My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 117: Turn reality into reality

Chapter 117: Turning Void into Reality

Fighting again with Murong Ying, Li Fan was confident.

After all, it has gone up a level and entered the room. This unprecedented self-confidence made Li Fan even more excited.

"To be fair to you, I don't need a sword."

Murong Ying was so merciful today that surprised Li Fan a little.

"No, I'm going to fight you all!"

But Li Fan was so arrogant, how could he be willing to let Murong Ying let himself. But Murong Ying smiled with a smile and stretched out **** and said, "I have a sword in my heart."

Talking, she pointed **** at Li Fan, and suddenly a sword gas rubbed Li Fan's cheek and hit the back wall.

A bloodstain appeared on Li Fan's cheek, and a small gap was pierced on the wall behind, leading to the outside world.

Secretly ... Is Murong Sakura's sword skill so superb?

No wonder it is the leader of the martial arts league. If you throw your hands up, you will have sword energy! I already felt that Murong Ying was amazing, but I found out today that I still underestimated others.

"Li Fan, don't leave it alone for three days.

Murong Ying said, "Although I want to admire you, I've recovered quickly in the past few days. After all, I've returned to the top."


Li Fan almost collapsed, how could this woman get a level!

"Well, what's the difference? I'm going to challenge today!"

Li Fan said magnificently, and Murong Ying shook her finger, "No, no, this is not a first-class thing, but a whole state!"

A gap in the realm can't be bridged by a little brute force and skill!

It can be said that a master who reached the peak and played more than ten masters who entered the room did not have any problems at all!

Super masters like Murong Ying who are close to a generation of masters can play one hundred each.

"Don't underestimate me, lady, it's you who will lose by that time!"

Li Fan said, fortunately, Qixia is all over his body! These seven chivalrous spirits make Li Fan stronger and more sensitive. At the same time, Li Fan can more intuitively feel the power of Murong Ying ... This woman is indeed very powerful.

She was full of sword spirit all over her, but that was the moment. In the blink of an eye, these sword qi were converged into her body, and not converged! If you are quiet, move like a rabbit! Murong Ying does not take the shot, but once shot, I am afraid it will be turned upside down!

To compete with Murong Ying, Li Fan really has to be careful! He gathered his energy and was ready to play against Murong Ying!

"Li Fan, I have known you for so long. It is the first time you have met my Murong family's unparalleled skills and the method of falling swords."

Murong Ying said, "This falling sword is domineering and does not lose its vitality. The most important thing is to assist my martial arts method, so that I can ... heaven! Next! None! Double!"

Speaking, Murong Ying stretched out her hand and released her sword energy to Li Fan!

Li Fan saw for the first time that sword air can also take shape!

In front of him, a lotus flower composed of sword air slowly bloomed, releasing a fierce sword air above it, like lotus petals.

"Tofu is over ..."

I have to say that Li Fan was shocked!

It turned out that Wu Xue had reached the level of Murong Ying, which turned out to be this way! The intangible qi and sword qi can be turned into tangible!

"There are three major obstacles to martial arts, and I have broken one of them. You are optimistic!"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan who fluttered her wings with a fairy crane, struggling to fly her sword Qi, with a smile on her mouth. You can change from nothingness to something tangible! How to make a gaseous state a solid is the goal of your next step! "

Speaking, Murong Ying opened her right hand, and the large group of lotus flowers seemed to have color, and suddenly they spread like this!

The lotus was gone, and the room seemed to be covered with pink cherry blossoms, all made up of Murong Sakura's sword spirit!

These cherry blossoms flew out and looked extremely beautiful, but there was a hidden killer! Li Fan kept waving his hands, and the crane craned his wings to show off his two hundred percent, trying to fly these swords! But helplessly, the cherry blossom sword is too much. In the blink of an eye, many fish have become net leaks, passing by Li Fan's body, leaving him many small wounds!

Looking at the beautiful radian rising slightly from the corner of Murong Ying's mouth, Li Fan was very upset! Yeah, can't make this woman look down!

"Bear! Ride! Soldier!"

Li Fan roared, his body suddenly swelled a bit!

The little shirt changed on my body was broken again, this trick is really a bit troublesome, too bad! Li Fan secretly distressed!


Murong Ying seemed a little surprised, as if she did not expect that Li Fan could perform such a profound martial art!

There are three major obstacles in martial arts, namely the transformation of reality into reality, the transformation of aliens, and the integration of mind and demon!

I have worked hard to solve one of the difficulties, that is, to turn reality into reality. This is regarded as a genius by the people in the family! And this Li Fan, even in a short time, realized that the aliens?

This is a bit ... too unfair!

At this moment, Murong Ying's heart is unbalanced, and she even feels jealous.

She shook her hands, and a row of cherry blossom sword spirits had reached Li Fan. This time, she lost a square foot, and forgot to show mercy!

In the face of so many cherry blossom sword qi, Li Fan could only stretch out his hands in a hurry, blocking himself!

Fortunately, after entering the bear cavalry, Li Fan's defense was greatly enhanced. Those cherry blossom swords struck him, collided with Li Fan's body, and wiped out the golden Mars.

But there was still some stabbing through him, stabbing him, leaving more scars on Li Fan!


Li Fan just raised his arms like this, and stepped forward to Murong Ying with these cherry blossom sword spirits!

After entering the bear cavalry, Li Fan could not use other moves besides bear strike.

He could only push hard and rush up!

Murong Ying frowned. Was Li Fan crazy?

She speeded up the flow of cherry blossom sword gas, trying to force Li Fan back! But Li Fan not only did not retreat, but his mouth slowly smiled!

He seemed very happy. Obviously, after so many injuries, can he still be happy?

Just when Murong Ying hesitated, Li Fan's hand was already resting on her shoulder.

"I caught you."

There was a joy flashing in Li Fan's eyes. Then he mentioned it with one hand, and Murong Ying's body was caught by him directly!


Li Fan, like falling a sack, smashed Murong Ying's body toward the ground!


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