My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1236: Bet on everything

1236 Bet on everything

"Takeda, you are really strong."

Li Fan put away his real body of Wu Shen and looked at Takeda Gang in front of him. Sure enough, the heroes of the world cannot be underestimated. This Takeda Gang's volcanic boxing method was able to drop ten energies, and even his own Wushen true body was broken.

"You've made me happy."

Takeda just raised his fists and looked at Li Fan. "Next, I will use this fist to defeat you to show my respect for you!"

Said, Takeda just raised his red hot fists and walked towards Li Fan step by step.

He took a few steps forward, and his feet suddenly accelerated, and the whole person suddenly approached Li Fan's face and punched him at the same time with a punch.

The red fist had reached Li Fan's face, and the intense burning sensation made Li Fan slightly tingling.

This punch seems to be able to kill Li Fan in a second.

Many people couldn't bear to look directly, and seemed to think that Li Fan was dead this time.

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly stretched out his left hand, directly blocking Takeda's fist.


The flames exploded, and Li Fan's left hand was emitting black smoke. The skin on it was constantly burning, but it was only a few minor burns.

Takeda's sophisticated eyes couldn't help but stunned.

Others don't know, but Li Fan understands. His left hand, although it still looks like a human arm, is actually no different from a dragon claw. This level of heat can still withstand it.

"Sorry, I haven't worked hard yet."

Li Fan is smiling.

Takeda immediately took a step back and distanced himself from Li Fan.

And Li Fan's white light slowly came out, wrapping his body a little bit.

"Valkyrie's true body is indeed my Huaxia magic skill, but there is something even more powerful, which is the second stage of Valkyrie's true body.

Li Fan converged the white light on his body while talking.

"Come, open your eyes!"

Li Fan was covered with a flying dragon armor, and the whole person exuded a powerful power, which made Takeda Gang secretly startled.

The audience in the live broadcast room blew up again.

"This, all kinds of special effects!"

"Will it not be effective again?"

"Fuck, cool armor!"

"It's all flowery, and it's estimated that it will be fat again by that island country devil!"

There are already a million people in the live broadcast room, and this huge broadcast volume makes the pseudo ring fun enough. As for whether Li Fan can win, it is not important to him anymore! Today's broadcast was too successful. Even if I do n’t work in “Wulinfeng” and go out to open a live studio, I can still make a lot of money!

Hahaha, get rich! In the future, I will go to the top of my life!

Get started first!

Takeda had just taken a broken step, almost the effort of Xu Xu, and once again came to Li Fan's presence, at the same time a heavy punch, attacked Li Fan again. And Li Fan slipped on his feet, stepped beautifully, and easily avoided Takeda's attack.

Takeda just hit a few more punches and was easily avoided by Li Fan.

He could easily avoid Takeda's attack every time, even without opening his eyes.


Takeda has become even more surprised. The boy in front of him has already brought him many surprises.

Judging by his age, he's just in his early twenties. So young but powerful. Even if the hero is a boy, he is too exaggerated. Is it because he ca n’t cultivate in the womb?

Even if it was Takeda Takeshi, at this moment, I couldn't help but have some jealousy.

In the next second, Takeda suddenly realized that Li Fan's shoulder shook slightly.


Takeda just felt subconscious, and he protected his arms in front of him.


Takeda just sank with his arms, slid back more than ten meters, and leaned against the back wall.

His arms were still slightly smoked, apparently not badly beaten.

"Um, what is this?"

A look at the fake ring, and everyone in the broadcast room was wondering.

"What is it? What just happened?"

"Can't see it, is it a fake punch?"

"What the hell?"


The comment area has exploded, the screen is swiped too fast, and the fake ring feels that his phone has a card.

The most shocking thing is Takeda Gang, Li Fan punches too fast, he didn't catch it!

The next second, Takeda suddenly rolled on the spot.


The wall behind Takeda Gang was shattered directly, leaving a deep fist print on it, which directly penetrated the wall.

"Fuck, there really is a punch!"

"How fast is this? It's terrible!"

"This kid named Li Fan ... is not ordinary ..."

The comment area is boiling again. This time, I have praised Li Fan a lot.

Yang Lan sneered, holding her arms. A powerful man who made the Yulin army helpless, to show this level, that is normal!

"What are you doing?"

Takeda frowned and asked Li Fan.

"Extreme Dragon Fist."

Li Fan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Takeda Gang, "You are really good, you can avoid my boxing skills."

"So funny!"

Takeda was more excited, "This is worth a fight! Li Fan! Your admiration for your power! I will use my power to fight you!"

When talking, Takeda's eyes suddenly glowed red, as if his eyes were also burning!

Li Fan felt a powerful force burning around.


Takeda Lan, who was standing next to her knees again, was already in tears.

Li Fan's heart is also crazy!

Takeda Takeshi started to burn his life!

This old man ... is really a martial artist! His obsession with Wu far surpassed himself!

"Come on, Li Fan, don't let me down!"

Takeda Gang laughed and jumped forward, smashing a punch at Li Fan.

"The last volcano!"

This punch seemed to be like a volcano erupting, burning wildly and hitting Li Fan suddenly.


Li Fan's body was blown up directly, and it was instantly hit more than ten meters high.

"Come again!"

Takeda had a slight bend in his knees, then bounced on the ground, and appeared in the blink of an eye next to Li Fan, his fists fell heavily on Li Fan's back.


The volcano erupted, Li Fan's body was heavily bombarded on the ground, and the ground was smashed into a pit!

Li Fan lay on the ground, watching Takeda Gang who fell from the sky and ran down with a punch.

As if death is about to come, Takeda Takeshi, who is burning his life, has already reached the level of the Holy Order. He practiced his whole life, as if it were for this moment, for this war. Looking at the flash of war in his eyes, Li Fan felt that there was something burning inside him.

That's right, you can't let him down. This is their martial arts, it is worth fighting for everything!

Li Fan, stood up.

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