My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 118: Fulfill the bet

118 Perform Gambling Agreement

"One sword penetrates the heart!"

Murong Ying held out a finger to Li Fan, a cherry blossom sword went straight to Li Fan's eyebrow, trying to stop Li Fan's attack!

However, Li Fan stretched out his right hand and grabbed the sword!


Murong Ying's body was hit **** the ground, and she was a loss!

Li Fan succeeded for the first time!

He was very happy, but without any hesitation, he had lifted his feet and tried to step on Murong Ying!

Bear step!

During the day, Li Fanzhuo leaned on this foot and spit blood on his mouth!

But Murong Sakura is Murong Sakura. This martial arts lord's name is not in vain. When she was only 16 years old, she had already played all over the world martial arts and won all the big names!

Her combat experience is very rich. Although surprised by Li Fan's moves, she has quickly reacted.

Li Fan's smashing kick is a continuous technique. Even if he took the first move, if he avoided it, Li Fan's attack would be invalid.

Murong Ying's right hand was patted on the ground, and her body slipped out immediately, fell to the next wooden stake, kept the golden chicken in an independent posture, and then pointed **** at Li Fan.

"Lost in miles!"

With a yell of resentment, the sakura sword of the house suddenly gathered together, and then spun away toward Li Fan!

Li Fan's body was hit, and numerous Sakura Sword Qi pushed his body, putting him heavily on the back wall!


Li Fan spit out blood, which hurt him not badly!

Murong Ying is not a gentle girl. When she really competes, she won't keep her hands!

Li Fan slipped to the ground, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and used internal work to heal the wound urgently, while facing the method of coping.

Except for toad strike, his moves are basically melee kung fu, and it is a bit of a loss to fight Murong Ying.

The qigong of toad-strike operation is a bit slow, so it is not appropriate to deal with Murong Ying's rapid sword energy.

"How about, do you admit defeat?"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan proudly, "As a beginner, you are not ready yet."

She has recovered the power of the nine tigers and two dragons. It is not too much difference from the power of the previous four dragons.

In particular, she knew how to turn reality into reality. If she was defeated by Li Fan, it would be a joke.

"Do not give up."

Li Fan's head turned quickly. He glanced at his fingers. Murong Ying could release sword qi with her fingers. Can she release her qi with her fingers?

With this idea in mind, Li Fan oppressed his true energy and gathered towards his fingers!

Imagining the principle of a pistol, Li Fan raised his right hand, extended his thumb and fingers, like a pistol, and aimed Murong Ying on the opposite side.

Murong Ying slightly tilted her head, wondering what Li Fan meant.

At this moment, the vitality in Li Fan's body had been forced to the tip of his index finger! The forefinger immediately felt a swelling, which made Li Fan have the urge to shoot!

Alas, why is this idea so evil!

Li Fan shook off his unnecessary thoughts, and then aimed at Murong Ying!


Zhenqi exploded from Li Fan's index finger, turned into an air column, and shot at Murong Ying quickly!

Murong Ying was taken aback. She didn't expect that Li Fan would have such a weird way to move! She subconsciously turned the cherry blossom sword gas into a ball in front of her, trying to stop Li Fan's attack!


But Li Fan was so powerful that Murong Ying's sword defense was broken!

This really formed bullet hit Murong Sakura's shoulder, but because she consumed too much energy, she finally failed to break Murong Sakura's body and breath.

This is so. The power above is still amazing. Murong Ying was taken a step backward by the shock, and the cherry blossoms under her control also dissipated, turning into an invisible airflow, and blowing the window behind her.

She tasseled her eyes and looked at Li Fan, but she was speechless for a moment.

In a short period of time, this seemingly ordinary high school teenager has progressed to a state that has surprised himself!

His ejection was just a blast ... just so powerful!

"How? I said, I will definitely surpass you."

Li Fan pointed at Murong Ying, "Come, we will continue to fight for 300 rounds!"

"No need."

Murong Ying put her hands down, with a slight smile, "This time you won."


Li Fan didn't believe her ears a bit, but Murong Ying actually gave up?

"Yes, I only wanted to use your strength to win the house."

Murong Ying admits generously, "But you forced me to the highest force, and indeed you won."

"Haha, are we ...?"

"Think of the mess in your head!"

Murong Ying said angrily, "Just bragging about you, you're not doing it right! If you use all this cranky energy in martial arts, you might become stronger!"

"Little girl, martial arts must be taken step by step, steadily and steadily, how can you think of leaps and bounds every day?"

"Hum, excuse your obscene thoughts!"

"How could it be, mother, you see, aren't our two feelings very good, close to each other, how could I have those obscene thoughts?"

"Can the agreement be cancelled?"

Murong Ying asked immediately.

"You wait, I take off my pants first."

"Sexy thief, I cut you!"

As soon as Murong Ying reached out, the petals of the cherry blossom sword faintly formed!

"Well, lady, don't take you like that! Don't you say you're good at talking?"

"But you haven't beat me completely."

Murong Ying's eyes rolled, then she blushed slightly, and said, "Then you can kiss me ... but be gentle, don't move your baby's breath ... don't wait ..."

Move your sister's fetal gas, you are not pregnant!

Li Fan couldn't help but vomit, but he had a chance, let's talk about a 360-degree fancy wet kiss first!

But pay attention to control your pure yang body, so as not to **** out Qi from Murong Ying's mouth, that would not be very good.

Li Fan reminded himself, then slowly walked towards Murong Ying.

Murong Ying seemed a little flustered, even closing her eyes.

"Mother, are you shy?"

Li Fan remembered how decisively Murong Ying kissed him when they met. Looking at it now, are you shy?


Murong Ying snorted from her throat, "When will I be afraid! I just don't want to see your face, I hate you."

"Then you just close your eyes."

Li Fan whispered in her ear, "I like to see you is enough."

Murong Ying seemed to tremble slightly, and began to wait for this long-lasting kiss.

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