My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1235: Volcano boxing

1235 volcano-level boxing

"Too bragging!"


"Huaxia martial arts is profound and profound. How do you know that?"

"Is the brain upstairs upstairs, do you still believe that? Fighting, I only serve Tyson!"

The frypot is already in the comment area, and many people don't believe in any martial arts.

But at this moment, Li Fan's vitality flowing out of the body slowly condensed, and soon, a woman wearing a flying dragon armor was standing behind him.

"Um, what's that?"

"I rub, so cool? Special effects?"


"Pippi shrimp, let's go!"

At the same time, the false ring is also very excited. As a professional martial arts critic, this scene is the first time in his life!

"Amazing, really awesome! Is this the inner boxing?"

"Yes, this is the true body of Valkyrie!"

It seems that Yang Lan is more proud of himself, just like the real body of Wu Shen he used.

"Fortunately, you guys are lucky today and opened your eyes."

This is a battle authorized by the government! Not only for others, but even for Yang Lan, it is extremely lucky to be able to see this contest in person!

Is this the last sing of Wulin?

"Okay, the audience also saw that Li Fanshi exhibited a trick called the true God of War God! I don't know how this thing works, can it stop Takeda's myth of winning streak?"

In the voice of the false ring live broadcast, Li Fan ’s true body of the warrior has completely stood up, more than four meters high, except for the dragon armor on her body, her left arm is completely a dragon claw, exuding a faint cold .

"Okay! I'm not in vain!"

Takeda just rejoiced, "I never expected that in my lifetime, I could see the best efforts of China!"

"Little Four Style · Dragon Drop Sword!"

Li Fan held his arms and stood there.

The dragon goddess raised her right hand, and the surrounding earth flew up, quickly condensing into a one-meter-long mudstone sword in her raised palm!

Li Fan reached out and pointed at Takeda Takeshi. The goddess also let go, and the mudstone sword suddenly released her hand and stabbed at Takeda Gang.


Takeda was unhurried. On one side of his body, he avoided the attack of the mudstone sword. At the same time, the right hand splits the mud stone sword directly into two sections!

The sword lost its support, and turned back into mud, scattered on the ground.

And Li Fan did not expect this trick to subdue Takeda Takeshi, the goddess directly reached out, took a record of Xuanlong Ice Palm, and patted Takeda Takeshi below.

"The righteous fist!"

Takeda also took a step forward and once again performed a seemingly unremarkable straight fist, brought up an amazing fist, and touched the goddess Xuanlong Bingzhang.


The surrounding ground collapsed again, and this small yard was subjected to several shocks.

Takeda was repelled three steps this time, kicking three times, and finally he stepped on the ground with his feet and half of his feet sank into it, which stabilized his body.

Li Fan took control of the Valkyrie, and at the same time stretched out her hands, condensing two dragon swords together.

Kill him while he is ill! When Takeda hadn't completely stabilized his body, two mudstone swords stabbed towards Takeda. When the sun shone, the two swords cut through the early morning light.

Takeda's eyes reflected the shadows of these two swords.

This time, both the left and right lanes were blocked, and Takeda just wanted to dodge again. It was very difficult. But in the end, he was the Grandmaster of the island nation. Almost instantly, he waved his calf, drew it over one of the swords, kicked the pierced sword, flew out, and hit another sword.

With a bang, two swords flew at the same time, chopping on both sides.

Li Fan, however, asked the Valkyrie to procure the dragon grabber, withdrew the two swords again, and then released them again.

Takeda has a great offense and is also a master of defense. His footwork was steady, and he kept flying the dragon sword with both hands! Although the dragon sword's attack was fierce, he was blocked in turn by him.

Even Li Fan had to admire Takeda's strength. Even if he used the true body of Valkyrie, he couldn't help him.

"Boy, you are so funny! Come on, take my fist!"

Takeda suddenly stepped forward, with a thin blue light on his body. At this moment, Li Fan felt that Takeda Gang seemed to have a terrible energy running, this energy has exceeded the scope of human beings!

"Let's see, this fist that I've tempered with volcanoes!"

Just as Takeda approached quickly, the blue light on his body suddenly changed, turning into red light!

Takeda's right fist suddenly became extremely red, and then a blaze of flame was burned, and he punched directly at Li Fan!

"Volcano-class righteousness!"

This punch is extremely fierce, as if it were really a volcanic eruption! And Li Fan's Valkyrie has already ushered in, it is also his strongest move, Xuanlong Bingshang!


The two fists collided, but this time, Li Fan's Valkyrie was crushed by the power of the fist!

"Sink ..."

Li Fan stepped back and looked at the light scattered around him.

Takeda Takeshi's volcanic fist, in fact, is not outstanding at all, and it was shot with his strong power! It's like, it's a heavy artillery cannon, and it fired at Li Fan!

"Oh, Li Fan's Valkyrie is really broken!"

"Isn't he also Takeda's opponent?"

"Great crisis!"

The fake ring has opened the comment mode, and the barrage is also flat in the live room.

"Is Li Fan OK?"

"Sure enough, it's just a special effect. I've been beaten with a fist!"

"It's a waste! It just represents the Chinese competition? Come on?"

Empty is okay, he doesn't know Li Fan. But Yang Lan, as Li Fan's opponent, couldn't help but want to blow up when he saw these barrage.

"Are these people sick? Do they know Li Fan? Li Fan is known as the Wulin Xiaoba Wang. If he cannot fight for Huaxia, who can?

Unexpectedly, he said a word, but made more taunts in the barrage.

"That's it? Dare to call yourself a bully?"

"Xiao Wang Bacai is right!"

"Who is this Yang Lan? Which shallot?"

"It's a bunch of waste, Lao Tzu's dogs are better than them!"

Yang Lan was going to explode. Mom got a chicken. This bastard! If they were in front, dare to say so, Yang Lan would have slapped him long ago!

"Ahem, keyboard man is always there."

The false ringing lowered the voice, persuaded Yang Lan, and then the voice was a little louder.

"Two, now Li Fan's Valkyrie is really broken. What do you think of the situation next?"

"Poor monk ... powerless ..."

The emptiness no longer understood.

"Li Fan hasn't lost yet! A bunch of silly people, beep after reading!"

Yang Lan had a very bad attitude.

"Uh ... then, let's wait and see."

The false ring set its sights back on the yard.

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