My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 120: Lin Yuexian's score sheet

Score of 120 Yulin Yuexian

"So what, leave him alone."

Li Fanxin said, what time did Huang Lei call himself! Will the water come soon?

"Pick it up, I listen."

Murong Ying said, "He is your brother. Before you die, you must want to say something to you."

"No, brothers are not as important as women ..."

"I don't like to hear these words, this is not what a man in a river or lake should say."

Murong Ying said, she had reached out and took the phone first, then picked it up, and put her handsfree.

"Brother, let's lie down Li Wenzhuo today, shall we not celebrate?"

Huang Lei's Langbi's voice came immediately on the phone. "Brother, I still have some money. I'll treat you at night. Let's go to the red light district for a bit?"

Murong Ying's mouth had a smile on her face, and a chill began to rise behind Li Fan.

"Brother, don't you be silent, don't be silent I will be your acquiescence!"

Huang Lei's broken mouth continued to push, "Brother, don't you often complain to me, is that tigress at home too annoying! Brain disabled and mentally overbearing! This time I'll find a good one for you, and promise to let your brother vent well ... ... "


Li Fan's mobile phone has been broken into several petals by a cherry blossom sword, but Li Fan said even more angry, "Yes, lady, hit well! This silly comparison, I wanted to scold him long ago!" Every day I was tempted to take me there, am I the kind of person! I, Li Fan, but the four good young people in the new society, are upright, how can I tolerate such filthy things! "

"Is it?"

Murong Ying said lightly, "I just heard someone say that I am mentally retarded, mentally retarded, and very overbearing."

"Bullshit! Lady, you must listen to the villain's nonsense!"

Li Fan quickly explained, "I am sincere to you, and the world can learn from it!"

"Is it?"

Murong Ying's voice had faintly carried a trace of murderousness, Li Fan patted his chest, "Of course, the lady is always in my heart like a fairy! Then Huang Lei didn't know where to hear the rumors, looking back I'll tie him up and let your lady pump him out hard! "

"Even so ... what about you?"

Murong Ying stretched out her hand and forced it on Li Fan's wrist. "It's stable and there is no disorder. Li Fan, Li Fan, I really look down on you. You can get Oscar gold for this acting. Man. "

"Ah, am I all right?"

Li Fan was surprised, "Are I really okay? God, I thought I was going to die!"

"Act, continue."

Murong Ying held her arms and looked at Li Fan with a smile, "I see when you can act."

"Mother, don't bother, it's getting late, I should go to class."

The 11th holiday is over, and Li Fan's good days are over.

However, Murong Ying froze. Who is making a fool? This guy is too good to reverse right and wrong!

"Li Fan, do you think you can go to school soundly?"

Murong Ying's eyebrows raised, Li Fan's heart waved.

"What, mother, you have to support your husband's studies."

Li Fan held Murong Ying's sleeve and said, "I'm a motivated and professional person for my husband! I know you can't bear me, but I still have to fight for our future!"

"Huh! I'll pack you up when you come back."

Murong Ying turned and left Li Fan's room, Li Fan finally relieved.

Nima, it's dangerous ...

Li Fan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said that he finally got through this crisis! Nima, I have to change my mobile phone, but now I have no money. It really hurts the hero!

Murong Ying came out of the door, but shouted to the outside.

"Tie Zhu, take a trip home and get my Luoying Sword from home."

Tofu! This girl wants my life at night!

Li Fan sighed and said that he could do what he wanted!

At this time, Tie Zhu pushed open the door and walked in, putting the cleaned uniforms in front of Li Fan neatly.

"Aunt, your school uniform, and your new phone."

Li Fan glanced at it, it turned out to be a madman.

"It's like raising me, it's too high-profile!"

Li Fan was a little uncomfortable. "Tie Zhu, what cell phone do you use, let's change it."

Watching Tie Zhu pull a vertu out of his pocket, Li Fan silently collected Ai Feng 6.

After all, it is the information age. Without a mobile phone, humans are just like without a soul. He got the card right and put on his school uniform before he went out.

The first stop was of course to pick up Lin Yuexian. This girl didn't know what was going crazy, she had to continue to pretend to be her boyfriend and girlfriend with her. At first Li Fan refused such a thing, but thinking of Lin Yuexian's purpose of becoming a psychologist, Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted. This little girl is not easy. When it's time to help her, let's help her.

Hey, I'm so kind and really moving.

When Li Fan was secretly rejoicing, Lin Yuexian finally came out of the Guanzilou.

"Very punctual. Give you extra points."

Lin Yuexian didn't know when he added a small book, and wrote a note on it.

"what is this?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"A score sheet."

Lin Yuexian said very seriously, "Now you are my boyfriend, because of the probation period, of course, I will give you a score. Of course, the probationary period is enough to pass the test before it can become formal. If not, you can only Eliminated! "


Li Fan heard the key point, "What does the boyfriend mean during the probation period? When did I say it?"

"You may have forgotten it, but we are indeed male and female friends in the trial period."

Lin Yuexian coughed a bit, his eyes were a bit unnatural. "In short, this is a set of procedures that must be performed in order to treat your mental illness. Don't you want to cooperate with me, you must abide by my rules!"

"It always feels weird ..."

Li Fan bowed his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Li Fan, your illness is not completely cured!"

Lin Yuexian immediately said, "You are so young that you have already adopted a child husband. Isn't this morbid!"


Li Fan was really a bit powerless to refute, Lin Yuexian hit the iron while he was hot, and continued, "And I am such a beautiful girl to be a girlfriend for you, do you even choose?"

"I just feel a little sudden ..."

"My therapy focuses on the process!"

Lin Yuexian said earnestly, "You have not experienced the true taste of love, so you are distorted and willing to be a child husband for others! This is not the case. As a doctor, I have the responsibility to save you from fire and water!"

"okay then……"

Li Fan had a feeling of being fooled in, "So what is this score?"


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