My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 115: Strange sound

115 Strange sound

Li Fan was also the first to use Long Chan to absorb water. He never thought that this would happen!

It can be said that it is Li Wenzhuo who tries water! But no one expected that the effect of the water test ... was a little unexpected by Li Fan!

All the vitality in Li Wenzhuo's body was squeezed out of Dan Tian! Almost nothing left, all pumped away!

Within three minutes, Li Wenzhuo had collapsed to the ground and twitched. All the vitality in his body was taken away by Li Fan, which can be said to be abolished. Since then, he has basically missed Wuxue. It was more painful to him than to kill him!

Li Fan finally absorbed all the internal forces of Li Wenzhuo, and the uncontrollable suction force in the palm also stopped. He glanced at his hands, his heart was full of surprise!

Dragon toad absorbing water can be said to be a self-defeating effort. And the pitiful and self-interested pitiful, absorbed so much power, but Li Fan can only use only 10%!

This achievement requires time to refine. Probably after refining, it is enough to raise your strength to the strength of the five tigers! In this way, his realm will step into the room!

It is getting closer to Murong Ying ... Li Fan believes that he will surpass Murong Ying sooner or later!

What he needs is time and opportunity!

Li Wenzhuo was no longer able to do so. He broke his arm and said nothing, and all his internal strength was lost. Now his Dantian is dead, and there will be endless despair waiting for him!

"Your Mightiness……"

Guan Wenbao knelt down in front of Li Fan, arched his hand, and said, "Wenbao has something to ask for!"

"How many times have you said, don't call me lord!"

Li Fan waved his hand, "Just call my name."

"Sir ... please promise Wenbao's merciless request ..."

But Guan Wenbao still insisted, Li Fan had nodded, "Let's go, let's say, what do you want from me?"

"Your Excellency, please agree to Wenbao ... I will never use this evil method again."

Guan Wenbao pleaded, "Destroying one's martial arts is more terrible than killing one! Wenbao hopes that you will not use such evil methods. If you want to use them, you might as well kill the other party."

"I probably understand what you mean."

Li Fan nodded, and Huang Lei had been watching beside him secretly for a long time, and when he heard Guan Wenbao's words, he was a little unwilling at once, and stood up to reprimand.

"Guan Wenbao, how do you say that? If my elder brother rescued you, you are now giving a yellow-haired girl a dog leg! It ’s not good to repay my elder brother, and still point your finger here! Remember your identity, you are like me, just Little brother! When the little brother, what the big brother says, do it! Do you know? "

"Some things can be done, some things can't be done!"

Guan Wenbao insisted.

"Fart, you used to do more absurd things to that yellow-haired girl as a dog leg. Why don't you say that?"


Guan Wenbao was speechless, and Li Fan quickly said, "Don't say that, Lei Zi. If that's the case with me, what is the difference between me and that viper woman? This is the first time I use this trick today. It ’s evil. Try not to use it in the future. "

Li Fan patted Guan Wenbao on the shoulder. "We are all brothers. Don't kneel. Men have gold under their knees."

"Her Excellency ... it's Wenbao Tang suddenly."

Guan Wenbao was very ashamed, Li Fan glanced at Li Wenzhuo, "Here is the hospital, Lei Zi, fireworks, let the doctor come to save him, let's go."

"I see, brother!"

Huang Lei took out the fireworks that had been prepared and set them on the ground.

The three of them left here quickly, as if they had never been there.

This is an abandoned place and there is no camera. These have been explored by Bai Linluo and Huang Lei for a long time.

After Li Fan left the hospital, he first asked Guan Wenbao to take the money back to the young lady of Chilong Club.

Huang Lei still feels a little distressed, 1.5 million, ah, I haven't covered it in my hand, it's gone! However, Li Fan still owes Liu Wannan half a million and is still waiting for Liu Yinan to call.

Li Fan didn't have time to think about these things. After he abandoned Li Wenzhuo, he immediately returned to his home and sat in the practice room.


Li Fan slowly exhaled a stale gas, feeling the changes in the body.

A qualified martial artist can look into his own meridians. Li Fan can do this now. As long as he is calm and focused on cultivation, he can see the appearance of his meridians.

A sense of vitality swam out of his Dantian, and then walked through each meridian of the body in turn in the order Li Fan modified.

After looking inside, Li Fan also found that there are nine important acupuncture points in the meridians in his body. At this point, these acupoints have been punched out four times, and each time a new heavy internal power is turned on, this point will be punched out one!

In other words, this new seven chivalrous spirit has a total of nine! Murong Ying said that the internal strength of Wu Qin Xi is fivefold. It seems that after being modified by herself, there have been new changes.

Jiuzhong ... It ’s interesting ... I have absorbed some of Li Wenzhuo ’s energy, can I successfully break through the fifth acupuncture point?

Li Fan first let Dan Tianqi mobilize in the body and refine the stored Li Wenzhuo's true qi.

This Li Wenzhuo was very overbearing, and with a kind of evil, as soon as he was released, he immediately rammed left and right in Li Fan's body. It seemed difficult to get it done!

Grandma bear, I'm not sure about you yet?

Li Fan's lip-slap, even Murong Ying's true qi will be surrendered by the little man, not to mention you weird kungfu!

Li Fan immediately adjusted all the anger in the collective and began to encircle Li Wenzhuo's anger! Said to be siege, it is better to say that it was devoured! After all, Li Fan's infuriation is the majority, and easily gained the upper hand, madly devouring Li Wenzhuo's infancy.

This infuriating did not persist for a long time, and was refined by Li Fan. The extra part was really energetic, giving Li Fan a sense of fullness. The vitality he had lost before was also completely filled!

Li Fan even has an impulse to continue to devour others' anger!

This feeling of gaining nothing makes him very happy!

"Like it?"

There seemed to be someone talking in the ear, and Li Fan frowned slightly.

"who is it?"

"A desire for strength?"

The voice did not answer Li Fan, but continued to say, "We are doomed to be extraordinary, why should we suppress our power? As long as you open your heart and accept me, we can be the world's unparalleled! From this world, no one is our opponent. ! "

"shut up!"

Li Fan yelled and laughed.

"Someday, you will need my strength, ha ha ha ..."

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