112 discharged

At noon the next day, Li Fan had cleaned up and was ready to be discharged.

Last night he tossed and he was really tired. Especially the battle with Guan Wenbao can be said to have cost him a lot of energy. After a night's sleep, although the recovery was seven or seven, eight, but there was no full feeling, making Li Fan somewhat unaccustomed.

A doctor walked into Li Fan's ward, but Li Fan knew that this was not a doctor, but Bai Linluo in a white coat. Although Bai Linluo was thin but not short, he put on a white coat and a mask, and no one could see that he was a high school student.

All these are normal procedures, and Bai Linluo will personally send Li Fan out of the hospital.

He exists to support the iron pillar and Murong Ying.

Only if these two women are not with him, Li Fan can lead Li Wenzhuo behind the scenes!

This dog basket is hidden like a mouse. If he doesn't order something delicious, he won't come out at all!

And Huang Lei's role is very simple, that is, a cart downstairs selling grilled sausages, responsible for tracking.

"Patients need to go through some formalities when they are discharged. Please go downstairs to help the patients."

"Ah, haven't you already done it?"

Tie Zhu froze.

"There are some follow-ups."

Bai Linluo said blankly.

"Well, since that's the case."

Murong Ying nodded, preparing to go downstairs with Tie Zhu to go through the formalities, and a girl suddenly opened the door of the ward and gave Li Fan a timid look.

"Ah, you are really here!"

Lin Yuexian wore a ponytail today and looked very cute and playful in a white dress.

Li Fan's head was big at the time. Why, this girl, came suddenly!

"I have been looking for you for a long time, only to find that you are in this ward ..."

Because it was a special care ward, Lin Yuexian came to this place for the first time, so she was a little surprised.

Murong Ying raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Lin Yuexian more.

"I heard that you were discharged from the hospital today. I'll pick you up ... oh ... Mu, Teacher Murong ... why are you here ..."

I did not expect to see Murong Ying here, Lin Yuexian was obviously a bit surprised. Although Murong Ying is a school director, students generally call her a teacher.

"Tie Zhu, go down and go through the formalities."

Murong Ying seemed to have the same interest, waved her hand, and let the tall iron pillar go downstairs.

Seeing Tie Zhu's appearance, Lin Yuexian was obviously a little scared. She subconsciously walked behind Li Fan and pulled his sleeve and said, "Li Fan ... Then, who is that man ... so fierce ... ... "

"That's my housekeeper."

Murong Ying held her arms and looked at Lin Yuexian. "This should be the first Lin student in the school, why do you appear here?"

"Because Li Fan was injured for me, Teacher Murong."

Lin Yuexian quickly explained, "Mr. Murong, why are you here?"

"Because I'm his fiancee."

The corner of Murong Ying's mouth rose slightly, and Lin Yuexian froze.

Li Fan is also stupid, Malegobi, messed up, what a mess!

What happened to Murong Ying today? Saying good is low-key. Saying good does not reveal her identity!

"Fei, fiancee ..."

Even if Lin Yuexian had an IQ of 140, it was silly at this moment. What the **** is going on ...

How good, Li Fan has a fiancee? Moreover, is it still a big beauty like Murong Ying?

Didn't he say he wanted to pursue Rong Ying? What the **** is going on?

"Lin Yuexian, we are just nominal unmarried couples, don't be scared."

Li Fan was afraid that Lin Yuexian would tell the matter, and hurriedly explained, "In fact, we don't have any substantial relationship. Don't get me wrong, don't say it."

"Why is there no substantial relationship?"

Murong Ying touched her flat belly with pride, "I'm pregnant with your baby."


Lin Yuexian almost exploded, pregnant with a child?

"You ... you ... did ..."

Lin Yuexian couldn't help talking, Li Fan immediately clarified.

"Don't make trouble! We just kissed at most!"

"Just kiss it ..."

Lin Yuexian seemed relieved, but soon became unhappy.

Even if I kissed myself ... I was a bit uncomfortable ... Murong Ying and Li Fan ... The two turned out to be unmarried couples ... Then, what should I do?

No ... Lin Yuexian, what are you thinking ... What is the relationship between the two of you ... What do you care about ...

By the way, I helped Li Fan re-establish three views! So young, I was engaged to others while I was still studying. This is a misconception! This is mentally ill!

Correct! That's right! He is a qualified psychiatrist and has to treat him!

He has a heavy responsibility and must not lose on the battlefield of treatment!

Lin Yuexian secretly cheered herself up, and at this time, Murong Ying began to order.

"Mr. Lin, you can go back. I'll take care of him here."

"Mr. Murong, how can I say that Li Fan was also injured because of me. As a classmate and a good friend, he should naturally be taken out of the hospital."

Lin Yuexian looked up, as if in the next battle.


Murong Ying seems to be laughing, and she doesn't know if she is sneering or sneering. In the view of Li Fan, it is a kind of not so funny!

"Li Fan's words, naturally, my fiancee came to take him out of the hospital."

Then, her eyes fell on Li Fan. "Back to our warm home, right, husband?"

This husband, Lin Yuexian was terribly terrible. What's wrong ... why is it so uncomfortable ... it must be because the air in the hospital is not so good ...

"Mr. Murong, you are not legally recognized as husband and wife. You are wrong to call it that!"

Lin Yuexian said unconvinced, "Moreover, Li Fan is still a high school student, and he is about to enter the college entrance examination next year. He shouldn't be exposed to marriage prematurely! This will affect his future prospects!"

"Mr. Lin, I feel your concern for your classmates."

Murong Ying said lightly, "But I

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