yourself anyway, don't drink water or something from others!"

Li Fan reminded repeatedly.

"Relax, I'm not a kid anymore, there's still some vigilance."

Lin Yuexian's hand was leaning around Li Fan's waist, and said with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

"Of course jealous, very jealous!"

Li Fan also did not deny, "We are now male and female friends in the internship! This is called, be a monk for a day!

"Hit your sister! You are the monk! What a metaphor this is, how do you learn Chinese?"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes.

"I must learn Chinese with Teacher Kobayashi in the future!"

Li Fan said immediately.

"It's almost ..."

Lin Yuexian hesitated, then asked softly.

"Li Fan ... I ask you a question, you must answer me seriously."

"Oh, you can ask people this. I've always been very serious and don't like to joke!"

"I'm missing you ..."

Lin Yuexian took a sip and asked, "I ask you ... do you like me?"


Li Fan froze. Why did Lin Yuexian suddenly ask such a question?

It's not like her character!

"You, don't get me wrong, this is a discussion of the condition!"

Lin Yuexian immediately emphasized, "I need to know your current psychological condition!"


Li Fan thought for a moment, "I don't think I like it yet, but I should like it."


Lin Yuexian snorted heavily, but he was a school-level figure, and the boys chasing himself could line up from the second middle school to the next county! And this Li Fan is so good, he said that there is only goodwill!

Although Li Fan has such a beautiful fiancee ... but after all, there is such a big identity gap between the two, and there must be few common topics!

Sooner or later one day, Li Fan will like him!

Lin Yuexian secretly swears.

When Li Fan arrived at the school, the class was still the same as usual. Some were busy copying homework and some were busy making up. He saw Deng Siwei at a glance. The buddy was talking about it. After seeing Li Fan coming in, he immediately slammed his head. Without a voice, he lowered his head and started making papers.

"Isn't this classmate Deng Siwei, Tang."

Li Fan looked at him with a smile and said, "I remember you said that you were going to eat Xiangxiang. How about, is it hot or cold? Everyone is a classmate, as long as you squeak, I I'll get you in minutes! I'm a living Lei Feng, and I like helping others a lot. "

Deng Siwei hated his teeth itchingly, who could have imagined that this **** Li Fan was really qualified in five subjects!

"What's wrong, classmate Deng, is he still a man?"

Li Fan looked at Deng Siwei and said nothing, and then asked again, "Why, you want to break the contract?"

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