My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1263: Layers of levels

1263 levels

Two gargoyles instigate their wings at the same time, bringing a gust of wind, their eyes fell on Li Fan's body, protruding mouthfuls of fangs.

The two gargoyles snarled at Li Fan together.


The two sound waves pressed directly to Li Fan, with the sound of air explosion. Li Fan frowned. He turned to one side, and the whole man slipped out to avoid these two sound waves.

The ground was blasted, the turf was overturned, and the dirt was scattered everywhere.

"Mr. Li, please be careful."

William reminded Li Fan, "Although these gargoyles have eyes, they can't see people. They rely on sound waves to locate you. Their strongest weapon is this sound wave!"

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Li Fan stared at the two gargoyles, ready to deal with their attacks.

Two gargoyles flapped their wings and flew into the air. Two left and one right, ready to launch a pinch towards Li Fan.

Li Fan's eyes caught the movement of both of them. He moved left and right, and flickered away the impact of the two gargoyles with ease.

Although the gargoyle is extremely fast, the impact is like a thunder. But their attack methods were all seen by Li Fan.

No matter how the gargoyle hits, he can't rub Li Fan's horns.

"Primary Four Style · Dragon Gun!"

Li Fan said, he stretched out his hands, and the leaves on the ground began to dance, spinning continuously, flying into Li Fan's hands, condensing into a spear. The dragon sword, but the surrounding energy can not only gather a long sword, but also condense into other weapons.

A gargoyle has rushed in front of Li Fan, opened a big mouth of blood, and bite at Li Fan.

"Come down."

Li Fan held the big gun in both hands and stabbed directly.


The head of this gargoyle was pierced directly by Li Fan, and then nailed to the ground.

One gargoyle was killed, while the other gargoyle remained, but suddenly became violent.

Its body skyrocketed, from more than two meters to more than three meters. At the same time, it glowed with blood red light, and then stood there, snarling at Li Fan.

A red shock wave sprayed over Li Fan, crushing and tearing the dirt on the ground.

Li Fan held a gun spear in his long gun and picked it directly on the shock wave. This huge shock wave was even resolved by Li Fan's power!

Next, Li Fan stepped forward, poking a shot at its head, according to the still-stiff gargoyle, lifting it all up and throwing it into the air.

The body of the gargoyle fell down again, and Li Fan held a spear, pierced it again, and then fell to the ground. Li Fan added a foot, stepped on the gargoyle's chest, and broke it directly.


William fluttered beside him, flapping his wings, and the little bat's face seemed to be filled with speechlessness.

Li Fan's strength is too great.

Even if you want to deal with two vampires, it seems to take some effort. However, Li Fan managed to deal with it casually. The blood race does not have it! The blood race has its own way of fighting, but compared with Li Fan's skills, they have some pediatrics.

It seems that this is the martial artist.

"The janitor is resolved."

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, the spear formed by this leaf spread out immediately, and scattered all over the ground as if it had never existed.

"This ... Mr. Li ... Can you teach me martial arts?"

William hesitated for a long time before finally asking.


Li Fan did not refuse, "I will soon establish a school, and accept the disciples."

"Can foreigners do that?"

William was a little surprised. "But I heard, what are China's martial arts, do you see the portal?"

"It does, but it's different now."

Li Fanzhi in the Quartet, "Follow me, I will teach you."

"You are so good!"

William was terrified, "I must learn from you!"

"Okay, then I will teach you a few ways to use the chain method."

Li Fan can now be regarded as 18 martial arts, all proficient.

"I am looking forward!"

William is particularly pleased that he will become stronger as a result!

"Look into the castle at night, since it's all here."

Li Fan said, stepping on the grass and walking towards the dark castle.

It was a long step again, but this time, Li Fan jumped to the door a few times.

The gates of the castle at night were closed, and it seemed that he did not want outsiders to enter.

"These two iron gates have to be heavy, I'm afraid they can't get in."

William was a little disappointed. It seems that the night castle can only say goodbye to it today.

"You hid it, and you're not fit to show up next."

Li Fan reminded William.


"Fuck, just listen to me."


William patted his wings and got into Li Fan's pocket.


The bat secretly bit a small hole in Li Fan's pants pocket, and followed the hole to look at the outside world.

Li Fan stood in front of two large iron gates, his body swelled a few times, and he was deformed. Soon, Li Fan changed into another look, and he was a strong man with a height of one meter and nine meters.

Li Fan's hand was stuck on the iron gate, and then the air was sinking into Dantian, and the vital energy was continuously injected into the wrist.


As soon as Li Fan's wrist was forced, the iron door opened.

"But that's it."

There are many iron gates, I am afraid that a dozen big men cannot push them open. However, Li Fan alone pushed away easily, so that William, who saw all this through the small cave, was shocked.

The door was pushed open, and the red carpet was still in front of the hall. A throne lay on it, but it was empty. On both sides of the hall, rows of coffins were placed.

Before Li Fan had time to enter, the stone knight on the back steps suddenly moved. They shook the dust on their bodies, slowly raised the sword in their hands, and then came towards Li Fan.

"Mr. Li, I feel a terrible breath!"

William reminded Li Fan mentally.

"I already know."

Li Fan turned around and looked at the stone knights surrounded by him, expressionless.

"It's all those little babies blocking the door."

When talking, a stone knight had walked in front of Li Fan, and at the same time raised the big sword in his hand, raising it very high, and it was about to fall.

However, Li Fan did not dodge, but took a step forward, his shoulders rested heavily on the stone knight's chest.


This stone knight emits huge energy from the chest, and the whole is shattered!

The power on Li Fan's shoulders is like a bomb!

Li Fan's strength is here. These stone knights are really not a dish to him.

He was standing in front of the door, as if the same man was in charge, and nothing could be opened. No matter how many stone knights came over, they were crushed by Li Fan's fists.

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