My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1217: Admitted to hospital!

1217 I was hospitalized!

"Say what?"

Takeda Lan looked at Li Fan very seriously. The little girl was sloppy and pretty. Especially in a nurse's outfit, the uniform group was wrapped in a pair of beautiful long legs, which made people fascinated. There is such a beautiful little nurse in this hospital.

"Here I am the nurse and you are the patient."

Takeda Lan took another look at Li Fan's case, "Have a good rest, and I will take care of you in the future."


Li Fan was a little dazed when he heard this.

Although Takeda Lan looks like a righteous little girl, Li Fan still feels something wrong. Madan, Pippi shrimp, let's go!

Li Fan sighed, but unfortunately he had no idea but had no ability to act. He didn't want to tell this to Wu Guan. It was a shame! If they let them know that they were hospitalized because of a calcium deficiency fracture, they would not laugh at their big teeth! Dignified martial arts tyrant, gold medal dart division, seven Xiamen gatekeeper, was hospitalized with calcium deficiency today!

Mom, a chicken!

Let it be, Li Fan sent a message to Jiang Ye, saying that he had recently gone out of the door and returned home in a few days.

Although it is a fracture, after all, he is stronger than ordinary people. Probably not long, and his body should recover.

This matter ... must not be known by others.

"I will take good care of myself. With so many patients here, Miss Takeda will hurry up!"

"I'll see you again later."

Takeda Lan was still serious, turned and left.

Li Fan was lying on the bed with his arms round, allowing the vitality in his body to slowly walk away. If you want to make your body heal, at least you need to run a small week. This little Sunday is the time of day.

Anyway, let's talk through this day! However, the air in the hospital is not very good. I heard that tomorrow I will have to perform an operation on my calf, or a steel plate or something. We must fix the calf's bones so that the bones can develop healthy again.

"Your brothers lie down, direction, you stare, I'll go out and buy some big bones for them to come back."

Wang Yang showed a generous look, "How can I get the price for the second child's medical bill! I'll buy this big bone, and no one should rob me!"

As he spoke, his face suddenly became stiff.

"Oops, my memory, why do I forget to bring money when I go out?"

Li Fan glared at him, this little pick, he would not even pay for the condolences himself!

"Use mine, I still have something."

Hurriedly took out two hundred dollars and handed it to Wang Yang.

"Okay, I'm going to buy a big bone, direction, take good care of them, I'll be back soon."

With other people's money, Wang Yangle went to buy condolences. Li Fan was lying on the bed, looking at the direction, could not help asking him.

"Direction, you have at least one or two thousand dollars in pocket money a month. What equipment do you buy for so much money?"

"Ah, it's really not expensive."

Direction hurriedly explained, "I bought a Hong Kong bank, it cost more than six thousand. But it can't be placed in the dormitory. If you want to have fun, you need an empty room."

"You didn't mean to say, did you rent a house off campus?"

"It really made the second brother guess."

The direction was a bit sloppy, "I rented a small loft, and the living room downstairs is completely a VR game room, so it's a lot better to play."

"Well, you're moving out, too?"


Nodded in the direction, "You don't live in the bedroom, and the bedroom is meaningless. The oldest went out to pick up girls every day, and the boss also added a mystery to the gods. He counted people every day and didn't have time to deal with me. The dormitory is the same as the casualty. "

"Don't say that, we have known each other for fate, and we have always been brothers. You see, something happened, didn't we get together again?"

"Sister, nurse, I'm a bit uncomfortable. Could you please press me?"

Li Fan was happy talking with the direction, and then looked at Zhao Shuai, holding the nurse sister next to him, causing the nurse to frown.

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry. I felt that this injury was really a cry. Sure enough, the Dragon Knight is not good. Once riding, it hurts a lot!

Wang Yang went out for an hour before returning with a bowl of bone soup. The four of them ate bone soup. At night, they followed Wang Yang and went back to school. There are nurses in the hospital, and Li Fan and Zhao Shuai are not unable to take care of themselves. They can still act normally when they are supported.

However, Zhao Shuai was slightly better, and Li Fan was miserable.

His leg was still stretched. What he wanted to do was really hard. And he's still recovering now, so it's best to lie down and keep it here.

Li Fan slept in the afternoon drowsily. Although there were noisy hospital sounds in his ears, Li Fan seemed to really need to recover, and he slept particularly well. When he woke up, it was already night.

At night, Li Fan felt his legs were a little better. At least now he has recovered some consciousness and can feel pain. It hurts, which is good. If you don't know the pain, it proves that your physical function must be something wrong.

Being able to recover so much in one afternoon proved that I was still in the recovery stage. Although a bit slow, it is still far beyond ordinary people.

Probably, it won't take long to recover.

However, in the middle of the night, Li Fan suddenly came for a while. But at this time, the nurse was not there. Turning around and looking at Zhao Shuai, it seemed that it took a lot of energy to juggle the little nurse during the day. He slept like a dead pig at night, and thundered loudly. wake.

Mom, a chicken! When it matters, you ca n’t count on it!

Li Fan couldn't help it. He tried to stand on his own, but his left leg couldn't hold his strength at all, and he felt severe pain as soon as he moved.

Too fucking, do you have to urinate your pants?

Li Fan was a little bit crying.

Just when he was at a loss, the little nurse Takeda Lan came right up to Li Fan and stuffed something to Li Fan.

"what is this?"



Li Fan is a bit embarrassed. At this time ... does he use ... or not ...

"It's been a day, and I haven't urinated. I have glucose again, and you should urinate immediately."

Takeda Lan said to Li Fan solemnly, "Hurry up, men are not good at holding urine."

"I ... I haven't spent that much!"

Li Fan's pride came up at once, "I don't need a urinal, I will go by myself!"

As he said, he hoisted his dangling legs and put them on the ground. Then, holding the bedboard with both hands, he stood up, but was held down by Takeda Lan.

"What are you doing?"

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