My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 114: can not stop

114 Can't Stop

Deer capture!

Li Fan locked Li Wenzhuo's left hand with both hands and twisted bluntly!

Although Li Wenzhuo had copper skin and iron bones, Li Fan's lock-gong skill prevented him from breaking free!

His body was pushed forward, but Li Wenzhuo didn't care, even if he could lock his arm, Li Fan could not hurt him! His little Wuxiang magic skill is just so bad!

I have trained to the fifth level, as long as I can kill Li Fan, after returning, maybe I can be promoted to a thousand households!

Li Wenzhuo looked at Li Fan's eyes, full of greed, it seemed that Li Fan was just a prey in his eyes! And this look, Li Fan does not like it!

"Don't give up yet?"

Li Wenzhuo sneered, "Your dead time has come."

"No, it's your time to die."

Li Fan suddenly laughed, Li Wenzhuo said heartily, could this guy be desperate to be stupid? Without waiting for him to understand, an unpleasant sensation suddenly burst from his back, making Li Wenzhuo feel cold all over!

Li Wenzhuo turned his head and saw a thrilling scene. A statue of Guan Erye next to the fountain suddenly moved! No, it's not a statue, it's a man painted in silver!

He picked up a moon-knife in his hand and jumped suddenly. In a blink of an eye, the moon-knife brought a round of red light and fell on Li Wenzhuo's arm!

"Live at Huashan!"

Guan Wenbao ’s Guan Jiadao is full of domineering power, strong attack power, and never go forward!

Li Fan believes that by virtue of Guan Wenbao's knife, Li Wenzhuo's little Wuxiang magic can be restrained!

Sure enough, the air seemed to be burning, and the red flame was chopped on Li Wenzhuo's arm!


With a muffled sound, Li Wenzhuo's arm trembled heavily, and then he fluttered, and was cut off by Guan Wenbao!


Li Wenzhuo let out a sigh, three steps backwards, and at the same time blocked the blood of his left hand, so as not to lose too much blood and become weak!

But even if he handled it in time, one arm was lost! And still his dominant hand! And Guan Wenbao's bite moon knife, directly curled up, looked shocking!

Li Wenzhuo covered his broken arm and looked at Li Fan and Guan Wenbao coldly.

"Dirty man, how dare you attack me!"

"Go to your uncle, you have to make a face!"

Li Fan yelled, "You deserve to say something like this!"

"A stupid kid who is just starting out, dare to count me! I want your life!"

Li Wenzhuo said, his eyes were red, and his right hand was drawn towards Li Fan!

Even if he has only one hand, does he have to divide himself up or down?

"Old pass, leave the rest to me."

Li Fan didn't want to bully a person with one hand, his body shook and roared, and the ground around him trembled!

Bear Strike!

Bear Cavalry!

Li Fan's body seems to have swelled a bit. His energy filled his body, strengthening his muscles, and even his bones changed!

Just like Yoga in India, Huaxia's true energy training is extreme, and it can also make people reborn! At this time, under the reinforcement of Qi, Li Fan's original height of more than one meter and seven, grew stiffly to about one meter nine, and his muscles became strong.

At first glance, Li Fan looks like a human bear!

In a suit, the top was directly broken by Li Fan, and the pants became seven-point pants!

Seeing Li Fan making such changes, Li Wenzhuo was clearly surprised.

Alien remake!

Has Li Fan's internal strength changed so much?

I trained to the fifth level of Xiao Wuxiang's magical powers, and he couldn't do the alienation! At least it ’s the eighth most important thing.

And this man is obviously just the power of the four tigers, why can he do this?

"The black bear pats the door!"

Li Fan slaps his hands together and slaps Li Wenzhuo's face! Li Wenzhuo raised his right arm and blocked himself. But Li Fan's slap was so powerful that he flew up his body instantly, just like shooting a worm!


The fountain sculpture in the back was crushed immediately. Li Wenzhuo was lying inside. Although he was not injured because of Xiaowuxianggong's body protection, the internal contusion was affected and his blood was not stable.

And Li Fan stepped forward in two steps, grabbed Li Wenzhuo, lifted him into the air with one hand, and then beat him fiercely on the left and right, and finally hit him underneath, then made up a kick.


This one was so heavy that Li Wenzhuo spit out blood!

Li Fan's foot is too powerful, even if Li Wenzhuo has gold body protection, he can't completely block it! He was very surprised, why Li Fan has such power!

"Li Wenzhuo, I have no heart hurting, why are you fighting hard!"

Li Fan stepped on Li Wenzhuo with one foot, and said to him in a muffled voice, "I will not kill you, but I have accepted your martial arts!"

With that said, he suddenly put away the posture of the bear cavalry, the bone made a crackling sound, the body resumed the original reminder, and then changed to toad strike!

Li Fan clapped his forehead before Li Wenzhuo had time to stand up.

I am a pure Yang body, and I can draw a woman's true energy from my mouth! Li Fan has always wanted to improve this. If he can not only get the real energy from women, it should be more convenient!

And sucking from the mouth ... too evil. You can use your mouth for women, but you can't speak for yourself!

So Li Fan has been in the hospital for a few days and realized a new technique!

"Dragon toad **** water!"

Li Fan let Zhenqi form a black hole from the position of the palm, and then walked down in the body, imitating the pure yang body absorbing Zhenqi!

Although this effect is less than one tenth of that of pure yang body, it is very useful for seriously injured people!

Li Fan's palm was like a greedy toad absorbing water, and he began to extract his vitality from Li Wenzhuo's Baihui Point!

"You, what do you do?"

Li Wenzhuo was terrified, only feeling a panic in his heart. Then, the vitality in the body seemed to be out of control, so it was forcibly extracted from Dantian! It was as if he was sleeping well in the quilt, and suddenly a big man pulled him out of the quilt!

This feeling is really very uncomfortable!

"No! No!"

The magnificent Li Baihu, at this time, screamed like a girl! And his vitality is constantly flowing away, being drawn from his own Dantian, passing through Baihui Point above his head, and entering Li Fan's body!

"Let me go, please let me go!"

Li Wenzhuo was crying, but Li Fan had no intention of letting go. In fact, he is no longer under the control of Li Fan. He feels that his hands are growing on Li Wenzhuo's head, and he is crazy to extract the vitality from him!

Can't stop!


Sometimes I have to go out, and the update at noon may be a little later.

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