1231 Night Spike

Li Fan had a big head, and this girl started again.

"Miss Takeda, you ... I don't understand."

Yao Lei was directly said, what is the situation? This young lady from Takeda's family would come to stop the two fighting? Even though Yao Lei is extremely clever, he can't figure out the current situation. What kind of mind is Takeda Lan doing? What did Takeda want in this battle?

But she, a small Takeda woman, couldn't stop the fight anyway. This competition is imperative!

"Miss Takeda, this is a personal conversation."

Li Fan tried to remain polite.

"Although very impolite, no one can stop my determination."

Takeda Lan said word by word, "Please also ask Mr. Li to understand me."

"I understand you, you have to understand me."

Li Fan wanted to roll his eyes.

"Jeba, please take Miss Takeda away!"

Li Fan shouted loudly.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Yao. This competition is so heavy for you, either?"

"Miss Takeda, I think you may be wrong!"

Yao Lei frowned, looking straight at Takeda Lan, "It was a challenge initiated by your grandpa, not us."

"I will naturally persuade Grandpa ..."

"Takeda has already overturned dozens of martial arts halls, even if he wants to close it now."

Yao Lei's voice rose eight degrees, "Is he bully when I am Huaxia?"

"What he said basically represents what I mean."

Li Fan sighed and looked at Takeda Lan, "Ms. Takeda, your heart is good, so I respect you. But I understand you, you also have to understand me. Such things as martial arts are extremely sacred to martial arts masters. As long as Takeda has just come to challenge me, there will be no factors that can interfere with the two of us. Although this kind of effort you made is of good intentions, I think that neither me nor your grandfather will accept it. . "


Takeda Lan's body trembled slightly, and it seemed that Li Fan said that she did not know how to justify it.

Li Fan's words were so clear that she was powerless to refute.

He is exactly like his grandpa, and he is a pure martial artist. After persuading so much, he seemed to be uninterested. But Takeda Lan has also been thinking a lot these days, and there is a huge conspiracy behind this battle.

"There is such a terrible conspiracy hidden behind this contest ... it is not a pure contest any longer!"

"For me and your grandpa, this is a pure contest."

Li Fan waved his hand. "Well, Ms. Takeda, let's talk after we have something to see off."

A vitality acted on Takeda Lan's body. The pretty nurse lady flew out of the room upside down, fell out in the blink of an eye and was caught by Jiang Ye outside.

"Brother Yao, you should go back."

Before waiting for Yao Lei to speak, Li Fan waved another hand, Yao Lei's body also blew down from the balcony on the second floor, and fell to the ground. Yao Lei's face turned red. He hesitated again and again and left here with a stun.

Li Fan is annoyed now. Huaxia Wulin has been getting weaker. Now let him carry it by himself. The pressure on his shoulders is indeed a little heavier.

But it's better to carry it yourself, at least better than let Murong Ying carry it. That woman is too strong, who knows what will happen to her.

Takeda Lan is right in saying that behind this contest, there is a huge conspiracy! If Takeda had just won himself, the three major families of the island nation would probably come out of the nest, completely destroying Huaxia Wulin, and becoming the only representative of modern rivers and lakes. When the island nation invaded Huaxia that year, part of the victory was due to the protection net of Wulin. Once the protection net is gone, I am afraid it will be very unfavorable to China.

And if Li Fan wins, he will not benefit from it. For Huaxia, the most terrible enemy is a master that cannot be controlled. Wulin was destroyed like this, and once Li Fan won, Huaxia would try every means to control him. If it cannot be controlled, it will only be destroyed.

Muxiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it.

Takeda Lan, this little girl, already wanted to understand the mystery. So she ran in and tried to stop herself. However, this fateful chariot had already started, and neither he nor Takeda could escape.

The most urgent thing is to start the Shanli School early, and after training a group of disciples, he will return to Lijiadao. When you get there, you will naturally let the sky and sea be free.

"Master, there is a war book."

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and the thin man walked in carefully with awe.

"War books?"

Li Fan saw a letter in Slender's hand.

"Yeah, I saw it in front of the door just now, there was a rock on it."

Slim said in a hurry, "I don't know who sent it, I didn't dare to see it, and hurriedly brought it to you."

"Well, okay, thank you."

Li Fan nodded and stretched out his hand, the letter was immediately pulled out of the skinny hand, slipped in the air, and fell into Li Fan's hand.


As Li Fan expected, this was Takeda's war book. The above is still a traditional writing brush like Jianfeng, which should be written by Takeda himself.

Has the old man found this way? If you think about it, you are so surprised that you cannot get lost anymore.

"The next day at six in the morning, I will fight you at the Seven Chivalrous Palace!"

Li Fan put the letter aside and smiled, "I didn't expect that it would be better than just playing the game. Taken, Takeda, even if you are unlucky, I will use your new boxing sacrifice."

That night, Li Fan did not sleep well.

Not that Li Fan was under pressure, but that someone came to him in the middle of the night.

The window of Li Fan's room was gently pushed open, and a man in black silently slipped in through the window. This person is like a cat, with his feet on the wooden floor, without any sound. He moved slowly towards the bed by moonlight. At the same time, a dark black sword was drawn backhand. This blade was hiding very well in the dark, and it was not light at all.

The man slowly came to Li Fan's bed. He raised the knife in his hand and aimed at Li Fan's thigh. The above account, this time, can only hurt Li Fan, not kill him. As long as you let him draw, tomorrow's battle with Takeda Gang, he will lose! This person is also a master in the Jiahe stream. At this time Li Fan was highly valued. This martial arts hall surrounded the army with three layers inside and three layers outside, but let him infiltrate easily.

Jia Heliu's Ninja Taidao suddenly chopped down a black light and stabbed at Li Fan's thigh. There was no sound in the air, everything was silent.

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