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Once the Dragon God 1 is launched, it not only equals to adding an invincible buff to Hua Xia, but also a terrible sharp sword on top of other countries! Which of these western powers will let Huaxia launch this ultimate weapon?

No, it should be launching a real god.

Li Fan only understood today that the true meaning of this x exists. No wonder countries want to compete. Whoever controls this technology will be invincible!

"So, do you know what we are facing now?"

General Ran looked at Li Fan with profound meaning in his eyes.

"I understand, I will quickly create the Seven Xiamen."

Li Fan nodded. "Relatively, your government will help me a little, right?"

"Fuck, you boy, don't kick your nose!"

General Ran glared at Li Fan. "The construction of Qixia Mountain is already a green light! Even the construction team is funded by the government to help you find it. What else do you want?"

"Haha, of course, both parties need to be sincere."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "This is also for the benefit of the martial arts, for the benefit of martial arts is for the benefit of Huaxia! Can you come up with a martial arts martial arts court, it depends on this time."

"Be assured, there is the video where you and Takeda just fought. Once you start a school, you don't know how many people want to join your martial arts. At that time, make good efforts and don't let down the expectations you have above."

"I didn't do this for the above."

Li Fan immediately retorted, "I am for my own ideals and the future of Wulin."

"Okay, everyone's interests are the same. Recently, you have to be more careful. The enemy has been watching us, especially you. As a Huaxia Shangfang sword, you are sitting in the last martial arts. Many people hate what you hate. .You can't make you Ming, but the killer is definitely not underrepresented. "

"Afraid of jb, let them come! I send them to heaven!"

As soon as Li Fan pouted, this gang of charms could not do anything to himself!

"That's good, I've brought the words, you don't want to go out in court. But remember, be careful lately, don't tell Li Sen them, let them find opportunities to deal with you."

"I see. I'll pay attention. Then you go and I won't send you."

Li Fan must also start to prepare for the Kaishanli faction. Although he is still a college student, the university is not available for him now. After all, Li Fan is no longer an ordinary person. If he wants to go to school by duty, that is basically impossible.

After General Ran had gone, Takeda Lan came again.

This girl just sent her grandpa back to her hometown and finished the funeral, but then came to Li Fan again.

"Miss Takeda, why are you here?"

Looking at Takeda Lan wearing a plain black long sweater, Li Fan was a little surprised.

Why does this girl always run towards herself?

In other words, although she didn't kill herself, her grandfather died because of it. She's not here to find her revenge?

"Mr. Li, I have decided."

Takeda Lan seems to have made up her mind. "I won't go to the United Nations. I want to stay with you."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I want to carry forward Grandpa's efforts."

Takeda Lan said without hesitation, "So, I want to beat you for him. Even if I can't beat you today, one year, ten years, I can beat you someday!"

"Well, do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

"No, I only practice Grandpa's righteousness!"

Takeda Lan is very persistent. "It's more convenient for you."

"But there are no idlers around me."

Li Fan thought for a moment, "Otherwise, I just want to drive to the mountain, and there is no medical staff on the mountain. This martial arts injury is inevitable. Why not go to be a caregiver for us?"

"it is good!"

Takeda Lan promised to take a sip, this is definitely no problem.

"In addition, Qixia Mountain cannot have only one martial art. I have to develop some tertiary industries to maintain the martial arts economy ..."

At present, Li Fan's income mainly has two aspects, one is the dartboard and the other is the entertainment industry.

"After the martial arts are built, you can take a part dedicated to costume costumes! This is an industry ... In addition, some places can also be opened to provide tourists with tourism, less ** When they are not all doing this ... Yes I'm so smart! "

Takenana's narcissistic look made Takeda Lan want to laugh.

"Well, Miss Takeda, stay with me first, and we'll start in a few days. By the way, I'll go to Xiaowan and talk to her."

After Li Fan finished speaking, he went straight out of the gate of the martial arts hall.

The weather outside Wuguan was good, and a half of the sky was illuminated by the setting sun. At this time in the past, Li Fan also went to pick up Liu Xiaowan from work normally. She is now fully responsible for Li Fan's entertainment company. In addition to packaging Shen Chen and the twins, she has signed several newcomers and is slowly developing. The company has basically gone formal, especially Shen Chen and the twins, which have started to make money for the company.

In addition to singing, the twins started filming on the advice of their agent. Because the two sisters were so famous, some crew even invited them to act as the heroine, but Liu Xiaowan rejected them, and let them play a female role for a while to exercise their abilities.

Recently a new drama called "My Beauty Teacher" is under preparation. The director's group kindly invited Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang to play Su Ji and Su Fei, the two heroines. This time Liu Xiaowan didn't refuse. The main novels were so popular and the roles were tailor-made, so they let them play.

And Shen Chen's policy is to go to the variety show first. The company arranged her to enter a reality show. At present, Shen Chen's popularity has also recovered quickly, and it is faintly stronger than before.

"Li Dong, you are here."

The front desk was still the familiar girl. After Li Fan entered, she immediately bowed at Li Fan.

"Well, what about President Liu?"

"General Manager Liu said he was going to the airport."

The girl at the front desk answered, surprised Li Fan.

"What? Go to the airport? Is she going on a business trip?"

"I don't know ... but she left you a letter saying that if you come, I'll show it to you."

The girl at the front desk said, took out an envelope sealed with red mud, and handed it to Li Fan.

"What age is it, still writing letters, love letters?"

Li Fan opened the letter and saw his content frowned.

"Li Fan:

When you received this letter, I had already returned to the United States. I wanted to spend two more years with you ... but something happened at home and I had to leave early. I've finished the company's affairs, and the new general manager can take on the big job. Forget me, just when I never appeared.

Love your uncle Xiaowan "

Li Fan has blown up the temple.

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