My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1262: Night castle

1262 Night Castle

William has improved his strength twice and officially entered the Duke level. Even among bloodlines, the Duke is rare.

"It's almost time."

Li Fan waited for a long time, and when William's face calmed down, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Okay, I'm ready, too."

William nodded, and tonight he would cooperate with Mr. Lee with all his strength. Mr. Li has helped himself too much, and if he doesn't help him once, then I'm really sorry.

Everyone is an ally. If he doesn't show his due value, I'm afraid he won't want to help himself. Allies like Mr. Li are definitely worth fighting for!

"I will communicate with Mr. Li mentally through the bat."

William gave Li Fan a reassuring look, "This time Mr. Li must be satisfied."

"Don't say that weird."

Li Fan rolled his eyes. "I went out. This night is an adventure in the castle."

Li Fan's words fell, and the sportswear on his body suddenly began to change color, and soon became black.

"Um, is your dress nanotechnology?"

William looked a little stunned.

"Well, why aren't you beautiful emperors?"


William shook his head, saying that China's current technology is a bit too bad, right? No wonder the US emperor wants to restrain Huaxia, if it let Huaxia grow up, it would be terrible.

Cooperating with Mr. Li now, can it be regarded as a tiger's hide seek?

But now is not the time to consider these things. Mr. Li has helped himself so much. He has given his heart to himself, and he cannot be sorry for others. For the first time, William met a friend who was willing to be sincere to himself.

No matter what happens in the future, first help Mr. Li find Liu Xiaowan back.

The old castle at night is very quiet. All the servants also fell asleep, and the corridor was empty and there was no one.

Li Fanmu was able to see at night, and was not worried about such an environment. But if you are a blood race, you can still find yourself. Ordinary blood races have the ability of night vision, and blood races above the earl have the ability to detect ultrasound.

He walked along the corridor of the castle, searching for Liu Xiaowan's breath as much as possible. Liu Xiaowan's breath is familiar to her, as long as she is nearby, she can be found.

William accompanied Li Fan and walked several times in the castle without finding Liu Xiaowan.

"Mr. Li, we almost walked through the castle."

William's bat spoke to Li Fan mentally.

"Have you gone all over?"

Li Fan is also a person who is proficient in spiritual power. He used spiritual power to talk to William, which surprised William again. This Mr. Li ... is hidden!

"Mr. Li, the only thing I haven't explored yet is the three underground floors of this castle."

William calmed down and said to Li Fan, "However, I have never been to these three floors."

"Then go and see."

Li Fan had no interest, but Liu Xiaowan was right in front of her, and Li Fan couldn't let go of her without finding her.

"Mr. Li, go forward, there is a small staircase, you can go down."

William gave a pointer, and Li Fan went to the designated position in the direction he gave. Sure enough, an insignificant small staircase was hidden here, and there was a gust of wind from below, not like a bunker, but like a tomb.

Li Fan thought for a while, this is the blood family's territory, there is a tomb hidden below, there is nothing abnormal. Although I don't know if Liu Xiaowan is really here, as long as there is a little hope, Li Fan will also try.

Li Fan's hand touched the stairs, and a coolness also spread out of Li Fan's palm, which struck his whole body in an instant.

So terrible cold, can you even feel cold? Li Fan's body has the properties of cold frost, plus the vitality protection, the general cold is not effective for him. But this cold air is obviously not normal.

This mysterious place, maybe Xiao Wan is really below.

Li Fan did not hesitate to hold the cold railing and walk down the stairs.

The bottom is deep, as if it leads to eighteen floors of hell. With patience, Li Fan crawled all the way down. For about five or six minutes, Li Fan finally came to the deepest place. He jumped off the stairs and stepped on the cold grass with his feet.

What kind of place is grass growing below?

Alas, my own words are a bit ambiguous.

Li Fan looked around. The space below was vast, as if it were another space. He narrowed his eyes, looked closely, and suddenly understood something.

"William, take a closer look. Doesn't this look like Dawn Castle?"


The small bat of William's incarnation also looked around for a while, "It's ... exactly the same as ...

Li Fan looked around, this is indeed a dark version of Dawn Castle. The surrounding scenery is exactly the same, except that there is no sun here.

"Is ... this is the night castle?"

"Dark castle, what do you mean?"

"I've heard of it and I've never seen it before. The Dawn Castle is just a superficial residence, but the real residence of the Parker family is a dark castle hidden below. I thought it was just a nonsense rumor. Is it really true? But how can there be such a huge space underground, how many years did it take to dig it up? "

"It should have been a huge underground cave or something like this."

Li Fan guessed, "The people of the Parker occupied this place, secretly built the castle, sealed the exit in some way, and then built a dawn castle on top of it to cover people's eyes."

"So much engineering, is it possible?"

William was a little unbelievable.

"Huaxia has many ancient tombs of kings, each of which is the same size."

Li Fan remembered the ancient emperor's tomb where Liao Jue was located.

"It's incredible ... Merlin's beard ..."

William kept admiring, and Li Fan secretly said that he was a blind guy.

"Since you found this place, maybe you can see Liu Xiaowan."

Li Fan stepped on the grass and walked towards the dark castle ahead.

In front of it is the gate of the dark castle, exactly like the castle of Dawn, with two stone gargoyles still sitting on the pillars on both sides. As soon as Li Fan approached, the two gargoyles opened their red eyes instantly and their eyes fell on him.

"Mr. Li, they're following you."

William's voice sounded in Li Fan's mind.

Just then, two gargoyles opened their wings at the same time, and they came alive instantly!

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