My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1223: Inevitable battle

1223 Inevitable battle

Li Fan's words were not polite at all. The cursed Jiahe Ninja was furious and suppressed for a long time.

"Li Fan, leave your life here!"

"Have that ability, come and get it."

Li Fan held his arms and stood there. "So, you're too weak. It's not fair to fight like this. I'll let you both hands, how?"

"kill him!"

Koga Ninja gave an order in anger.

A ninja almost touched the ground, rushed to Li Fan, grabbed a Taidao in his hand, and went straight to his feet to cut it!

But Li Fan jumped lightly and avoided the ninja's sword. At the same time, he fell down, with one foot stepping on the ninja's wrist, and the other foot waved, like a hobbled tomahawk, directly hitting the ninja's head.

"Kowloon Decision · Little Four Style · Guillotine!"

The ninja flew out of the head, smashed on the wall next to him, and smeared blood on it.

"Oh, the wall is dirty."

Li Fan was thorny and sarcastic, making Jiahe ninja grit his teeth.

Two more ninjas came in, and Li Fan kept his promise. He even put his hands in his pockets, and only picked up his legs as a weapon. The guillotine was fired again and again, and the ninjas around him were beheaded again and again. None of them. For these people, Li Fan had no plans to stay alive. As for the body here, just leave it to General Ran. These ninjas are not glorious guys either. They are dead and dare not speak up.

"Li Fan, Hugh is proud!"

The leading Koga ninja couldn't help it. He squeezed his hands and didn't know how to get it out. He even exhibited an avatar and turned it into ten identical figures, and each person took out a different ninja weapon. Some people have Taidao, some have double hooks, some have bitterness, some have long sticks, some have chain guns ... At first glance, it's a bit daunting!

"Stop it!"

Koga Ninja jumped with his avatar and attacked Li Fan!

He is confident that Li Fan will be destroyed in a round!

He is the elite of Jia Heliu, and he is working hard, even if he cannot kill Li Fan, he will be seriously injured! But at this moment, Li Fan still had his hands in his pockets and had no intention of taking them out.

"Hurry up! Otherwise you will be dead!"

Seeing this scene, Takeda Lan could not help reminding her. But her voice was weak and didn't do anything at all. And Li Fan was still standing there, facing ten Jiahe ninjas who flew together without any fear.

Li Fan raised his vitality from Dan Tian, ​​compressed three times in his body, and then spit a dragon roar directly at the ten fierce ninjas in front of him!

Nine Dragons · Little Four · War Dragon Roar!


A huge wave of air erupted directly from Li Fan's mouth and hit the front!

The ten ninjas come fast, go faster! All ten of them were rushed out in a blink of an eye, and the land in front of them was blown off a layer of land!

A huge crack appeared on the ground in front of him, the wall next to it was shattered, and the bodies of ten ninjas had been blown out for dozens of meters in an instant, and fell to the distance severely.

And Li Fan finally reached out a hand, but yawned.

"Sleepy, it's time to go back to sleep."

Li Fan reached out and took Takeda Lan in her arms in the form of a princess.

"I'll take you home, Miss Nurse."

All the ninjas around have been defeated. Although these ninjas are powerful, they are not Li Fan's opponents. In particular, Li Fan has just eaten a dragon, and his strength is much stronger. The "Kowloon Decision" created by him can be used to the extreme.

"Sorry ... it's troublesome for you ..."

Takeda Lan had no strength and could only let Li Fan hold her in her arms. The first thing she thought of was to apologize to Li Fan.

"Unexpectedly, the Koga family would do this kind of thing ..."

"Everywhere, there are always some rotten fish."

Li Fan sighed, "Before the three big families of the island country had been asking me for trouble, although I used the Abe family to kill chickens and tamarins, I thought the three big families were at peace ... I never thought that I still have such a wolf ambition!"

"How good are your legs ..."

Takeda Lan could not help asking this question.

X-ray film of Li Fan's leg injury, she has seen it. It is indeed a comminuted fracture, and there is nothing wrong with it!

"Aha, didn't I tell you, did I recover faster?"

"You're too fast now ..."

Takeda Lan didn't believe it, "How did you do it ..."

"It's really faster to recover. I'm ... maybe not a human anymore."

After being injected with a genetic robot, Li Fan felt more like a monster. Such monsters have been made by humans. Humans are indeed the top of the food chain on earth. This day picker, even the dragons can devour, it is terrible.

"How come, since you came to save me, it means that you are still very kind."

Takeda Lan immediately comforted Li Fan. "Having this kind of heart is a sign that you are a kind human being."

"Speaking of the original nature of man, I believe more in the original nature of man."

After a period of things, Li Fan has long lost her innocence.

"How come ... your outlook on life is too pessimistic, so bad!"

"Well, I won't argue with you. This is not a place to talk. I'll send you back first."

Li Fan held Takeda Lan and asked Takeda Lan's direction to go home. Takeda Lan pointed out the way, Li Fan jumped up, pedaled lightly, and took Takeda Lan home. While on the road, Li Fan suddenly asked.

"Are you ... it's time to lose weight?"

"Ah! Me, am I fat?"

Takeda Lan suddenly became tense, "I was reduced to 88 pounds a few days ago. Is it 90?"


Li Fan was a little speechless. "I made you play. Are you serious?"

"Hum ... scared me ..."

Takeda Lan gently hammered Li Fan's chest, "Well, how can a girl be joking! You should learn to be polite and how to deal with girls!"

"What you said reminds me of a friend of mine."

Li Fanzhen was surprised.

"Huh, I'm me, Takeda Lan."

Takeda Lan only has the strength to speak, "When my body recovers ... I will fight for you instead of Grandpa! If the two of us fight, the people of the island country will not interfere."

"You won't succeed ..."

Li Fan looked at Takeda Lan in her arms, and Xiaoya's face was absolutely decided. "This is a plot that has been planned for a long time and will not disappear with your own efforts. This battle is inevitable."

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