1256 Hurry up

William, this unreliable guy, his so-called spray, Li Fan is really not quite convinced!

"I'm beginning to doubt the validity of the alliance with you ..."

Li Fan's words made William nervous.

"Dear Mr. Lee! Please believe me ... by the way, if you don't believe in spray, you might as well use this."

William said, taking an injection from his arms. Li Fan is also speechless. Is there a dimension bag hidden in this guy's pocket?

"what is this?"

"This is our blood."

William took the small injection and turned it in his hand. "Just give me a little injection and you will have my smell. And this thing will not affect your body. The effect is about one day."

"What do you keep with this stuff?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"In case."

William shrugged his shoulders. "I, I like to prepare ahead of time. In your Huaxia words, call for precautions!"

"You really like Chinese culture."

These idioms of William speak like family treasures.

"Of course!"

William said proudly, "I still envy Liu Xiaowan, she can go to Huaxia to go to school. I also want to go, but unfortunately I do not have a patriarch as a father, I can only stay to do the dirty work for the Parker family.

"It doesn't matter, you will follow me later."

Li Fan said with a smile, "I can't just watch Huaxia Wulin be ruined by those people. With your help, maybe they can surprise them."

"To be a parent of the Parker family, just a little Viscount is not enough."

William sighed. "Without great strength, the people below will not obey us."

"After you become a leader, you will naturally have more resources for you to cultivate."

Li Fan gave William a white look, "Don't you still be full of ambition before, why would you hesitate again."

"Careful is never wrong."

William said, "Especially seeing you so strong, I don't want to drag your back."

"Well, think about how you can quickly strengthen your strength?"

Li Fan asked directly, "It will help me to be stronger."

"The quickest way to make our bloodlines stronger is to draw powerful blood."

William said immediately, "But where is the master's blood so easily available?"

"Try me?"

Li Fan held out his right hand and placed it in front of William. Anyway, I am also a person who has eaten a dragon, and belongs to the half dragon body. If it is to absorb your own blood, it may have some effect.

"This ... seems like a way!"

William was a little surprised that Li Fan could not make such a big sacrifice.

"But absorbing blood is not such a random thing. I will tell Sam to come over tomorrow to get the head. Let's try it tonight."


Li Fan nodded, "But I need you to have a guarantee for me."

"do not worry!"

William has begun to pay tribute to Li Fan, "I will swear blood to you, and I will never betray you!"

"Well, remember, our interests are the same."

"I am willing to guard the friendship with you!"

William has pressed Baodu on Li Fan's body. He is not a fool. He can see that Li Fan's mind is not with the Emperor. When he found Liu Xiaowan, he would naturally leave this place. At that time, he will rule the Parker family. As long as he doesn't do things that harm Li Fan's interests, it will be fine.

"Your car ... drive a little faster ..."

Li Fan felt that the speed of the car was about to be super.

"Ahaha ... I just can't wait ..."

William laughed twice.

"I can't eat hot tofu, and my blood may not be effective."

"I'll know by then!"

William did start to look forward.

At the same time, in the Parker's castle.

In the basement, a bat-shaped coffin was erected in a blood pool. Peter Parker was wearing a black suit and had lived for hundreds of years. He was still a handsome boy.

In the dark basement, he looked at the coffin in front of him, as if thinking about something.

"If I were you, I would ruin this bastard."

A figure in a black robe came out slowly from the dark. With a somber face, he looked at Peter and said slowly.

"Anyway, she's my daughter."

Peter put his hands in his pockets. "Blood is thicker than water."

"It's just a hybrid, and it's still a defiled hybrid!"

The man ruthlessly mocked, "Parker's bloodline has become increasingly dirty. As the fifth-generation patriarch, you should lead by example!"

"When she wakes up, I'll let her marry Olaf."

"Olav Barr?"

The man was slightly surprised. "That prince of the Barr family?"

"Yes, although I am a little blood race, I have a little friendship with Clark. As long as I say something, he should agree to the marriage.

"Okay, just drive this woman out of Parker's house."

"You talk too much, are you questioning the patriarch's order?"

"As an elder, I have the right to oversee you. Anyway, hurry up with this woman."

"Since it's an elder, let's resolve the werewolf invasion first."

Peter teased, "Or is your only ability to keep making noises in my ears?"

"Well, those beasts, my troops will solve them naturally."

The elder snorted, "I don't need you to remind me."

"Hurry up, or your position as the elder of the fortress will be lost."


The elder waved his hand and turned away from the basement.


Peter looked disdainful.

"Good girl, you can't die yet. After you are cleaned up, you will be my tool to marry the Barr family. Mastering the Barr family, my rights will naturally be more stable. The patriarch of the blood family should be terminated in my generation Now, I will live forever, maybe I will become a great blood god! "


A pair of eyes stared at the scene in secret, and closed as Peter walked away.

"So, am I starting?"

In the secret room of William's villa, he licked his lips, looked at Li Fan, and asked.

"Fuck, just **** blood, can't it be so weird?"

Li Fan couldn't help scolding.

"Yes, yes, I try to be as calm as possible."

William first analyzed, "You have at least the strength of the Duke. If I **** your blood, I might be a better one. Earl, if I slowly cultivate, it will take at least twenty years to reach this level. "

"Then you suck, let's get your strength up quickly."

Li Fan thought about it and replaced it with his left hand, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

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