My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1218: Help urinate

1218 help urinate

"I'm going to the bathroom! Can't I?"

Li Fan was a little angry when he spoke.

"You can urinate, but you can't walk."

Takeda Lan reminded him, "Your calf has a comminuted fracture and cannot move freely. Be careful of dislocation and cause a lifetime of disability!"

"A girl of yours, can you urinate without opening your mouth?"

Li Fan was said to be very uncomfortable. "I still have control and can't pee on your bed!"

"It doesn't matter if you wet the bed, there are all kinds of patients in the hospital, and there are pull beds."


"What's wrong with me, you big man, how do you look like a woman."

Takeda Lan gave Li Fan a glance, "You are a patient now, I am a nurse, and I am responsible for you for all my actions."

"Anyway, I don't need a urinal ... I'm going to the toilet!"

Li Fan's self-esteem is haunting, and no urinal is needed for life and death.

"I don't watch you urinate, how nervous you are. You urinate slowly here, don't worry. I have to check on the next ward ..."

"It's not necessary, and it's not dead, afraid of a hair!"

Li Fan's temper came up, "I'm going to see if I can blow my prostate! Dignity man, can't counsel!"

"What's so good about it, it's all up to you."

Takeda Lan is particularly helpless, but she has worked in the hospital for a long time and is also experienced.

"Then you sit here and don't move, wait for a minute and I'll be right back."

"What if I move?"

"Well, you haven't notified the family yet. I'll help you."

"I don't move ..."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

After speaking, Takeda Lan turned and left. Within a minute, she pushed out a wheelchair from the nurse station not far away and walked in front of Li Fan. Then, Takeda Lan squatted down, hands crossed under Li Fan's armpit, and gently lifted him up.

This Takeda orchid obviously has also trained martial arts, and has a lot of strength. Li Fan is now so weak that she can only be manipulated by her.

Takeda Lan carefully placed Li Fan on the wheelchair. There was a bracket under the wheelchair, which just lifted Li Fan's calf.

"Sit down, I'll push you to the toilet."


Li Fan couldn't do anything about it. This Takeda Lan's domineering also made him very rude.

After all, this is a hospital, others' sites, just obediently.

Li Fan was pushed by Takeda Lan and walked towards the other side of the corridor. The inpatient department that night was much quieter, not as noisy as during the day. It's not over there in the clinic, it's noisy and noisy, it makes people feel upset.

"I said, Miss Takeda, I'm in your hands now, do you really have no idea?"

"What's the idea, you as a patient, I can kill you."

Takeda Lan's voice was a little ridiculous, "You martial arts fighters are all dead-headed. This is how you are, so is Grandpa. He has been lost for several days, and now he doesn't know where.

"Oh, he's here in Foshan."

Li Fan shared his information. "He was kicked by a boxing gym in Foshan, and there are still a lot of houses over there, which is probably enough for him to kick."

"What's the point of being called?"

Takeda Lan was slightly dissatisfied. "If you hit me, I hit you, your body will be injured. I just can't stand this mutual harm, so I chose to give up martial arts and practice medicine."

"Then why aren't you a doctor? You chose to be a nurse?"

"A doctor is a life saver and a nurse is a caregiver. Grandpa said, I have loved taking care of others since I was young, so I chose to be a nurse."

"That's why ... just be happy."

"Are you biased against the nurse?"

"The nurse earns less."


Takeda Lan seemed a little angry. "You, your mind is degenerate! They are all angels in white, they are all rescuers. What's the difference between a doctor and a nurse, why do you use money to measure it?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Takeda, I am rude, sorry."

"Forget it ... you are wounded now, and your mood is unstable. I shouldn't be angry with you."

Takeda Lan said, stopped the wheelchair, and stood in front of Li Fan, bowed deeply to him.

"please forgive."

"Well, I'm not mad at you. The two of us just discussed things just now."

Li Fan also sighed and said, "Money may be nothing to Miss Takeda. After all, the Takeda family has a great career. But for many people, a penny can kill a hero. If you make your material life richer, That is the primary goal of everyone's struggle. "

"Yes, you are right, I was a little bit too extreme. However, after I studied nursing, I left the country and came to Huaxia life. Here, I also work and study by myself without spending a penny at home. . "

I rub, is this girl so courageous!

"Every day I watched so many people being injured and listening to them in pain, I was really sad for them. So if Huaxia Wulin is about to have a catastrophe, I hope to contribute a little strength to help me It's a bit. "

"Miss Takeda is really kind."

Li Fan's voice trembled slightly, and he couldn't help it.


Takeda Lan pushed Li Fan directly into the bathroom, so late that no one else was in the bathroom. Takeda Lan raised Li Fan again and carefully helped him into the single room.

The two were so close, Li Fan could clearly smell the bursts of fragrance from Takeda Lan.

However, this toilet with a strong urine smell is really not a good place to taste the beauty and smell the fragrance.

"I can do it myself ..."

Li Fanxin said that if he helped, he would help his brother.

"I help you take off your pants."

Takeda Lan said, reaching out and falling on Li Fan's waist.

Li Fan almost scared his soul into fright, and fucked, what did he do? This is absolutely not possible!

"What a shame you are, you are inconvenient, I will help you take off your pants."

"Ms. Takeda ... Men and women are unacceptable. You go out."

Li Fan and Takeda Lan are not particularly familiar. Although he and Liu Xiaowan and Zhou Guifei are quite open on the bed, after all, this is not a person with a pillow!

"If you're sorry, you close your eyes."

"Fuck, how do you close your pee? You're not afraid that I pee in your mouth."

Li Fan regretted it after speaking. I'm used to joking with people, and I tell you as soon as I can.

Takeda Lan was silent for a while. At work, she confirmed her attitude.

"Please don't make a joke, everything is now your body."

As a result, Takeda Lan tore off Li Fan's pants.

"Please urinate, don't care about me, just think I don't exist."

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