1224 A wave of unrest

Takeda Lan lives not very far. Although she is the daughter of Takeda's family, she only lives in a small apartment in this city.

And Li Fan used internal force to open Takeda Lan's meridians, allowing her physical strength to slowly recover.

"How do you live in this kind of house?"

Li Fan could not help asking a question after sending Takeda Lan into the room.

"Is it expensive to rent in g?"

Takeda Lan immediately said, "It's pretty good here, it's close to the hospital, and the rent is cheaper."

Takeda Lan's room is less than thirty square meters in size, with one bedroom, one bathroom and one kitchen. A camp bed was placed in the living room. This was where Takeda rested.

Li Fan glanced around and felt that it was a bit rude, not like a big lady who should live there. If the people in Takeda's family knew that their daughter was packed in such a small broken house in Huaxia, I'm afraid I would have been unhappy.

"Why are you dissatisfied?"

Takeda Lan smiled. "The conditions here are already good. After I enter the United Nations rescue team, I will often go to poor countries and even places of war. There are no such conditions." "

"You are a strange girl I know ..."

Li Fan could not help but vomit.

"How can you say that a girl with ideals?"

Takeda Lan gave Li Fan a harsh white look. "This will be hated by girls."

"Yes, yes, Miss Takeda, it's not good to me. You are a girl who transcends the realm and is a contemporary Nightingale! I have been deeply moved by your persistence and belief, but these days, Don't live here anymore. "


Takeda Lan did not understand what Li Fan meant.

"You have been followed by the people of Jiaheliu, and they don't give up until they complete the task."

Li Fan reminded Takeda Lan, "Although you are good at kung fu, Koga Liu's ninjutsu is despicable, and they will use various means to bring you back to the island nation. I am afraid you will miss me at that time Proposed? "

"Then where should I go."

Takeda Lan also understood Li Fan's meaning, "Whether I hide there, the people in Koga Liu will definitely find a way to find me."

"No no no, there is a place that is very safe."

Li Fan grinned, "From today on, you can stay in my student dormitory. The conditions there are okay, just pay me the monthly rent."

"Ah, so ... OK?"

Takeda Lan froze, then was moved by Li Fan's sincere eyes.

"What's wrong, there are many places in my place, empty and empty. I will charge you for the rent. Both of us can benefit. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

"Although it's a good thing ... but I don't know why, it sounds a bit uncomfortable ... what is killing two birds with one stone?"

Takeda Lan frowned slightly.

"Ahaha, you're right, I'm wrong. It's two kills, two kills."

Takeda Lan bowed deeply to Li Fan, a fifteen degree bow.

"How come fifteen degrees?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. "Isn't it a standard ninety degree bow?"


Takeda Lanchi laughed, and then reminded Li Fan, "Bow at 15 degrees is a token of gratitude. Bowing at 30 degrees is a sign of sincerity and apology. If it is 90 degrees, it is a sign of remorse. Apologize. This is the etiquette that you passed down from China. As a result, you have forgotten it yourself. "

"This is indeed a little embarrassing."

Li Fanxin said that Takeda Lan's lesson is right, he has nothing to explain.

"Okay, then you can pack what you can use and come back to the Wuguan with me."

"Okay, then, please."

Takeda Lan bowed to Li Fan again, still fifteen degrees. She is more traditional in these areas. Obviously wearing very **** ...

Li Fan looked at Takeda Lan and packed up some things for girls. In this regard, he couldn't help, and could only sit next to him and adjust his energy.

More than half an hour later, Takeda Lan finished packing.

"So fast?"

Smelling the fragrant fragrance around him, Li Fan opened his eyes and saw Takeda Lan carrying a backpack and standing next to himself.

"Well, just take whatever is useful, let's go."

"Which girl can pack faster than you ..."

"I will be a nurse on the battlefield in the future. How can I carry too many things?"

Li Fan looked at this neat and simple apartment, and already knew a little about Takeda's character. This girl will definitely be personal in the future.

"Well then, let's go."

Li Fan remembered something, and suddenly asked one more sentence.

"But I like to walk, does Miss Takeda mind?"

"It's up to you. I can do it."

Takeda nodded, no objection.

One man and one woman, two people traveled late at night, without delay, along the way back to the Wuguan.

"I tell you, our martial arts hall is absolutely safe."

Near the martial arts hall, Li Fan began to brag about himself.

"Since the grandchildren are always in trouble, General Ran has added a little manpower to my martial arts hall and inspected it day and night. Now, I am about to catch up with the military zone. Although it is a bit troublesome, the security is absolute.

As soon as Li Fan finished blowing, he walked to the entrance of Wu Guan and gave a stun.

It was so late that the martial arts hall, which was already quiet, was brightly lit at this time. A large group of Yulin Army surrounded the front of Wuguan, confronting the soldiers in front of it.

Bai Xue and Zhao Yan were still standing guard. Both of them were loyal, holding pistols and pointing at the Royal Forest Army in front of them to prevent them from entering. Li Fan did not understand the situation. He glanced at the crowd and found that Huang Jie, the eyeliner he had inserted, was standing in the crowd.

Li Fan coughed at him with a sound. Huang Jie turned around and saw Li Fan, winked at him quickly, and then pointed to his cell phone.

Li Fan understood it, took a glance at the phone, and found that the phone was dead. This is the situation at this critical moment.

"What's wrong?"

"Go ahead and see ..."

Li Fan is quite helpless, this is too shameful!

He didn't care about the two groups of people in front of him, but took Takeda Lan, from a side road that no one knew, and looked back to his own Wu Guan.

At this time, a man in the martial arts was standing in the dojo, followed by two Yulin troops.

The man was wearing a white suit, a black tie, a Chinese character face, and a thick eyebrow, and looked a face that was just right. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has a large animal skin ring knife on his waist.

Jiang Ye and Le Xiaohu stood opposite the man and confronted him. Zhou Guifei held her arms and stood behind, seemingly supporting two Li Fan's apprentices. Liu Xiaowan stood next to her, frowning with Murong Ai. Long Nu is absent. She rarely attends this occasion.

The atmosphere in this martial arts hall is relatively stiff.

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