My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1234: Highest boundary

1234 Highest Realm

As soon as Takeda stepped forward, a strong energy immediately spread out, impacting around.

The reporters looking around took a step back and looked at Takeda Gang in surprise.

How powerful is this!

When everyone saw this power, they all watched.

Righteousness! This is a skill that Takeda has created on the basis of karate.

"Takeda, I'll let you know, Huaxia Wulin, someone is still there!"

Li Fan also stretched out his hand, posing his hand.


Takeda yelled suddenly, then took a step forward, at the same time a hand knife slashed towards Li Fan.

Li Fan also waved a big five style · Lei Long Tian Yao, and also waved with his hand knife, two people's arms collided first.


An electric light burst, and Li Fan and Takeda stepped back at the same time and reexamined the other side.

Takeda Takeshi, an old man who has practiced his life in Mount Fuji, has at least the strength of a holy class! And Li Fan's strength is also above the semi-holy. If it is not relying on the unique ability of vitality, I am afraid that this is not really Takeda's opponent!

Unexpectedly, Takeda was very happy.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that when you were young, your internal strength was so strong! Don't bother me for thousands of miles, come here to Huaxia!"

Having said that, Takeda stepped forward, followed a straight punch, and ran straight to Li Fan's chest.

Li Fan slipped under his feet and avoided Takeda's punch.

At the same time, Li Fan's right leg was lifted and he took a straight stroke!

Small Four Styles · Chop Dragon Stage!

The powerful air flow spun up and locked Takeda's body. At the same time, Li Fan's foot had already reached Takeda's neck.


Takeda yelled again, forcibly shattering the cyclone around with his strong internal force, and let it go to the side.

Li Fan emptied one leg, and Takeda just stepped forward again, and the two broke into a ball again, making a few bangs and three strokes.

Takeda just went from ecstasy to shock.

Li Fan, at such a young age, uses an unknown set of kung fu, but every move of this kung fu is perfectly natural and flawless! If it weren't for this boy's skill is slightly inferior to himself, I am afraid he is not his opponent!

The two approached again and fought. Takeda completely relied on his powerful internal forces to cope with Li Fan's moves. Every move of Li Fan made Takeda Gang can't help but want to applaud. Even Kung Fu couldn't create it.


Taking advantage of Takeda's punch, Li Fan suddenly reached out and dragged at him.

A huge vitality wrapped around Takeda's body, dragged him up and lifted him directly into the air!

Li Fan's vitality is like iron tongs. It is stuck on Takeda's neck. As long as he applies more force, Takeda's neck can be broken.

But after all, Takeda was a master who was close to the holy class. His body was strong, his hands were one point, he tore Li Fan's energy, and fell back to the ground.

Takeda Gang's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and Li Fan's moves made him unbearable.

"Boy, who is your master?"

Takeda just couldn't help asking.

"Sorry, I don't have a master."

With a word from Li Fan, Takeda frowned.

This kid really has no master? Where did he practice these moves? Self taught?

"Bang, bang!"

After a few more moves, Takeda and Li Fan were indistinguishable.

"Your moves are good, but martial arts are not in the box, but in the heart."

Takeda suddenly forced Li Fan back with a punch, and then said, "If you are fancy again, I can also drop ten wisdom!"

Takeda said, taking a step forward again, making a deep footprint on the ground. At the same time, he punched Li Fan straight towards Li Fan!

A powerful force, driven by his fist, seemed to set off a terrible storm, which struck Li Fan in an instant.

The soil around the ground was scraped off one layer hardly. For a time, the flying sand and stones blew away, and everyone closed their eyes, which turned to the west.

"The righteous fist!"

An ordinary straight punch has amazing power.

But Li Fan didn't flinch. He followed one step forward, and at the same time, he remembered Xuanlong Bingzhang and met Takeda's fist!


A huge force spread out directly, hitting the surroundings, and a web of cracks appeared on the ground under their feet. The rubble on the ground flew up, appeared above the two men's heads, and then suddenly fell down.

At the same time, the cold frost spread around, and at the same time, Takeda's right fist slowly appeared white frost.

If it wasn't for Takeda's strong internal strength, I'm afraid he has already been frozen into an ice sculpture this time.

"it is good!"

Takeda Gang could not help but shouted for Li Fan.

"Boy, promising!"

Takeda Gang's fist burst into stronger power, like a sea wave, one wave stronger than the other, directly hitting Li Fan's palm.

Li Fan's Xuanlong Bingzhang also couldn't bear it. He stood for more than ten seconds and was finally rushed out. The whole person rolled over in the air, then fell to the ground, took two steps back, and poured out strength .

Takeda is worthy of being the island's number one master, and his strength lies here.

"Li Fan, show your true strength."

Takeda Gang said loudly, "Isn't the strongest martial art of Hua Xia Martial arts the true **** of martial arts? Has it been lost?"

Takeda's understanding of Huaxia martial arts is quite rare.

"That being the case, I won't hide it."

Li Fan spit out a bit of stale gas, and his vitality was mobilized from Dantian's place, through the thousands of pores on his body, and released into the outside air.

"War God body? Do the two people know what this means?"

Apparently, the first time I heard that he saw a group of people asking in the live broadcast room, so he asked the two experts around him.

"The poor monk hasn't seen it, but I have heard someone say that the martial arts practitioners who practiced in-house boxing practiced to the extreme and released their internal skills to the outside.

Empty is naturally unseen, he told the truth.

"The martial arts body is the highest state of inner boxing."

The false ring eyes fell on Yang Lan, a horse-level cadre of the Royal Forest Army. He looked slightly proud and said proudly.

"All those who can practice this kind of realm are real masters. At present, only four people in martial arts can do it."

In the final martial arts, Li Fan became a master of the era. Only he, Zhou Guifei, Murong Ying and Murong Bo knew the true body of the **** of war. Li Fan has even used Valkyrie's true body. This battle should be won.

The people around were talking about it, and everyone in the studio was taunting.

Valkyrie? Where does this kind of fighting come from? These guys who claim to be martial arts fighters are so bragging?

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