1230 Unexpected

Damn it, do you drink this wine or not? It's too embarrassing to say this!

Yao Lei thought for a long time, and finally put the wine back on the table.

No, it's too mournful, don't drink it anymore ... Yao Lei thinks more and more, but he can't say anything, he can only feel depressed.

"Come, don't hesitate to eat, just like going to your own home."

Li Fan picked up the chopsticks and let Yao Lei look like a decent figure, and then started eating by himself. For a full nine days, Li Fan had never entered the water. However, for ordinary people, if he is hungry for a long time and suddenly gives him a meal, he may stop after eating a little, after all, his stomach is hungry. But Li Fan is different. He is a martial artist who can transform the energy in food into vitality for his own use. Therefore, no matter how much you eat, you can only make Li Fan stronger. It's just that the energy in food is relatively small, which can only make ordinary people full. Otherwise, by eating alone, you can make a martial artist stronger. This martial arts way is not too easy.

Yao Lei tried to talk a few times, and Li Fan was immersed in hardships, giving him no chance at all.

"Mr. Li?"

Yao Lei called again several times, Li Fan suddenly raised his head and glanced at Yao Lei. Yao Lei was delighted, thinking that Li Fan was finally finished. Unexpectedly, Li Fan held chopsticks, pointed to Yao Lei, and reminded him.

"Brother Yao, you can't speak without talking, what's the matter?"

After that, he continued to eat at his table and threw Yao Lei aside!

Yao Lei looked at the table full of food, and that gorging Li Fan, he couldn't help crying. What can I do, wait?

Forget it, waited for so many days, it's not bad for a while.

Yao Lei was sitting next to him, and he had no mood to eat, waiting for Li Fan to finish eating earlier.

Li Fan was in charge of nine meals. The chef kept walking, and he kept going. Yao Lei was sitting there waiting and waiting, this wait was actually from noon to more than 6 pm.

Yao Lei was going crazy, but Li Fan finally put down his chopsticks and then glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Well, it's six in the afternoon."

Li Fan took the paper towel and wiped his mouth. "It's time for lunch."

Yao Lei was relieved and finally finished.

"It's time for dinner."

Yao Lei took a deep breath, holding back the anger in his heart. Is it ... are you a pig?

"However, I can't eat anymore, I'm full."

Yao Lei's heartbeat was like riding a roller coaster.

"Mr. Li ... you're full, you should talk about us?"

"Ah, you're looking for me?"

Li Fan looked at Yao Lei in surprise, "Oh, brother Yao, don't you say it early! I thought about you coming to eat with me, and this is a big table!"


Yao Lei wanted to kill.

"Come, let's not say it here, come to my tea room."

Li Fan also pretended to make a small tea room on the small balcony on the second floor.

I can blow hair, drink tea here, and look at the flowers and plants in the yard, which is still very good.

Li Fan is drinking Pu'er tea, which is very ordinary, but good for the body.

"Mr. Li ... Well, can you listen to my side first?"

"Say it."

Li Fan held a tea cup and looked at the opposite-level cadres with a smile.

"You see that the sunset is almost sinking. I will die in the sunset. Before it sinks, let's finish."

Li Fan's remarks seemed to have given Tongtong!

"Here, this matter is very important. There must be no delay!"

"It's almost sunset."

"Mr. Li, you are a Shangfang sword and a gold medal dartist. This martial art is facing destruction and it is only waiting for you to come out of the mountain."

"Wulin? Need to destroy it?"

Li Fan laughed, "Look at this Huaxia, where is there martial arts?"

"You can't say that, it's like this ..."

To make a long story short, Yao Lei explained to Li Fan, "At present, it is related to the honor of Huaxia. We cannot let these islanders ride on their heads and shit!"

"It's just a contest. You look too seriously."

Li Fan didn't take it seriously, "When Takeda wins, he will naturally return to the island country."

"He must not win!"

Yao Lei hurriedly said, "If he wins, why does Huaxia look?"

"Every face, they fight for themselves."

Li Fan said blandly, "In those days, Huaxia was a master in many places, but it was like a mountain of dogs and grand masters. But now, if you look, you can't find anyone who wants to fight with Takeda."

"This is the thing decided above, and we can't help it."

Yao Lei let out a hand, "And there are still people in Huaxia, isn't this your sword?"

"Do you mean, let me fight against Takeda?"

"Takeda was also trying to find you, Chief Li."

Yao Lei quickly reminded him, "I also trust you very much, just waiting for you to hurt the little devil and strengthen my Chinese power!"

"This matter, let me think about it."

"This is the task given above, you ... you have to think about it?"

"Shangfang's sword does not have to obey the mission."

Li Fan smiled. "If there isn't even this point of benefit, what kind of sword is it?"

"Sir ... do you not care about Huaxia glory at all?"

"Oh? If you ask, I have to answer you."

Li Fan grinned, "Who destroyed this glory with his own hands, but now wants me to carry it?"


"Okay, you go back."

Li Fan began to chase away customers, "I'm going to rest."

"Sir, what about the contest?"

"No hurries?"

Li Fan stood there and looked back at Yao Lei. "It was he who challenged me, but not me. When he arrived at my door, I would naturally fight him."

"Um, you promised?"

"Of course, because I'm a martial artist."

Li Fan was about to go out, but the door of the tea room was pushed open first.

This girl Takeda Lan rushed in straight, bowed to Yao Lei, and bowed to Li Fan, forty-five degrees, apologizing.

"Sorry, I will never agree to this fight."

"who are you……"

As soon as Yao Lei's words fell, he suddenly frowned, as if someone was reminding him.

Li Fanyin also heard someone talking. Yao Lei should have headphones in his ears, and there should be a camera on his body, and he was shooting everything here.

However, Li Fan had already anticipated that this little trick was not in his eyes.

"Miss Takeda, you are here."

Yao Leiduo looked at Li Fan twice, and seemed to be inferring Li Fan's purpose.

How could Li Fan have this collecting habit if he placed the enemy's daughter beside him?

"Yes, Mr. Yao, I beg to stop this competition!"

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