My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1233: Let me have fun

1233 Let me enjoy

"Wulin Forest", a well-known media. They like to publish some news about fighting, such as national fighting games, China-Korea, or China-US friendly match, and so on.

This media is also a relatively authoritative martial arts media in China. This time, they also invited professional martial arts players, the monk Kongming, and a Royal Forest horse-level cadre, plus a commentator from the Martial Arts Magazine Three people sat together, waiting to comment on this timeless contest.

A group of reporters gathered around, also waiting to broadcast the duel live.

Most of the spotlights are directed at two people, one is Takeda Takeshi and the other is Li Fan.

The place where the two chose to compete was the courtyard of this martial arts hall, with an old locust tree planted in the middle. This old locust tree means unlucky to ordinary people. After all, Huaishu, viewed separately, is a wooden ghost. However, for Li Fan, it is no harm. He considers himself upright, and does not invade evil spirits.

At this time, the yard was surrounded by reporters. Outside the yard, there were still a lot of people watching the lively eating melon. The courtyard wall is not high at all. You can see the inside very clearly when you step on a stool.

It is really three levels inside and three levels outside. If there is no police at the scene to maintain discipline, I am afraid that it will riot.

In the lively scene, in addition to many locals, there were many international students from the island nation. They were all big g nearby and came over to cheer Takeda.

Li Fan was quiet on the side, and the thin man had stretched out a banner for Li Fan, which was stopped by Wang Xiaoran. Wang Xiaoran Bingxue is clever and knows that his family teacher hates these big things.

Li Fan saw that Takeda Lan was arguing with her grandfather.

Takeda had just sat opposite him. The old man was sixty or seventy years old, but Hefa was young and well-maintained. He was also very strong and strong. He was wearing a simple island military uniform, and when his eyelids fell down, he looked just like an ordinary old man. But as soon as the eyes were opened, the sharpness in those eyes popped out, only to make people feel numb, as if the blade was placed around the neck.

He listened to his baby granddaughter for a long time and kept shaking his head.

Takeda Lan finally knelt directly in front of her grandfather, with her hands in front, her head pressed on her hand, expressing her most sincere request.

The flashing lights around kept the news media capturing the scene.

Several commentators began to talk. The pseudonym of Wu Linfeng's reviewer was a pseudo-ring. His face was thin, his skin was white, and he had thief-eyed eyes, walking around the crowd.

Seeing this scene, he immediately asked the two companions around him.

"Master Kongming, and Mr. Yang, both of you are well-known martial arts. We are broadcasting this competition live on the well-known online fighting platform, hundreds of millions of viewers want to hear your professional opinions on this competition . "

Kong Ming is a well-known monk who often participates in friendly matches for foreign countries. He practiced hard Qigong and Sanda Kung Fu very well, and gave Huaxia a lot of breath in many games.

At this point, Emperor sat there and looked carefully at Takeda and Li Fan. Hearing the inquiry of the false ring, he thought for a moment and said.

"The poor monk is a martial artist. For modern martial arts, body shape often determines the victory or defeat of a game. Therefore, the level of competition is calculated according to the heavyweight, but at present, Mr. Takeda's physique is obvious It is two levels higher than Li Fan. Therefore, the poor monk is not very optimistic about Li Fan, he may lose miserably. "


As a horse-level cadre of the Imperial Army, Yang Lan has never said anything. But when I heard the empty words, I couldn't help humming.

"Oh? Does Chief Yang disagree?"

"Although I don't like Li Fan, as a martial artist, I still have to be fair."

Yang Lan pointed at Li Fan, "The one sitting there is the last head of Wulin! His" Seven Chivalrous Fist "is above the magic score! You can also see the power of this inner boxing today. Just a moment. "

"Okay, I've only heard about the power of Neijiaquan, but I've never seen it before."

Nodded emptyly, "I hope today the poor monk will be an eye-opener!"

"The opinions of the two have been received, and the audience has been divided into two factions. Now the arguments are endless. Let's change the subject first."

The hypothetical ring pointed to Takeda Lan who was kneeling there. "That supposed to be Takeda Takeshi's granddaughter, Miss Takeda Lan? How do the two think of her behavior at this time?"

"This ... I can't guess ..."

"Yeah, I don't understand her thoughts."

The false ring laughed, and my heart said that now you two can't do it! Still have to see me!

"I've heard that these two seem to be intimate."

The false ring became more and more excited, "It seems that Takeda Lan and Li Fan have settled for life, so Miss Takeda Lan will come out to stop her grandpa! Oh, this timeless love is obviously more attractive than this timeless war ! "

"Takeda just got up."

Empty eyes brightened.

"The competition is about to begin."

Yang Lan looked at the time, "We have a good show."

Takeda just stood up, and did not look at Takeda Lan who was kneeling on the ground.

"Xiao Lan, although I hurt you the most. However, for my competition, you have no right to point and draw."


Takeda Lan looked up slightly, looking at her grandpa with sadness. Will the battle continue anyway?

"Li Fan, although I have walked a bit longer, I have come."

Takeda just walked to the center of the yard, stood under the locust tree, and looked at Li Fan across.

"I heard that you defeated Murong Hong? Really it is a hero who is a boy. It is better to compare it with me."

"Murong Hong?"

Li Fan put down the tea cup in his hand and stood up slowly. He is also wearing the clothes of the Seven Knights Gate today, with black text on the back, and the dragon-shaped logo of the Seven Knights Gate is printed on the back.

He walked in front of Takeda in the surrounding cameras.

"Sorry, this man has been dead for decades."

Murong Hong, Murong Bo's uncle, was the strongest man in Murong Village. But I heard that he was just a flash in the pan, only a few years after appearing on the rivers and lakes, and died of illness.

He was said to be the genius of Murong's family, but his life was short.

"Is he already dead ..."

Takeda had just heard his words and was shocked. But he stroked his chin and thought about it.

"Think about it, I'm too old. What's more, since it's here, let's finish this game with you. After all, I heard that you have defeated the monsters of the Abe family."

"Oh, that's what happened."

"However, those people are not martial arts. They are just guys who use the charm method."

Takeda just laughed and suddenly stepped forward with one foot, bringing a strong energy.

"Go to war, Li Fan! I hope you can make me happy!"

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