My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1258: Everything is ready

1258 Everything is ready

"The Grand Duke can summon undead slaves!"

William said with a little envy, "The prince can become a true royal body! And the Queen said that she was extremely powerful and that night was coming! As long as the Queen is there, the blood is almost invincible!"

"It sounds amazing."

Li Fan nodded, knowing the capabilities of the bloodline. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one another is not enough! Even if Li Fan is strong, but there are people outside the sky, if you are too confident, you can easily be defeated!

"Show me your bullet time?"

"Well, how do you perform this ..."

William thought for a moment and pointed to the water glass beside Li Fan.

Li Fan felt some changes in sight, and then William was approaching him quickly. But he also has a bit of bullet time ability. It can be clearly seen that William is approaching himself quickly, and at the same time grabbing the cup next to him. William seemed confident and proud. At this time, Li Fan broke the William's chain with a lot of force, and took the first step and took the cup in his hand.


William took his steps and looked at the cup in Li Fan's hand inconceivably.

"Your bullet time is quite useful."

Li Fan took his cup and did not forget to exaggerate.


William was a little frustrated, but he also knew in his heart that Li Fan had deliberately killed him. He had to make himself aware that no matter how he evolved into an earl or a marquis, his own strength was still far below him.

Mr. Li is too strong. No wonder he is the guardian of Huaxia. Should he be the strongest man in Huaxia?

"Mr. Li ..."

William couldn't help but asked, "Are you the strongest in China?"

"This disappoints you, I really am not."

Li Fan shrugged. "Huaxia is better than me, there are still many."

"Huaxia is terrible ..."

William swallowed. "But it is full of mystery. I still want to meet these masters."

"Haha, not everyone speaks as well as I do."

Li Fan laughed, "Once a person's strength is too strong, it will be accompanied by the desire to rule."

"I believe this. This is the inferiority of human beings."

"Do n’t you blood races like that?"

"Okay ... at least the blood race now only wants to consolidate their living space."

"Well, you can take a good rest tonight. Tomorrow it's not good to have a war."

Li Fan was also tired. After coming to the United States, he was almost idle.

"Then you have a good rest, but it is not convenient to live here. I have arranged a five-star hotel for you."

"Okay, that will trouble you."

Li Fan, under William's arrangement, lived in a nearby luxury hotel.

William really did a good job, giving Li Fan a presidential set.

"Mr. Lee, this hotel is well equipped."

William narrowed his eyes at Li Fan. "You can find everything you want here."

"Ah? What do I want?"

Li Fan didn't understand.

"There are a lot of chicks on time."

William hehe laughed, "Every country has it, you can play it casually, and all the consumption comes from me."

"Forget it, I don't have that hobby."

There are all kinds of beauties in Li Fan's house, and he would not be interested in the game outside.

"You don't need to be shy, Mr. Li, when you get here, you are just like your own home!"

"I am not interested."

Li Fan reiterated.

"Um ... then, I understand ..."

William seemed to understand something. "Then take a good rest, and I'll prepare you properly."

"Well, you should go back to bed earlier."

Li Fan waved his hand, "I'm going to sleep too."

"Yes, yes, I understand I understand!"

William put a credit card on the table. "This card is for you. I will pay for your purchases here!"

"Thank you so much."

Li Fan did not object, he also helped William improve his strength, but this can not be exchanged for much money.

"Then I won't bother you to rest, I wish you a dream!"

"By the way, please help me order something to eat. I haven't eaten much in a day and I'm hungry."

"Well, wrap it on me!"

William finished, and went out with a smile.

Li Fan is not sleepy, he went to take a bath first. While in the bathroom, I heard the outside door was opened.

Maybe it ’s for food?

Li Fan muttered in his heart.

"Sir, are you taking a shower?"

Sure enough, someone started knocking on the bathroom door. Listen to the voice, it's a man.


Li Fan was applying a lotion to his body, and he answered.

"May I help you, sir?"

The man outside asked again, Li Fan began to mutter, is there a bathing service in this five-star hotel?

"No, I'll do it myself."

However, Li Fan is not very accustomed to scrubbing himself.

"Just leave it in the living room. I'll do the rest."

Li Fan rinsed again, then put on a pair of pants and walked out.

As a result, a handsome blond man sitting on the sofa in the living room was cutting his nose hair in front of a small mirror.


Li Fan looked at him and remained silent for a while.

"Sir, you're here."

This handsome little brother was wearing a leopard-print leather coat, showing a different kind of **** enchantment.

"How do you want to play, am I or you?"

Li Fan's forehead jumped.

"What do you mean ..."

"Isn't that the service Mr. Appointed,"

The handsome brother gave an air kiss to Li Fan, "You can rest assured that it is tight behind you to ensure that you are satisfied."

One minute later, the little blond brother with a blue and swollen face was thrown out of the room.

Li Fan called William and became furious.

"Oh ... Mr. Li ... I don't think you're interested in women ... I thought you were so masculine ..."

"Yes, I'm so masculine, but I don't care much for ordinary people. When you come, I will rot your chrysanthemums!"


William was subconsciously covering his buttocks over the phone.

"I, I'm not that good ..."

"Get out of the way, if I'm not a woman, can I like Liu Xiaowan? You are mentally retarded!"

"Well, that's the same ..."

William responded, "So I'll arrange two beautiful girls for you?"

"Roll the cub! I'm here to find Xiaowan, not to be a woman! If you make random arrangements, I will explode you chrysanthemum!"

"Yes, yes, I know, Mr. Li, then you can take a good rest, I won't bother!"

William also wanted to draw a few big mouths, how to forget this stubble. I did not see that Mr. Li, who was so capable, was so sympathetic to Liu Xiaowan.

"I'm so envious of Xiao Wan. There is such a man like it."

William sighed and put down the phone. Everything is ready for tomorrow.

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