1259 Old Castle

"William! Where are you, this filthy bastard!"

The next day, as soon as Li Fan was picked up by William, he heard a familiar roar from outside.

"Listen, people are here."

William laughed. "Mr. Lee, you stand by your side, posing as my blood slave."

Then, William passed the injection.

Li Fan nodded, everything was for Liu Xiaowan. He stood by the sofa and injected the injection into himself. William's blood took effect temporarily, and Li Fan felt that the sunlight outside was slightly dazzling, and accompanied by an inexplicable hunger.

William said that disguising blood slaves would temporarily have the same characteristics as blood races. Although he is not afraid of the sun and will not **** blood, he will have such a feeling out of thin air. If you say it hard, it can be expressed as an immersive simulation of the blood race.

Simulating bloodline ... Li Fan's mouth slightly raised, a little interesting.

He threw away the injection and stood by it like a sculpture. William picked up the tray and the fine wine and put it in Li Fan's hands. Since it is a blood slave, it is better to pretend to be a little bit.

The door of the villa was slammed open, Sam with a bald head, rushed in aggressively.

"William, are you fooling me?"

Sam came in and yelled, "Say that you got the head of Olba? How can you do this hybrid in only one day! If I found out that you were posing as someone else's head, I would twist your head Come down! "

He just looked at Li Fan and ignored it. The blood race has a natural reaction to blood slaves.

"Be calm and restless."

William didn't panic. He reached out and picked up a glass box from under the table and placed it on it.

As soon as Sam looked, his eyes straightened. Is it really Olba?

"how did you do it?"

Sam was about to come over and grab the head, but William lifted his feet and put it on the head.

"Sorry, Sam. I killed Olba, and I will leave it to the Grand Duke."

"Dirty guy, I think you're crazy!"

Sam was furious, and he waved his hand, threw out the red blood whip, and went straight to William. If it was William of the past, he would definitely be hurt by him. But today is different. William evolved in one day, and his power increased greatly.

As soon as William reached out, he grabbed the whip. Sam was so shocked that he didn't move his whip.

This Sam is just the strength of the Earl, and it is naturally helpless to face a marquise one level higher than himself.

"You ... when are you ..."

"Kneel down!"

As William dragged, Sam's body was stunned, and he knelt before him.

"I am a sixth-generation bloodline. You, the seventh-generation bloodline, saw me so rudely, do you not understand the rules?"

William was too angry to speak now, and Sam knelt there, not daring to say a word.

Both William and Liu Xiaowan belong to the sixth generation bloodline, because they are both born of the fifth generation bloodline. And Sam belongs to the seventh generation blood race, which is transformed by the sixth generation blood race, so it should be inferior to William in status. But in the Parker family, blood-sucking transformation is also very strict. The blood race can only marry the opposite **** of the blood race, and then give birth to a son and transform them. Sam is a son of pure six generations and other blood races. Although he was born earlier than William, his age is his age and cannot be changed.

"Sam, for so long, I have looked at the face of the family and didn't want to care about you. But you have become more and more excessive, and it has reached the point where I can't stand it."

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir ... sorry ..."

Sam knelt there, apologizing desperately.

"Now you talk about this person, who should I pay?"

"Nature is great for you!"

Sam hurriedly said, "I beg your hand, this is your credit!"

"Well, that's right. But it doesn't matter. I'm different from you. I'm a person who knows how to share. Come with me. Let's meet with the Grand Duke. I will give you credit for the information.

"Thank you so much! You are the best!"

Sam was grateful.

"Well, let's go, I don't want to delay too long."

William glanced at Li Fan's eyes, Mr. Li must feel anxious. I've dealt with it myself, it's time to start.

"My car is just outside."

Sam attentively said, "I will be your driver!"

"Good, let's go."

William let go of his whip and stood up.

He picked up a bottle of wine from the plate Li Fan had been holding, and said, "Come with me and serve me well."

"Yes, sir."

Li Fan obediently followed him, posing as a servant.

"Exactly, you are the driver!"

Sam ordered Li Fan.


William gave him a small mouth directly.

"He is my blood slave, what right do you have to command him?"

"Yes, sir, I'm wrong ..."

Sam hastened to apologize.

"Drive! Don't let me say it twice!"


Sam obediently went out to drive and William gave Li Fan a look.

"It's half done."

"Well, as long as I can enter Grand Duke Peter's fortress, I can find Xiaowan."

Li Fan's eyes did have an urgent light, "I worry that she will suffer from flesh."

"Well, we set off immediately."

Two people left the villa and a large American truck parked outside.

"Your sam ... the taste is quite unique ..."

Li Fan couldn't help muttering.

"He is still young, after all."

William laughed. "I'm only in his fifties. He's still a kid among the blood."

"Aren't you only thirty?"

"A different environment for growing up!"

William looked bitterly, "It's just my growing environment, just thirty, but it's like living a lifetime!"

"Okay, when you get to the truck, don't say anything, you were a little bit proud."

Li Fan reminded William.

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Li."

William bowed at him, "I respect you, but you do not understand the rules of the blood race. Among the blood race, the strong are the most respected. If I don't show the corresponding pride, he will not listen to me."

"Okay, I see."

Li Fan nodded, "Let's go, don't let the driver wait too long."

Two people sat in the big truck, and Li Fan found that it was quite spacious inside.

I heard that big trucks are also cultural in the United States, but Li Fan doesn't know much about this. He sits in the front row, next to Sam.

The car drove for about an hour, and Li Fan felt that they had left the city.

They seemed to have arrived in a mountainous area. Through the thick fog, Li Fan faintly saw the spire of an ancient castle.

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