My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1219: Martial arts behind

1219 Martial Art Behind

Li Fan felt a sorrow and anger in her heart. The hero was sad and beautiful.

Alas, this sentence is not suitable for now, it should be a heroic trouble! A magnificent generation of heroes of his own, today, it is a must to let a woman take off her pants and pee!

Although Li Fan was sad and angry, his bladder was uncontrollable, especially when his pants were taken off and a cool breeze blew, the urine force hit the mountains. He opened the water gate against the small green football in the urinal.

The voice was loud and Li Fan blushed slightly.

"It's okay, it's loud, it's proof of health."

Takeda Lan behind, facing Li Fan's buttock, seemed to grasp his mind very accurately and comforted him.

Li Fanxin said, of course I'm healthy! Do you ten back and forth without rest for one night!

Although I really want to say something, I feel helpless and weak.

"Just shake."

After Li Fan finished urinating, Takeda Lan also ordered.

Your uncle, you have to shake without telling me!

Li Fan carried out the final drying work, and then Takeda Lan put him on his pants again. When I arrived at the hospital, it was more convenient to put on the sick clothes.

"You are scheduled for surgery tomorrow afternoon. Try not to eat too greasy things during the day, you know."

Takeda Lan sent Li Fan back to the bed and helped him cover the quilt, but he still remembered to tell him a few words.

"I see, Miss Takeda, please trouble you."

Li Fan sighed, this Takeda orchid is simply his own nemesis.

"I hope that Miss Takeda will keep secret about my hospitalization."

"I get off work at five in the morning."

Takeda looked at her watch. "If you haven't slept then, I'll come and chat with you."

Takeda Lan still has to go to work. She helped Li Fan sort out the quilt and then turned to leave.

"Sister nurse ... don't go ... a few yards ..."

Zhao Shuai next to him suddenly shouted a dream, making Li Fan want to laugh. This guy, maybe he will die on a woman in this life.

He was lying quietly on the hospital bed. Although physically weak, Li Fan was very strong at this moment. After Mr. Yang disappeared completely, he left a huge spiritual force to Li Fan, which is also a good legacy. In addition, I practiced "Nine True Skills", which made my mental strength stronger. Li Fan couldn't sleep, letting his own mental power perceive everything around him.

When Li Fan empties the Lingtai, his mental power will be more clear and he will be able to perceive things around him. In Li Fan's heart, the living beings of the hospital are reflected. Everyone has a colorful light, some strong, some dim. Those who are strong are energetic. And those who are dim are mortal people.

This wonderful world can only be enjoyed by Li Fan.

However, he has given up the power of Xingluo and cannot absorb the vitality of those around him to supplement his energy. Even if it could, Li Fan would not do it.

And if Li Fan is willing, he can absorb the flesh and blood of other people and quickly repair his body. But no matter which one, Li Fan doesn't want to use it casually. These methods are too maddening. If there is a god, I am afraid the gods can't get used to it.

Li Fan is doing things now, not seeking good or evil, but only trying to be able to deal with his conscience.

"Li Fan?"

I didn't know how long he had been lying, and Li Fan heard a familiar cry.

He opened his eyes and saw Takeda Lan returned to his side. Takeda Lan has replaced her nurse uniform. Her top is a small white shirt and her bottom is a pair of hot jeans with exposed *** and long legs, which is really pleasing. In particular, these hot pants are too short. Li Fan feels that if he tries hard, he can see the small triangle inside.

Today's girls, the beauty of wearing less ... is born in modern times is really too happy.

Li Fan could not help shed tears of excitement.

"Are you still awake."

Seeing Li Fan's spirit, Takeda Lan was a little surprised.

"There will be surgery in the afternoon. You should take a good rest."

"Isn't it waiting for you."

Li Fan said half-truth.

"Do all your Chinese boys like to coax girls so much?"

Takeda Lan gave Li Fan a wink.

"Oh, what do you say, I'm not that kind of person."

Li Fanxin said that this Takeda orchid is not simple. It is estimated that she has lived independently for so long. The young girl has a serious mind.

"You are so hurt, why not tell your family?"

After work, Takeda is more casual. She was curious about this question, and finally couldn't help asking it.

"I do n’t want to worry them. Second, I ca n’t let anyone know what happened to me. Many people are staring at me. Once I have an accident, they will immediately attack my power. By then, Wulin ’s last point The blood is really broken. "

"You martial artists are really strange."

Takeda Lan doesn't understand, "In our country, a powerful martial arts fighter will be respected by other martial arts fighters. Here in you, martial arts fighters also like to fight you to death, and we ca n’t wait for the other to survive Why is this?"

"You ask me, who do I ask."

Li Fan is also helpless, this issue, Huaxia has been like this since ancient times. Chinese people have a habit and like infighting. The better the internal environment, the more powerful the fight. But once foreign enemies invade, it will be different. No matter how powerful the internal fighting is, they will unite first, drive out foreign enemies, and then continue internal fighting.

The civilization history of Huaxia for thousands of years has been such an internal struggle, and it has just taken a breath away from the glorious martial arts of that year.

In modern times, there have been two thorough cleanings. One was a decade of red, and the other was a previous jihad plan.

"Wu Lin, your island nation, is staring at us too. If I fall now, it's really over."

"I still can't figure it out."

Takeda Lan's beautiful eyes are inexplicable.

"It's normal to think hard, and I can't think either."

Li Fan was lying on the bed, relaxing himself physically and mentally. "So, you must not leak my news here."

"You ask me one thing, and I ask you one thing."

Takeda Lan asked, "You are already injured, please don't compete with my grandpa."

"It was just injured, but it was not impossible to recover."

Li Fan looked at Takeda Lan and told her word by word, "I am a martial arts fighter, and rejecting another martial arts fighter is a shame on me. What's more, behind me is Huaxia Martial Arts. If I do n’t fight, Huaxia Martial Arts face What's up! "

"Hua Xia Wulin is not you alone."

Takeda Lan asked, "Aren't there any Wudang in China, Shaolin, can you just let them fight for you?"

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