My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1232: Unusual competition

1232 Unusual competition

This black knife broke through the darkness directly, and stabbed into Li Fan's thigh!

Immortality but the thigh is the best choice!

But at this moment, Li Fan, who was lying on the quilt with his head full of sleep, suddenly lifted the quilt, then lifted and kicked the knife.


The knife was kicked off and stabbed directly into the ceiling above his head.


This ninja was shocked, and it seemed that Li Fan could not see through his assassination.

"Good evening, this friend."

Li Fan sat up and looked at the ninja in front of him with a smile in the dark. The ninja didn't dare to hesitate. He held up his face towel and blasted a crimson flame directly at Li Fan. The flames were burning, with a burning glow, reflecting the ninja's murderous eyes, and rushed towards Li Fan.

Li Fan took a mouthful and took the flame directly into his mouth. In the ninja's astonished eyes, he swallowed it into his stomach.


The ninja was taken aback. This Li Fan, is he a monster?

"I can't afford such a warm gift. Boy, give it back to you."

Li Fan said, his mouth opened, and a fireball came out.

The ninja spit out scattered fire waves, while Li Fan spit out a ball of red fireballs, which was faster and came to the ninja in an instant. The ninja jumped up, hung upside down from the ceiling, pulled out the sword, and took a plunge.


The fireball was split in half, and the ninja had the idea of ​​running away.

But he is a ninja of Kaga Liu, and the mission is far more important than life! The mission lets you injure Li Fan and pave the way for the Yamato Empire in the future! For this great wish, even at the cost of his own life!

Jia Heliu's ninja made up his mind. He regarded death as if returning to his death, grabbed his own sword, and threw it fiercely towards Li Fan again.

Ordinary ninjas are trained in assassinations. But this ninja was practicing the Takeda family's swordsmanship. He swooped down, but the sword was slammed up to take Li Fan's first rank. Li Fan leaned back, avoiding the opponent's knife. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and launched his energy on the palm.

The leaves hanging from the branches outside the window immediately fell off and flew into Li Fan's palm, constantly compressing, rotating, and then condensing. Almost in a blink of an eye, a slap-shaped emerald sword was pinched out and suspended in the hands of Li Fan.

Jiulong Jue · Little Four Style · Drop Dragon Sword.

Ninja's Taidao has changed direction, and then slashed at Li Fan!


The fallen leaf sword in Li Fan's hand was faster, and shot instantly, piercing the ninja's throat in a blink of an eye, blood, and nailing it to the ceiling.

The ninja's throat was pierced, his body fell softly, and Li Fan shoved aside.

"Stop trying to stop me to this point."

Li Fan glanced at the body lying on the ground. Fortunately, Xiao Wan was at school today, otherwise she should be shocked.

"Are there assassins."

Zhou Guifei didn't know when she was wearing a long white dress and sitting by the window. Secretly moonlight shone on her, and she looked so beautiful, like a fairy.

"Well, how did you startle you too?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"The motion is so loud that the palace cannot sleep well."

Guigui Zhou looked at Li Fan. "It's not the way to go like this. It's better that you take this world. Our palace will support you."

At that time, Zhou Guifei wanted to replace the Emperor Ming as the queen. Now, she does not have such an idea, but wants to help Li Fan become the emperor.

"Well, I don't think so."

Li Fan hurriedly rejected Zhou Guifei's proposal, "You asked me to build a martial arts hall, and to open a mountain school, this is all right. But you let me govern a country, let's forget it, I really don't have this talent . "

"Will the palace help you. When the dog emperor ruled the court, he didn't ask his opinion too much."

"forget it……"

Li Fan refused again, "Don't mention it again, I really don't think so. I am a martial artist, not a politician."

"Well, if you don't like it, this palace will not say it later."

"Well, and I also have my own place. When I return to Lijia Island, there will be no such annoying assassins."

Li Fan glanced at the corpse on the ground, "Although this person is a Kaga Liu ninja, he seems to be from the Takeda family."

"If Takeda has just won, the Takeda family is undoubtedly the biggest winner."

Zhou Guifei intuitively analyzed, "Although the method is despicable, it is undoubtedly an insurance."

"But this group of people haven't thought about it. If Takeda just knew I was injured, would I come to compete?"

"You are also a martial arts fighter. Even if your leg is injured, you will pretend that you are going to fight like no one else."

With a word from Zhou Guifei, Li Fan had nothing to say.

"Otherwise, you martial artists are really stupid."

"Hey, it seems like you are not a martial artist."

"This palace is a concubine."

Guigui Zhou smiled sweetly, "The rules of the martial arts family have nothing to do with me. Moreover, there are not many martial arts families in martial arts now. Martial arts are about to die, Li Fan, but you are born the wrong time.

If born in ancient times, Li Fan would indeed become a great master of the great martial arts. But now that Wulin is dying, no matter how hard Li Fan tries, he can't stop the loss of Wulin. This is a cultural sorrow, a historical sorrow.

"I am a person who still likes to be more optimistic. Come, be happy as a person, I'll give you something to eat next?"

"Go to death."

With a wave of her hand, Zhou Guifei raised her strength and knocked Li Fan back. Then, she turned over, dropped from the window, and disappeared in front of Li Fan.

"This woman."

Li Fan sighed, and couldn't get a good sleep?

Li Fan suddenly remembered that recently seems to be the physiological period of Zhou Guifei. Obviously a woman who has practiced the undead evil, will there be a physiological period ... Human beings are indeed a strange and mysterious animal.

But should I still be human?

Li Fan ordered Le Xiaohu to come over and bury his body in the backyard overnight. Before the contest, Li Fan did not want to speak up. He and Takeda Gang, all want a serious battle, as for political games, wait until after the contest.

By the end of the day, the sky was already bright. There have been a lot of media outside, one by one excited, waiting for the first release, or live broadcast of this competition.

In modern society, the media has become a kind of terrible public opinion. In particular, some of the media that are controlled by overseas companies are difficult for the country to control. In any case, hundreds of millions of spectators are watching and attracting attention.

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