My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1237: Victory pose

1237 Victory

Despite the impact, Li Fan pulled his body out of the pit and stood up. He was wearing a golden dragon armor, looking at Takeda Tsukasa falling down from the top of his head, and his eyes also showed golden brilliance, like a thundering explosion.

"The ultimate volcano!"

Takeda just dropped a hand knife, and the momentum was as if Pangu was breaking new ground, and went directly to the top of Li Fan's head!

A strong burning sensation made Li Fan's head burned. But he was also full of energy, facing Takeda Takeshi from the sky, without any fear. He took a deep breath, Dan Tian in his belly was fully activated, and a powerful stream of vital energy was constantly mobilized, running in Li Fan's body.

Little Four Style · Battle Dragon Roar!


A powerful vitality erupted in Li Fan's mouth, like a raging wave, which hit Takeda's body.

Takeda's falling body was stopped, and Li Fan's roar of battle dragons was almost destructive. Even though Takeda was strong again, he was shocked by the war shout, and then his body rolled in the air and landed on the back wall.


Takeda Takeshi's vitality is burning, he looks at Li Fan, his warfare in his eyes is even stronger, "turning vitality into sound waves into weapons! It's so interesting!"

Li Fan ignored Wu Tiangang, and as soon as he reached out, the surrounding soil flew up again, condensing into a slap-shaped mudstone sword in his hands. However, Li Fan did not use this sword to attack Takeda, but instead threw it into the air, letting the mudstone sword float above their heads.

"This, what's the intention?"

Hypothetical hurry to ask.

"do not understand……"

Shake his head blankly.

"This is a threat tactic!"

Yang Lan despises both of them. How about she is a commentator at this level?

"This small sword floating in the air is a threat, and it has a strong suppressive effect on Takeda. When the two of them fought, they did not know when they would stab them and cause fatal damage to Takeda."

"So it is, thank you Lord Lan for the explanation, let us continue to pay attention to this battle."

"The battle ... it's almost over ..."

Yang Lan held her hands together, and her expression became more serious.

After all, Takeda's life is not unlimited.

"Are you ready, too?"

Takeda just looked up at the sword hanging in the air. "Either, just bet everything on this trick."

Talking, he kept mentioning his energy, and the red light was burning again, symbolizing Takeda's strongest fighting power.

"The strongest volcano and righteousness!"

Takeda took a punch with the same flame as a blast and pushed it back and forth, and soon reached Li Fan.

Li Fan's left hand was raised, and there was a sensation of cold air on it.

He was also mobilizing his energy frantically, continually compressing on his left hand.

"Second-tier Xuanlong Ice Palm!"

Driven by the second stage of Wushen Zhenshen, the power of Xuanlong Bingzhang is also stronger! Li Fan took a picture of this palm, as if the air was frozen, and it was cold all around instantly!

A scorching, a frost. Except for the eye-opening, the people present were uncomfortable. This dual-sky realm really made them feel comfortable in the sky.

Let's look at Li Fan and Takeda Gang. The two fists intersect, the ground layer leaves, the broken stones fly up and hang in the air.

Heat waves and cold air spread, wave after wave.

The faces of Li Fan and Takeda Gang were also red and white, apparently affected by each other's strength. They both injected everything into the blow, and had no reservations at all.

Although Li Fan's strength is not as good as Takeda's, he has a dragon's left hand, plus the ice ability of the candidate. Based on strength, the three powers stack up, so you can fight against this Takeda Takeshi!

Although admiring Takeda's fanaticism, Li Fan cannot lose this battle!

The long-hanging mudstone sword suddenly turned into a thunder and fell down. Takeda and Li Fan are fighting each other. The old man cannot move. This mudstone sword was originally directed at Takeda's celestial cover, but suddenly he turned abruptly in the middle and stabbed Takeda's shoulder.


With the passing of each other, Li Fan's Xuanlong Bingzhang suddenly broke out, and Takeda Gang was frozen in half of his body at the same time.

The airwaves impinging in the yard finally stopped and energy disappeared. Everyone took a sigh of relief, as if they had just walked through the gate of the ghost gate.

"you lose."

Li Fan stood there, watching Takeda Gang kneeling in front of him, and said slowly.


Takeda just knelt there, and the whole man was rapidly aging. But there was a smile of relief on his face. When everyone looked again, Takeda had closed his eyes and swallowed his last breath.

"The old man is dead."

Takeda Lan was pale and knelt beside her grandpa. Enduring the pain in her heart, she announced loudly, "Thank you Li Fan, Mr. Li, for giving my grandpa a fair and honest contest. Ali Gado ..."

She bowed at Li Fan, and when she raised her head again, she was already in tears.

Everyone in the audience was shocked, but it was speechless for a long time. Where do they know what is burning life, in their opinion, Li Fan killed someone with one palm!

And Li Fan stood there, silent, proudly standing upright. This contest, as Takeda Lan said, is bright and upright.

As a winner, you should be happy.

"This ... was Takeda just killed?"

The fake ring looked at him for a moment, and he glanced at the bombardment, which he couldn't help asking.

"At the moment ... it seems like this ..."

Emptyness is also confused. This level of martial arts is not something he can understand.

"Then ... is this legally responsible? Chief Yang, what do you think?"


Yang Lan was silent for a while, and things were complicated. The martial arts fighters all knew that Takeda just died after burning his own vitality, and Takeda Lan also announced that Grandpa's death had nothing to do with Li Fan.

But from the point of view of others, it was Takeda Gang who was killed by Li Fan. Even if the Huaxia government wants to protect Li Fan, I am afraid that the government on the island will also put pressure on it?

Then again, Li Fan is a Shangfang sword, the patron saint of Huaxia. Although he should be preserved above, the doves represented by Li Sen may take advantage of this opportunity to suppress Li Fan in one fell swoop, making him unable to stand up.

After all, this is Li Sen's purpose. No matter if Li Fan wins or loses, he can get rid of him!

Looking at the posture of Li Fan's winner, even Yang Lan couldn't help but admire him a little. But what is the identity of Yang Lan, a cadre of the Royal Forest Army. What the Yulin Army does is to put people like Li Fan down!

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