1215 in the plan

The reason why Li Fan chose to counter Huang Jie was because he had suffered a large number of news occlusions.

Whether it was Zhou Guifei's disappearance or Murong Bo's finding a woman, it was Zhai Wuliang's trouble to make a ghost. As the saying goes, open guns are easy to hide, and dark arrows are hard to prevent! You must insert an eyeliner in the Royal Forest to inquire key information for yourself. It is estimated that it is impossible to counter the defense of the senior Lin Jun. But a small child like Huang Jie is much easier. They also have no loyalty to the Royal Forest Army, and most of them are eating together. As long as they drop the bait themselves, they will be hooked.

Li Fan is not afraid of Huang Jie's betrayal. Even if he betrays Li Fan, there will be no loss, and fewer children.

But for Huang Jie, this is a rare opportunity. As long as he is smart, he will seize this opportunity. Sure enough, Li Fan did not expect, Huang Jie gave Li Fan's explanation, and went back happily.

And Zhai Wuliang's organs did all he could, but still couldn't escape Li Fan's trap. In fact, Li Fan's hand is still a clumsy idea given by the thin man. Before that, Li Fan was thinking hard and wondering what to do with Zhai Wuliang. Slender had inadvertently mentioned the use of beauties and was directly rejected by Li Fan. No woman is willing to take it out as a bait!

However, Zhou Guifei took the initiative to ask for help. This well-known Zhou Niangniang, in addition to being proficient in all-round magical skills, even learned some fox charm. With the help of a little alcohol, a unique breath, and a bit of psychological cues, men can be mad for themselves.

This fox-enchanting technique is also not new to say, most of it is the effect of hypnosis. People like Zhai Wuliang are very alert. But a little bit of alcohol and self-confidence would allow him to let go of all his defenses. Zhai Wuliang was too conceited. He believed that there was something wrong with the wine. That's right, he guessed it. However, Li Fan used a serial meter. Even if he changed his alcohol, as long as he touched alcohol, and then contacted Zhou Guifei's eyes, and some psychological hints from Zhou Guifei, he could completely destroy all his psychological defenses.

By the time he was awake, he had been abolished by Li Fan. Li Fan didn't kill him because he didn't die, it was more painful than death.

Zhai Wuliang went back to the Duan Hospital. As soon as he recovered a little bit, he was discarded of Dragon Chips, and then thrown into the detention center. The court sued for **** and rape, and the process went very fast. The evidence is conclusive, and there is a camera in the living room, and everything is completely captured. And the food on the scene has been tested without any aphrodisiac ingredients.

Zhai Wuliang was held in a detention center, and he was desperate. He knew that he was defending against all means, and he was still following Li Fan's words.

It is already a waste game. Sima Hui, I'm afraid he won't rescue himself, just waiting for him to stink slowly in the jail.

"Go, squat by the toilet!"

There is a leader in each horn, and they are in charge of the whole horn. He slept the best bed, but let Zhai Wuliang squat beside the toilet to sleep.

Zhai Wuliang's hands and feet are useless, no different from disabled people. Even if he wanted to fight, he didn't have that ability.

The man does not eat the immediate loss, Zhai Wuliang squatted by the toilet, endured the bad smell, try to keep himself optimistic, not to despair completely. Once desperate, there is really no chance of a comeback.

A prisoner stood up, stood beside Zhai Wuliang, took off his pants and started to pee. The stink smell almost made Zhai Wuliang spit it out. Especially the urine collapsed everywhere, and some of them splashed on Zhai Wuliang's body.

"Wipe clean!"

When the prisoner finished urinating, he also kicked Zhai Wuliang and reminded him.

Zhai Wuliang endured his anger and began to clean the toilet honestly. At this time, the gate of the detention center opened.

Generally speaking, in the detention center, if there is a visitor, the prisoner will definitely be allowed to go to the meeting room. But this time it was an exception. Huang Jie wore a uniform of Yu Linjun and went into the detention center. Seeing him, Zhai Wuliang's eyes flashed with hope.

"Ahhhh ... isn't this Mr. Zhai, why did you clean the toilet?"

Huang Jie looked at Zhai Wuliang and covered his nose. "It is indeed Lord Zhai. Even if he is in the horn, he is so diligent. It is an example for my generation!"

"Are you ... come to humiliate me?"

Zhai Wu's conscience was completely cold. Looking at Huang Jie, he looked exactly like a villain.

"How can it be, that it was the Lord Zhai who lifted me up at first. I am grateful to Lord Zhai in my heart! No, Lord Sima has an order, and no one else will come. I personally came to speak to Lord Zhai I'm afraid Master Zhai doesn't know! "

"That really troubles you."

Zhai Wuliang sneered.

"How can it be? This is all I should do, and it doesn't bother me to do it under Master Zhai."

Huang Jie said in a weird manner, and explained Sima Hui's order again.

"Master Sima said, let you make a good transformation here and try to release it earlier. Although you did something wrong and discredited the organization. Considering that you have done great work, you have been paid 100,000 yuan. But I After a lot of searching, I found that Mr. Zhai has no relatives. So, let me save this money for Mr. Zhai first. "

"It's only $ 100,000. You keep the flowers."

Zhai Wuliang sighed, "Actually, I have a younger brother, and I made some money during my time as a Yulin Army, probably about a million dollars. I changed it to gold to hide for myself, Get up. I guess, I do n’t have time to come out, help me tell him, dig out this gold and buy a property for yourself. When I go out, I have something to do. ”

"Ah, it's still Master Zhai, you have a long-term vision!"

Huang Jie was a little excited. "Master Zhai, where are you gold ...?"

"There are so many people here, you come with ears."

Zhai Wuliang lowered his voice, and Huang Jie immediately brought his ears together. At this moment, Zhai Wuliang suddenly became fierce, took a sip, and bit Huang Jie's ear!

Huang Jie covered her **** half face, screaming in pain. The other inmates in the prison were also startled, this kid is too hard!

"Ha ha ha ha! Deserve it! Really deserve it! Huang Jie, can you count him as a thing! Without Lao Tzu, you're a stinky shit!"

Zhai Wuliang laughed happily with blood in his mouth. He looked at Huang Jie, swearing, and it was a happy one.

"Zhai Wuliang! You toast and don't eat and drink!"

Huang Jie held back the pain. He wanted to kill Zhai Wuliang, but the prison guards rushed in, uniformed Zhai Wuliang on the spot, and pressed him to the toilet.

"You wait for me! I'll let you know, I'm Huang Jie without you, so I can get promoted and get rich!"

"Boy, bragging! I'm waiting to go to your grave!"

In the ear on that side, there was a scream of Zhai Wuliang tearing his throat.

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