My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 116: Challenge again!

116 Challenge again!

"To shut up!"

Li Fan is a little irritable. Who is it that actually disturbs his mind?

"Everyone is bullying you, have you forgotten?"

The voice continued to murmur in Li Fan's ear, "Can you bear it?"

"I will defeat them with my strength."

Li Fan immediately said, "What kind of person are you, crooked in my ears, so annoying!"

"I am you. Don't you even hear your own voice?"

The voice continued, "All of this is your own voice! Heaven is not fair, and everything is the dog! Why do you keep to this useless justice!"

"It turns out to be a demon!"

Li Fan laughed, "Murong Ying said that if she practiced to a certain level, she would encounter her own demon! It seems that the dragon toad sucking fruit is a door evil, plus the evil spirit of Xiao Wuxiang. Hooked you out! "

"I was originally you, what could you say?"

The voice sneered, "Li Fan, have you forgotten. How did those people oppress you when you were at school. How did they bully you, your teacher, your classmates? And that Murong Ying , She is high above you, not forever, don't you want to conquer her under your lord? "

Hearing this, Li Fan was silent for a moment.

I don't know why, the demon's words made him unable to refute.

"Release me, you can have me alone!"

The sound seemed to be close to the ear, and it seemed to be far away from the sky.

"Release me, you can dominate the world!"

The voice was tempting-bewildering Li Fan, and Li Fan tried to keep his spirit clear, and ignored the voice.

Demon or something, just ignore it!

Li Fan re-entered inner vision and let his true energy begin to mobilize.

This huge qi is under the control of Li Fan, and it starts to impact the fifth acupuncture point! As long as you break through this acupuncture point, you can start the fifth realm! By that time, he would be a real master who entered the room!

But this attack on the fifth acupuncture point is not as simple as absorbing Li Wenzhuo's anger! This fifth acupuncture point is like a solid city wall, no matter how hard Li Fan works, he cannot shake the slightest!

Sure enough, it is not so easy to break through your internal skills!

Li Fan was not discouraged, and continued to work hard to overcome this position!

His vitality was like a fierce cavalry, organizing attacks again and again, madly impacting the fifth acupoint! Finally, under the long attack of Li Fan, a crack appeared in the solid wall!

Try again!

Li Fan thought of cheering up for himself, maintained patience, and continued to overcome it step by step!

He didn't know how long it had passed, and he was already sweating. When he was concentrating on overcoming the difficulties, Murong Ying returned to his home, and was slightly surprised to see Li Fan in the practice room.

Because at this time, four white smoke appeared above Li Fan's head, and he was slowly drifting towards his head.

Four flowers gather the top?

Murong Ying is very envious, this thing is not for everyone, it represents a person's talent!

He's already talented, his bones are clear, he's just three flowers together! And Li Fan ... turned out to be four flowers together, more than one flower!

Although this boy looks ordinary, he has amazing talent in martial arts! Pure Yang body is good, why can't I have a male body? If there is pure Yang body, then I am a generation master.

But on Li Fan's face, there was a faint hint of blue and black! Murong Ying's face sank. Didn't she learn martial arts for a long time before already encountering a demon?

But it seems to be normal, after all, Li Fan's strength has improved too fast, like leaps and bounds!

It is impossible for ordinary people to cultivate in a pure fire. However, Li Fan was the exception. It took less than two months to reach this level.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to cultivate immortals for thousands of years, and it is easy to get into magic once. Such things as Xi Wu are meant to be step by step. Once the strength grows too fast and the state of mind can't keep up, then the demon will also follow.

I hope Li Fan can resolve this demon, and don't get into the magic road.

Murong Ying stood in front of the door and looked at Li Fan quietly, as if waiting for him.

And Li Fan has reached a critical moment at this moment, there have been many cracks in the fifth acupuncture point, it seems that he will be conquered!

But at this time, a powerful airflow emerged from the fifth acupuncture point and hit Li Fan's energy!

Li Fan froze for a moment. What is going on in this situation? Is this the last resistance of the fifth acupuncture point?

Okay, little master will be afraid you wo n’t succeed!

Li Fan took a deep breath, letting the qi that was almost dissipated stabilize, and then entangled with the qi that flowed back from the acupuncture point again!

Kung fu is worthy of the caring person, with the endeavor of Li Fan, finally be able to eliminate this last bit of stubbornness and resistance!

The fifth acupuncture point also became unobstructed, and a sense of relaxation poured into Li Fan's body!

Li Fan felt as if he had become more audible, and when he opened his eyes, he could even see the slight fluff on Murong Ying's face.

I really became stronger! This feeling makes Li Fan particularly comfortable!

But he had another feeling. He seemed to be able to sense the true energy flowing in Murong Ying's body. It was so tempting, as if it was an unstoppable deliciousness, seduced himself!

This feeling ... It's as if the vampire saw the blood flow in the human body ... very strange ...

"Drain her anger!"

The hoarse voice sounded in the ear again, "You can become stronger! Come on, **** her up!"

Absorb your uncle! To shut up!

Li Fan yelled in his heart, and the voice slowly dissipated.

"The demon comes from your weakness."

Just then, Murong Ying said, "It will also dissipate with your strength."

"Did you see it?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. What kind of eyes does Murong Ying have?

"of course."

Murong Ying is a little proud, "How can you hide this from me. You don't need to worry about it, the demon is a step that every martial artist will go through. There are first times, don't be afraid.

Damn, why doesn't that sound a bit wrong!

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, but he was a bit ticklish and hooked at Murong Ying, "Mother, I'm ready to climb to your bed tonight!"

"No wonder there is a demon, it's really not stable at all."

Murong Ying laughed, "Okay, I'll meet you tonight to see if you have the ability to climb into my bed."

"Okay, that's what you said!"

Li Fan was overjoyed, "I'm not Li Fan before, so be careful!"

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