My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1216: Post reaction

1216 After the reaction

The matter over Yulinjun was settled for the time being. Zhai Wuliang is a good opponent, but he is also a terrible opponent. After Li Fan took him out of office, his heart became much calmer. This newly appointed city-level cadre is also careful, such as walking on thin ice, knowing that Li Fan is not easy to mess with, no one wants to end with Zhai Wuliang.

The effect Li Fan wants to achieve has already been achieved. He is now notorious, and everyone in the Royal Forest is hiding when he sees him.

But some people dodged him, others rushed to find him.

I heard that the major martial arts halls in the city of G have recently been seeded, and there is an old man from an island country who is kicking around. He said that he was looking for the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum of Li Fan, and kicked other martial arts clubs. These martial arts halls are all about to cry, kicked by an old man from an island country, this person is really lost!

Some people in the martial arts offered to drive the old man to the Seven Chivalrous Martial Arts Museum, but the old man refused it! Takeda has also come to temper, a seven chivalrous martial arts hall, can't find it? He's not a idiot, he can find it!

Anyway, Li Fan heard the recent news, saying that there were several martial arts halls in Foshan City that had just been kicked by Takeda Gang.

"What, sick?"

Li Fan was practicing several disciples in the martial arts hall, and suddenly received a call from Liu Xiaowan.

Zhao Shuai was hospitalized. This is a good person. He just entered school a few days ago. Why did he enter the hospital?

"Little tiger, take them well, I'll go out."

Since a brother in the bedroom was hospitalized, Li Fan had to go and see what he said.

He instructed his apprentice to look at the house, and then left the house. Li Fan does not like to take a car. As a martial arts fighter, he prefers to walk by himself to the orthopedic hospital. With his foot strength, the one-hour journey was shortened to twenty minutes.

It's not good to go empty-handed, Li Fan just bought some fruit downstairs, put it in his hand, and went upstairs to visit Zhao handsome.

It is natural for people to be old, sick and die. Therefore, the hospitals in this big city have almost no idle time. Li Fan entered the hospital, where people come and go, see a doctor to register, there is a constant stream. The smell of disinfection water came from the nose, and the family members were crying.

Li Fan doesn't like it here. Although the hospital is a place where people can be cured by illness, there is always a sense of despair.

Li Fan holding the fruit, three floors along the way, came to Zhao Shuai's ward.

The ward is actually not in the ward at all. On the hallway of this hospital, beds were placed. Zhao Shuai was lying on the bed with plaster cast on his hands. Li Fan came, he didn't know, it seemed that he was sleeping heavily.

"Second, you are here."

Wang Yang and the direction were both. The two people looked at Li Fan with joy.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

Seeing this environment, Li Fan could not help frowning.

"No way, it's overcrowded and we can only make a bed outside."

The boss sighed, "That's great. Many people can't even get the beds. We also squeezed out a bed because we had to rush to the operation. This is not the case, just after the operation, we had a steel plate and anesthesia It's not over yet. "

"how did you make it?"

Li Fan asked, "Good, why is the arm broken? Is it because someone beats me, I will avenge my third son!"

"This ... no one hit ..."

The direction blushed, and I was embarrassed to say that Wang Yang explained it next to him, making Li Fan cry and laugh.

"Girls in the bathroom window fell down and fell."


Li Fan is also speechless. This handsome Zhao is so amazing!

"Spring is here, and he will not be so hungry!"

Li Fan didn't know what to say, but Wang Yang grabbed his sleeve.

"My second child, you are here just right. You will help pay for the medical expenses first."

"Well, isn't enough money?"

Wang Yang was naturally shy, and his direction was not very embarrassing. Although he has a lot of pocket money, this month he just bought a set of VR equipment and spent all his pocket money.

"OK, trivial, leave it to me."

Li Fan hurriedly stood up, but the floor of the hospital seemed to have just been rubbed, and it was very smooth. Li Fan even had a soft knee and his feet were empty. He threw himself and fell to the ground.


"Second Brother, are you okay?"

Brothers shouted in the ears, Li Fan waved his hand. He was about to stand up, but felt that his left calf had lost consciousness, and he did not listen to him at all.

Li Fan's heart was cold, this was the phenomenon of fracture. But as a martial artist and a semi-sacred master, how could he break?

The words of the Dragon Girl were faintly ringing in her mind. After slamming with Dragon Women, she was basically sucked away most of her nutrition. But I haven't reacted so long since I closed my retreat. Is it just beginning to show results?

Li Fan was sweating for a while, and he was worried about the sequelae he left behind.

If there is more osteomalacia ... it's over.

The left calf seemed to be bleeding internally, and Li Fan's eyes were slightly blackened.

Fortunately, this is the hospital. The two brothers in the bedroom were in a hurry, and they found a doctor for Li Fan.

This general inspection finally concluded that Li Fan had a comminuted fracture of his left calf.

Another bed was added to the corridor. Li Fan looked at the handsome brother Zhao Shuai lying next to him, and looked at his lowered calf. When do you end up like this? Although the candidate's gene could heal the wound that day, it was only by absorbing the flesh and blood of others. Li Fan didn't want to do this.

Zhao Shuai woke quietly and saw Li Fan lying next to him, and he froze.

"Second, second brother, have you climbed the women's bathhouse?"

"Go to your sister, I'm rushing to teach you medical expenses, I fell!"

Li Fan didn't get angry about this place, this handsome Zhao, woke up and didn't know to care about himself, and jumped out such a lack of morality!

"Oh, this man is going to get sick anyway. I guess it was just a moment ago."

Wang Yang is still comforting Li Fan, "Second, you can rest assured that your money is not a problem, take a good rest."

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry. Of course, money was not a problem, and Nima paid it by herself.

"Li Fan?"

Just when Li Fan wanted to complain, a familiar fragrance came from his nose.

As soon as Li Fan turned his head, there was a beautiful little nurse standing next to it. When Zhao Shuai looked at her in this color, his eyes straightened.

"Um, Miss Takeda ..."

This is no one else, it is Takeda Lan who came to the door a few days ago. Seeing her in the hospital, Li Fan didn't mention how embarrassing!

As she is now, she still doesn't ridicule herself? Unexpectedly, Takeda Lan only checked Li Fan's injury, and then said, "The consultation list has come down, and your attending doctor said that you are seriously deficient in calcium. After the recovery, add more calcium."

The little nurse ordered another pile, Li Fan was a little faint.

"You ... have nothing else to say?"

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