My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 119: Life is like a play

119 Life is like a play

Murong Ying closed her eyes and did not dare to use her qi to sense the surroundings, as if she could not even touch Li Fan with her qi.

But the waiting kiss had not yet arrived, but Li Fan leaned on his body.

This guy ... he's too brave! He is the leader of the martial arts, how can he be so rude!

But he is his fiance ... and the father of the child. Even if he holds himself ... there is nothing wrong with it ... but ... but he is not married after all!

No, you must teach him well before he can know the rules!

What are you waiting for, Murong Ying, come on!

Murong Ying secretly urged her, but she didn't do anything for a long time. But what surprised her was that Li Fan didn't move for a long time, as if he was craving his own arms.

She felt something was not right, so she opened her eyes and found that Li Fan had fallen asleep, apparently sleeping soundly, as if nobody could bother.

This guy ... at such a crucial moment, he fell asleep ...

Murong Sakura was so angry that she waited for a long time! However, he should be too tired, after all, he had a fight with himself and was hurt a bit.

Looking at Li Fan who was asleep, Murong Ying couldn't help feeling warm. This nasty guy can only be serious when he is asleep. Hey, I found such a childish fiance, and I don't know if it is right or wrong. But no matter what the result, she will bear it! This is my choice and I will go on!

Li Fan was really tired. After two wars a day, he also broke through his strength. This feeling, directly from more than 6 o'clock in the evening, fell asleep until 6 o'clock in the morning.

For a full twelve hours of sleep, the meridians in Li Fan's body have been running automatically, and the vital energy has been restored.

"you're awake?"

As soon as Li Fan opened her eyes, she saw Murong Ying sitting beside her.

This is quite strange. In the past, I opened my eyes to see Tie Zhu, but today I saw another person with my eyes open!

"Strange ... how did you run out of my dream?"

Li Fan asked subconsciously.

Murong Ying made a big red face and gave Li Fan a harsh white look. "What nonsense! I'm afraid you'll be in a horror at night and look at you deliberately. If you suddenly become a demon, I will chop you down to stay future trouble!"

"Mother ... you are so vicious!"

Li Fan couldn't help crying. "As the saying goes, it ’s a hundred-year-old man who sleeps in the same bed, and a thousand-year-old man who sleeps together! How can you do this?

"That's a century-long repair with the same boat!"

Murong Ying's eyes are about to go up to the sky, "It's not serious anymore, and it will be eaten by the demon sooner or later."

"Where am I serious? I want to be close to my own lady. Isn't this the most normal reaction of a man!"

Li Fan said very seriously, "Mother, if I don't feel for you, then there is a problem."

"Oh? You say that, I have to thank you?"

"That's not necessary, don't say two things for the family."

Li Fan immediately said, "How can you be so polite with your man?

"Go to you, say a few words and you're still breathing!"

Murong Ying is busy rolling her eyes today. "You just talk a lot when you pull these useless things."

"Madam, how can you say that!"

Li Fan sighed deeply, "All I said was sincere. I didn't want much. In fact, I was able to spend time with my wife peacefully and live together. It was enough."

"As a man, how can you be so unmotivated!"

Murong Ying could not help reprimanding.

"As a man, I naturally know I want to be strong."

Li Fan looked out the window, "But since I met you, my biggest dream has changed ... I just want to stay by your side and live my whole life. What martial arts lord, the world's first, these are just passing by. With you, these are really not worth mentioning. "

"Do you ... really think so?"

Murong Ying seemed to be touched.

"Yeah ... And ... there is something ... hey, forget it, let alone."

"What's the matter, come on!"

Seeing Li Fan sulking, Murong Ying felt a little subconscious, and immediately urged.

"It's ... ashamed to say ..."

"Say it!"

"Actually ... I had another fight with Li Wenzhuo yesterday."

Li Fan's eyes were full of sorrow. "He practiced a small Wuxiang magic skill and hurt me, causing great damage to my internal concubine."

"what did you say?"

Murong Ying's face changed, and Li Fan smiled bitterly, "That's why I was eager to defeat you yesterday, and it was my wish ..."

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"How to say, I am also a man."

Li Fan coughed twice. "I just regret myself. I'm so young, but I won't live long. I'm sorry for my parents, but I didn't have a child or a daughter."

"You ... you can't die ..."

Murong Ying took Li Fan's hand, and Li Fan's eyes were filled with tears, "I don't want to die ... but my own body, I know ..."

"I won't let you die, I will find someone to save you."

Murong Ying said, she was about to get up, and Li Fan held her, "It's too late, I can't hydrolyze the near thirst ... I just want to leave an incense ..."

"You can rest assured that I will bring our children into adulthood."

The corners of Murong Ying's eyes seemed red, and Li Fan explained, "Mother, you may have been misunderstood. Kissing is impossible to get pregnant ... Only when two people sleep together can they get pregnant.

"So it is."

Murong Ying nodded, "You are almost here. As your lady, I deserve to leave incense for you."

A joy in Li Fan's heart, there is a door!

"The lady is so considerate. I can have a lady like you. I have no regrets in my life.

"Don't say that ... I will find a way to save you. Although Xiao Wuxiang's magical powers are overbearing, my Murong Ying's Valkyrie formula is not vegetarian!"

Murong Sakura has a frown, and her voice is eight degrees higher.

"I may not wait too long ..."

Li Fan coughed again, "Women ... undress for the husband's coat."

"You ... be gentle ..."

Murong Ying said immediately.

"Well, I will."

"And ... I'm on it ..."

Although she didn't understand it, Murong Ying still said it when she talked to some people.

"Okay ... I can't do it anyway, it's all up to you."

Li Fan nodded eagerly, but did not dare to make too anxious appearance, for fear that Murong Ying could see the flaw!

Just a little bit! Never fail! Li Fan, come on, you are a qualified actor!

Besides, this can't be called deception. Aren't two people expecting a husband and wife? That kind of thing should be done sooner or later! I also wanted to take the relationship with Murong Sakura a step further and take great pains!

When Murong Ying was preparing to change clothes, Li Fan's cell phone suddenly rang.

The mobile phone on the desk shows a caller ID for one person, Huang Lei!

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