113 Trap

Communicating with these two women, Li Fan felt that he would rather go to fight with Guan Wenbao for another 300 rounds!

This **** ... **** yarn!

The plan was disrupted by two women!

"You two, don't make a mess! I'm a patient, does the patient know?"

Li Fan angrily said, "And I have feet, and I can be discharged from the hospital myself! Without the help of you two!"

Then, regardless of the two women, he pushed open the door and went outside!

"Ah, Li Fan!"

"and many more."

Murong Ying stopped Lin Yuexian, who wanted to chase out, "Lin, Lin, how about the two of us?"

"Director Murong, I don't think the two of us have anything to talk about."

Lin Yuexian glanced at Murong Ying, "Everyone is not a person of the world."

"It's really not a person of the world."

Murong Ying agrees with this, "But because of someone, there is an intersection. Although this is not the result I want to see, it is just some words, I want to warn you."

"Mr. Rong has a high weight."

Lin Yuexian said with a bit of irony, "It's really flattering that I have to admonish such little people as myself."

"Mr. Lin, you are still young, and you can't speak with a gun and a stick."

Murong Ying looked at Lin Yuexian as if she was looking at a little girl. "After all, Li Fan and I are a marriage agreed by both parents. It is absolutely impossible for you to get involved. And Li Fan is not an ordinary person, not you This kind of girl can be controlled. You better keep a distance with him. "

"so funny!"

Lin Yuexian froze, "First of all, I don't have any meaning to Li Fan ... Secondly, even if I am interesting to him, why do you stop it? It's all ages, and it has long been out of practice for arranged marriage! You two have n’t received your certificate, even if I like him, it is reasonable and legal! Director Murong, as you, shouldn't have said these words to me. Why, can't you be afraid? ”

"Will I be afraid?"

"Of course you will be afraid!"

Lin Yuexian nodded confidently, "I'm mainly in psychology! You can't hide from me, you're afraid I'll take Li Fan!"


Murong Ying snorted, "I'm afraid?"

"You're not afraid, how about we make a bet?"

Lin Yuexian made a gesture of victory in her heart. Although Murong Ying is better than herself, her background is better than herself. But compared to intelligence, but their own advantages!

"Bet? Say it."

"From the attitude of Li Fan ... Mr. Li, you should be able to see that he actually feels similar to both of us! Therefore, our current status is equal and the opportunity is fair! The two of us, just Bet, who can make Li Fan like it! "


Murong Ying held her arms and thought for a moment, "However, you will definitely lose. Are you sure you want to compare?"

"I knew it after the match! The loser left Li Fan's world, do you dare?"

Lin Yuexian deliberately provoked Murong Ying, she knew that this method was more useful!

"What dare not."

Murong Ying nodded, "I accept your challenge."


Lin Yuexian was a little bit proud, and she called it two birds with one stone! I didn't say to chase Li Fan backwards, but to say, who would let Li Fan like it first! Hum, it's not difficult to make Li Fan like himself, and she doesn't have to be a boyfriend or a boyfriend, and can win a big beauty like Murong Ying, but also allows her to leave Li Fan on her own initiative, and return Li Fan to normal life Three Views!

Heck, I'm really amazing, I can think of such a powerful method!

"That's a word!"

"It's a word!"

When the two women opened the battlefield without smoke, Li Fan was setting up his own trap.

There is a secluded corner at the back of the hospital, where there is almost no traffic.

Li Fan deliberately bought a grilled sausage from Huang Lei, as well as Coke, as if to avoid the eyes of everyone, squatting in this corner and started grilling sausages.

But to be honest, Li Fan was very excited in eating such a tasteful thing for many days. I do n’t want to get hurt anymore. This kind of taste of not being able to eat hair is really uncomfortable!

"Hook, hurry up."

Li Fan sat on the steps with his buttocks, took out his mobile phone, and pretended to be eating while scanning Weibo.

Tie Zhu and Murong Ying are not there. Li Wenzhuo should know that this is the only chance.

After a few more days of recovery, he estimated that he would not be absolutely sure to kill himself. If you are Li Wenzhuo, you will never miss this opportunity!

Li Fan has waited for more than an hour, and the phone will run out of power!

He finally stood up, stretched a lot, and was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a gust of wind floated from overhead! Li Fan did not hesitate to immediately turn around and kick out!

Li Wenzhuo rolled over in mid-air and landed on a dry fountain statue beside him, stabilizing his figure.

"meet again."

Li Fan finally had a smile. When he saw Li Wenzhuo again, instead of being angry, he was a little bit excited.

"It's your nightmare!"

Li Wenzhuo took a deep breath, and his palms slowly separated, "Thank you, my little Wuxiang magic has made another breakthrough! Now it is the fifth!"

"Then don't you invite me for a meal?"

"I send you to hell!"

Li Wenzhuo said, suddenly a hand knife, hacked at Li Fan!

Li Fan took a step back, Li Wenzhuo's hand knife cut on the wall behind Li Fan.


The wall was cut fiercely by a groove, and then Li Wenzhuo kept a hand, and Li Fan sideways avoided it.


The wall was pierced by Li Wenzhuo's palm again!

This Nima ... Xiao Wuxiang's magical skills are a little too bad!

Even if you are yourself, there is no way to train your body to be like steel! Now Li Wenzhuo doesn't need the Yanyan knife or iron claws at all. He is the most powerful weapon in the world!

"You can't beat me!"

Li Wenzhuo continued to make moves, Li Fan could only use the crane crane wings to block these attacks.

The crane crane wings can be said to be Li Fan's best defense now, so that one meter of his body can form a vacuum zone to block any attack! However, Li Wenzhuo's attack was too powerful, and soon Li Fan's hands were scarred, and it seemed that he could not persist for too long.

But Li Fan didn't have the slightest panic, he was very calm now!

He is waiting for an opportunity!

"go to hell!"

Li Wenzhuo's left hand suddenly stabbed into Li Fan's throat!

This is the moment! Li Wenzhuo's dominant hand is his left hand! Sealing his left hand is his purpose!


The closed disciple, King Lele, has been honored with platinum. He promised to add more before, and now he is offered as promised ~

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