My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1261: Re-evolving

1261 Evolved Again

"There are no challengers for hundreds of years. You are willing to challenge, but I find it a bit fun."

Archduke Peter grinned, "But you have to complete the task I entrusted to you first."

"You say."

As soon as William gritted his teeth, he said that with Mr. Li there, he could complete any task himself!

"I have received information that there will be a wave of werewolves to attack our castle tomorrow. At that time, you have sent me help, and I will allow you to challenge me.

"Okay! Let's just say it!"

William's eyes flashed.

Li Fan frowned, did he have to wait another day? He didn't want to wait.

"Mr. Li, wait another day. Tonight we live in the castle. You can search around and maybe you can find Liu Xiaowan."

William's voice sounded in Li Fan's mind, and it seemed to be his mental ability.

"Well, you can stay here. Rose, prepare a room for him."


A little old man next to him came over, with white hair, hanging down, a gloomy atmosphere, not like a housekeeper, but a night watchman.

"Master William, please here."

The old man reached out and asked, and William immediately followed him out, taking Li Fan, all the way to the second floor of the castle.

It's a little wet below, which makes Li Fan a little uncomfortable. However, in William's current state, it seems that he can only live here.

"Master William, this is your room."

Old housekeeper Rose led them to a very shabby room. This room is still a wooden door, there is only a wooden bed in it, and the surrounding walls are all stone, completely undecorated. At a glance Li Fan saw that the surrounding stones were still covered with mottled moss, but they added a little fresh color.

"If anything, just tell me."

After the old housekeeper Rose said that he was about to leave, William suddenly reached out and shouted at him.

"what's up?"

Rose showed a little impatience.

"I'm hungry. Get ready to eat."

William ordered.

"I see, you wait."

Rose turned and left, now only two of them live here, but only one bed.

"Well, Mr. Li's bed will do. I can just make up."

"No need, you sleep with you. I meditate and adjust my breath. I have to go out at night."

Li Fan was worried about Liu Xiaowan, she must not sleep well.

"This castle is like a maze, and I will show you the way by your side."

"It's not easy for two people to move together."

Li Fan has his considerations.

"Rest assured, our bloodlines have a special approach."

William said, sighing. A little black bat flew out of the darkness and landed on his shoulder.

"This is the ability that each of our blood races will have at the beginning, called the Eye of the Bat."

William pointed at the little bat, "I can see through it and see everything around me. By then, I will be in this room and let it follow you."

"This is pretty good."

Li Fan is a little surprised. Is there any way to do this!

"Master William, your meal is here."

The voice of the old housekeeper came from outside the door, and it was a bit low, as if his throat was broken.

"come in."

William sat on the bed, and Li Fan immediately stood beside him, motionless, waiting for the old housekeeper to come in.

The old butler pushed in, holding a tray with a cold bread in it and a glass of red wine.

"I'm leaving nothing."

The old housekeeper put things on the bedside table, and it seemed that he did not want to wait for William to tell him to walk very fast.

"Rose is also an old housekeeper, he has been there since I was born."

William said, "Although he is just an ordinary blood slave, he is affected by the family and looks down on mixed blood."

"It's no wonder that you will be treated like this."

Li Fan understands that this is a place where there is racial discrimination everywhere. Even an ordinary little blood slave would discriminate against a mixed-blood marquise like William, and even treated him coldly.

"Mr. Li, this is for you. Although it is a bit rude, you should be hungry."

"You don't eat?"

"Our bloodlines don't eat food."

William smiled. "The old butler also knows that I'm only going to eat for you."

"Yeah, I got it."

Li Fan nodded, he forgot about it, the blood races depended on blood to make a living. They don't need food to supplement their energy, so they don't need to eat.

"This wine should be some vintage."

William pushed the red wine lightly in front of Li Fan. "Although this bread is not good, the wine is good. The wine here is all in the cellar."

"Okay, thank you."

Li Fan feels that William is essentially good. Although the ambition is not small, the man is a bit ambitious and normal.

But Li Fan was also whispering in his heart, that the werewolves will attack here tomorrow, and Peter will leave the defense to William? Is he so relieved?

"William, are you sure you will deal with those werewolves tomorrow?"

"Unsure, isn't this you?"

William said shyly.


Li Fan was a little depressed. He stretched out his left hand. "Suck some blood, maybe you can evolve into a duke."

"This one……"

William laughed bitterly. "How can it be so easy."

"Then do you suck?"

"Suck, suck!"

William's head nodded. The boy carefully held Li Fan's arm again, as if looking at Treasure.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."


William opened his teeth and bite on Li Fan's wrist.

There was a slight tingling, followed by a sense of emptiness with blood loss.

There was red light in William's eyes, and then a little red light was released from his body. Li Fan didn't stop him this time and let him draw his own blood at will. Li Fan is now making blood very fast, and I am not afraid that William will take a bit more. He also wanted to test how much William would smoke and what step he would take.

Soon, William's face turned red. He pushed Li Fan's arm away, took two steps backwards, and sat on the bed with one butt.

The red light on his body was getting stronger and stronger, but the flush on his face faded, a little pale.

This time, William's wings bounced out again, tearing the clothes on his back and reaching out. Li Fan closed the door tightly, so that the movement here would not be noticed outside.

It seems that this buddy is going to evolve again. He has evolved twice in two days. He guesses he can't think of it.

"Mr. Li ... you are really strong ..."

William murmured, "I actually ... have evolved again ..."

"Of course, you were the pinnacle of the Marquis before, and it is not surprising to have evolved to the Duke now."

"You're right ... let me digest it ..."

William closed his eyes and began to feel his new power.

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